Incomplete (Completed)

Chapter Awake


I sit with my dear Kody every day. I talk to him about what is happening in the pack and with Alester and his niece or nephew.

“Sades?” Brandon calls my name.

“What?” I ask back, not really in the mood to talk to anyone but my brother.

“It’s lunch time,” he says.

“I’m not hungry.” I told him.

“I know you aren’t but you need to eat for our cub.” he reminds me.

I sigh deeply. I know he is right but I don’t want to leave Kody. Brandon has had so much patience with me, we have literally had this conversation at every meal everyday.

“Come on baby girl, it’s only for half an hour.” he says, holding out his hand for me.



I struggle to open my eyes, they feel like they are being weighed down by bricks. When I get them open there is a bright light above me that makes my eyes hurt. I look around, where am I? There is a machine beside me beeping erratically and seems to match my heart rate. I close my eyes again and attempt to find a switch and turn off the blinding light before I attempt to open my eyes again.

When I crack them open again I find myself staring at a white ceiling.


I snap my head to the side to see who said that.

“Kody?” she says like she’s in shock.

I stare at her for a moment before I realize she is talking to me.

“Kody, are you alright?” she asked me.

I don’t even attempt to say anything at first, when I do it feels like I ate chalk, my mouth is so dry.

All of a sudden a man enters the room, “You called?” he says, “holy shit, Kody?” he smiles at me.

“Who are you?” I ask.

“Owen?” the woman questions him.

“We knew this was a possibility, Sadie.” he says gently.

“My own brother doesn’t remember me.” she sniffles.

“Who am I?” I ask.

They both turn and look at me before the woman looks at the man.

“Ok, it’s a bit worse than we thought,” he says.

The girl grabs a chair and sits next to me, “I am Sadie Matthews.” she points to the guy, “this guy is your doctor and you are my brother and my best friend.” she says tears falling from her eyes.

“Is there anything you do remember?” they both ask me.

“I don’t think so.” I tell them, “What happened to me?” I ask curiously.

“We can talk about that later, I am going to go and get you something more comfortable to wear.” She gets up and practically runs out of the room.

“Kody!” a different girl yells as she runs in the room and jumps on the bed. “We all missed you so much.” she says.

“Who are you?” I look at her inquisitively.

“You really don’t remember do you?”

I frown, “no”.

“I am your sister Tessa.” she says before hugging me tightly, “do you remember your boyfriend?” she asked me.

“I have a boyfriend?”

“Yes and he loves you so, so much.” she says in a dreamy tone.

“If he loves me then why isn’t he here?” I ask.

“Oh...uh well... He was taken from us shortly after you got hurt. We know where he is but it’s going to be a while before we can rescue him safely”.

Why would they have to rescue him? Isn’t there someone they can call to handle that kind of thing?

“Tessa?” someone else enters the room now, “Marcus is on the phone, things aren’t going well over there right now so maybe keep a lot of this to yourself.” he gives her a slightly grim expression.

“Maybe.” she says as she takes the phone from him.

The guy I was told is my doctor comes back in and asks that they give me some space. Everyone slowly files out but the first girl comes back in. She hands me a shirt that smells absolutely incredible, it smells of pine and rain.

“That is Alester’s shirt and some of your sweatpants”.

“Is Alester my boyfriend?” I ask her.

“Yeah, he misses you a lot and is trying very hard to get home to you”.

The doctor comes back in and kicks her out too, “come on Sadie, quit stalling you have to go anyway”.

“I know but he’s finally awake.” she pouts.

They walk out into the hallway but I can still hear them as if they are standing next to me.

“I will look after him. We don’t want to overwhelm him.” he says to her before I hear them walking away.

I sigh before I roll to my side and try to get some sleep.

When I wake up a few hours later I am covered in a cold sweat, my heart feels like it’s going to burst through my chest and my back is in indescribable pain.

I press the call button and the doctor from earlier comes running in.

“Is everything ok?” he asks.

“My back hurts, it hurts so bad.” I say trying to hold back my tears.

He tells me to roll to my side and I do, he lifts my shirt, “Oh Goddess this isn’t good. Kody I am going to give you some morphine and clean this up”.

Less than a moment later a woman walks, “here’s the stuff you wanted.” she says.

“Vivian can you help me clean up his back, it’s really bad”.

“Sure, let’s just give him a little sedative so he can rest while we work.” she says.

That is the last thing I hear before my world goes dark.


“How are you feeling my little Luna?” I ask Kylah.

“Pissed the hell off!” she yells, “I want to kill him”.

“I know, my love, and we will.” I told her.

After everything he has done he deserves to die. Kylah is in the infirmary healing from our dinner party fiasco. Les took one look at our marks and accused us of lying. He took her from me and shredded up her back. I was too slow to stop him from hurting her but I still rearranged his face and severed his vocal cords so it should take a while to heal. An added bonus to that was I don’t have to listen to him blather on about how my little wolf is a disgrace.

“Little Luna, Marcus was able to get me news about our little wolf.” I told her.

“Is he alright?”

“He woke up from the coma yesterday but he doesn’t seem to remember anything”.

“Oh... maybe we can send some stuff home for him?”

“I love how you talk about it being our home together and you haven’t even been there yet.” I smile.

“Liv and I know he is our mate and we want to be with you”.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Marcus says as he enters the room.

“Sadie’s stealth lessons really paid off for you”.

“I know, you almost never hear me anymore.” he says happily.

“Yeah but I smelled you from down the hall.” I laugh.

“I am going to sneak out in a while. You should write Kody a letter, both of you.” he says.

“Thanks Marcus, could you possibly take my pillow with you so he has something of mine?” Kylah asks.

“Sure, I’m leaving at eleven so don’t take too long”.

I leave with Marcus so I can grab some paper and some pens. What do you write to someone you love that doesn’t remember who you are?

"Tell him we are sorry we aren’t there and that we love and miss him. Tell him we hope we can find our way back to him and the love we share." Lex links.

"That was a rhetorical question." I link back.

"And you should know by now that when I am around there is no such thing as a rhetorical question“.

"I don’t need your help but thanks anyway“.

After about an hour of struggling with myself about what to say to the man I love I end up just writing what I wish I could say in the moment. I think Kylah’s was easier since she hasn’t actually met him. It’s almost like he hasn’t met me either...

“Ok you guys, I’m heading out now.” Marcus says.

“Thanks Marcus, say hi to Tessa for me.” I told him.

With that he takes the stuff and sneaks off into the night.

“How much longer do we need to wait?” my little Luna asks.

“Not much longer, I hope”.

“He needs us more than ever now.” she says.

I hold her while she composes herself, “I know little Luna, I know”.

A little while later the pack doctor comes in to tell us that Kylah is good to go back to our room. I was glad to hear that so I picked her up and carried her back to our temporary bed.




“Kody, hun?” Tessa whispers.

“What is it?” I ask her.

“It’s lunch time and I have a few things for you from Alester.” she says excitedly.

She hands me a bag, it’s huge. I see a pillow inside and pull it out, the smell emanating from it is absolutely amazing.


“AHHHH!” I grip the side of my head because it feels like its going to split in two.

“Kody!” Tess sounds concerned, “are you ok?”

“It... hurts”.

“Kody!” she yells.

My body feels like it’s breaking, the pain is so bad I start to see black dots in my field of vision before everything goes black.


I don’t know how long it has been but when I open my eyes I see Sadie sitting next to me. She is playing with my hair when she notices I’m awake.

"Kody?” she says but I didn’t see her lips move.

I tried to respond but I whined.

"I know you’re probably scared and confused but everything will be ok, just relax“.

Something catches my attention and when I turn to look I see a fucking wolf starring back at me.

"Be calm, we are ok“.

"Wh-what’s happening, who are you, who am I?"

"You are a wolf shifter and I am your wolf. We were hurt very badly when we were young and the people responsible did something that took me away from you.”

“This is fucking crazy”.

“Kody, I never thought I would get back to you. What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything, I got a gift from the guy people tell me is my boyfriend and then I blacked out and now I’m here looking at a wolf”.

“The man they said is your boyfriend is probably our mate”.

“That can’t be right though, the shirt was his, the pillow smells different”.

“They both smell like mate’s”.

“What is a mate exactly?”

“The wolf that was made for us, the second half of our soul”.

“No, this is too much, this is insanity”.

I guess I end up taking over because the next thing I know I’m running through the house and out the front doors. I run and run not looking back or stopping even when I can hear Sadie behind me yelling.

After about an hour and a half I found an almost invisible barrier.

"That’s the pack border. It’s dangerous to leave, we could die“.

"How can we stay? we are monsters“.

"No we aren’t. Everyone here is just like us“.

"They are?"

"Yes, I can hear Sadie coming, please go home with her. She can help us, I promise“.

The pain I felt before, returns and I... we howl in pain before I collapse on the ground naked and crying.

“Kody!” Sadie yells.

She jumps from the ATV she was driving and rushes over to me with a pair of shorts, a blanket and a syringe of something.

“Ow!” I yell when she sticks me with it.

“Sorry sweetie. I just gave you some pain meds. You have never shifted before.” she says in a comforting tone.

“Oh.” I say and a moment later the pain is gone, that was some good stuff.

She looks at me and smiles, “your wolf is beautiful, what’s his name?” she asks.

“I... I don’t know”.

"Cage, my name is Cage“.

“Cage, I guess. Can he just talk to me whenever?” I ask.

“We all kind of can. I’ll help you learn to put up barriers so you don’t get overwhelmed.” she smiles at me and helps me into the ATV so we can go home.

Once we arrive back at the house we head back to my room. Sadie looks around awkwardly like she wants to ask me something but doesn’t want to pry.

“What is it?” I ask her.

“Tessa said your change happened right after you opened the bag and took out the pillow, what happened?”

“I don’t really know. I heard a voice in my head that said ‘mate’ and then the pain happened and when I came to you were beside me”.

“That doesn’t make sense, you only get one mate.” she says.

“Kody is special.” another voice says.

Sadie and I both jump as a short feisty looking blonde lady walks into the room.

“Moon Goddess!” Sadie says, “you nearly gave me a heart attack”.

“Moon Goddess?” I ask.

The Moon Goddess lady doesn’t explain but Sadie links me and says she will explain later.

“Sorry my dear, this is going better than I could have hoped.” she says excitedly.

“What’s going better?”

“Well, I didn’t count on your coma or memory loss. I didn’t count on Alester being taken but because of that he’s met her and will bring her to you. Then my incomplete triad will finally be complete. I’m so excited.” she claps like a very excited child.

“Wait?” Sadie stops her. “you knew this whole time he had another mate?”

“Of course I did.” she feigns insult, I picked Alester and her to have Kody as their Alpha.

“Wow.” Sadie says, “now I am super jealous”.

“Oh don’t be ridiculous you have never wanted anyone but Brandon.” the Moon Goddess replies.

“True, but I can pretend.” she laughs.

The Goddess rambles on for a few more minutes about how wonderful it is that things are finally changing. She then tells me that there is still stuff in the bag from my mates.

“Sadie dear, you should look after that cub and go eat something, Kody you should read those letters. I will come back soon to see you”.

And just like that the blonde lady left and I opened the bag again. There were letters inside, so I opened them and started reading.

Dear Kody,

Alester has told me a lot about you. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and call you my mate. I am not sure you know what that means yet but I hope if you don’t Alester and I can show you. Your wonderful scent has been committed to my memory and I hope mine is now committed to yours. I can’t wait to see you and love you.

Love Kylah,

You’re little Luna.

I opened the second one.

Little Wolf,

I miss you so much. Tessa was able to get a message to me and said you don’t remember anything. I’m so, so sorry I couldn’t help you when you needed me and that I wasn’t there when you woke up. I wanted to be but things happened that I couldn’t control. I love you Little Wolf, more than you possibly know. I can’t wait to be home with you and our Little Luna.

Love always,


Little Wolf... It sparks something inside of me. I swear I can hear him say “Little Wolf” and it gives me chills.

After I read the letters again Sadie introduced me to Alpha Zane and his mate Luna Tracy. From what I understand Tracy is Alester’s mom but Zane is not his father.... They said it was a long story so I let them leave it at that. Tracy seemed to be struggling with Alester being gone which isn’t good for her or the babies she’s carrying.

I wish I could remember all these people. It’s weird not knowing who you are or where you come from. Your family or friends. Tessa and Sadie told me not to worry about it, that I’d wished in the past to forget but they won’t tell me what I wanted to forget so how do I know? I guess I just have to trust that they know.

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