In Your Wildest Dreams (Wildcat Hockey Book 4)

In Your Wildest Dreams: Chapter 22

Everly stays the night, and the next morning she folds the clothes in my donation pile from my closet cleanout. “I didn’t get a chance last night to ask you about New Year’s Eve.”

“What about it?” I’m busy hanging up all the keep items, coordinating by season and color.

“Ash told me that he asked you to come to Jack’s party. But you haven’t mentioned it. So, you’re either not going or holding out on me.”

“I’m not holding out on you.”

“I figured.” She smiles. “Why aren’t you going?”

“I won’t be back. I had planned to stay here until the second, remember?”

“Because you’re having such a great time avoiding your parents?”

I glare at her from across the room.

“Look, I totally get it. I have my own tricky relationship with my parents, but if things are weird, why aren’t you jumping at the chance to head back a couple of days early, hang with me, and kiss a cute boy at midnight?”

I won’t lie, the thought of kissing Ash again does funny things to my stomach.

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea.” No, scratch that, I know it isn’t a good idea.

“Why not?”

“He works with my psycho ex.”

“Who you broke up with.”

“Regardless, it’s messy.”

“Life is messy.”

“And then there’s you.”

“Me?” She looks absolutely horrified. “There is nothing going on between me and Ash. I swear to you.”

“No. I know. I believe you. But he’s a big part of your life and if things were to go bad between me and him…”

“You think that if things with you and Ash don’t work out, I’d take his side and stop being friends with you?”

“I wouldn’t even blame you. We’ve only known each other for a short time. You and Ash have history.”

“Okay. I’m not saying that there wouldn’t be some situations that’d be tricky if you two hated each other or something, but I’m not going to stop being friends with you over something like that. You’re stuck with me. I promise, okay?”

I nod and swallow down the lump in my throat. I want to believe her. Everly has been so lovely to me, but I know her connection with Ash is stronger.

She stands and comes over to hug me. “So will you come back with me or are we going to have to organize our bookshelves over FaceTime tonight?”

“I actually should organize my bookshelf.” I glance over at it. It’s full of mostly books I read in middle school and didn’t want to part with. I should probably donate them at this point. “But yes, I will come.”

“Yay.” She jumps up and down in front of me. “Jack’s parties are huge. Ahhh! We’re going to have so much fun.”

On New Year’s Eve, Everly and I watch the Wildcats game in our living room while getting ready. Grace calls from Hawaii to give us input on our outfits and catch us up on all the fun things she’s been doing on vacation. She comes back tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see her. It’s really nice having friends again.

Every time Ash comes on the screen, my stomach flutters with nerves. Our texting slowed the past few days. After his short Christmas break, the team had two games on the road. Yesterday they were off, but I spent it with Everly shopping for dresses.

I keep telling myself that it’s just a party. He’ll be there, I’ll be there, but so will a bunch of other people, so there’s no reason to get all freaked out like it’s a date.

But when Everly and I walk into the party, that all goes to hell. Ash is standing in the living room. He sees us immediately and his blue eyes widen as he walks over to greet us.

“Fucking hell,” he mutters, stopping in front of me. He slowly brings his stare up to my face. “My heart just stopped for a second. I forgot how gorgeous you are. Damn, it’s good to see you.”

He wraps me in a quick hug, then pulls back and continues to look at me in disbelief.

“Congrats on the game.” Everly breaks the tension while holding back a laugh at Ash’s stunned stare still on me.

He clears his throat and then steps over to hug her too. “Thanks, Little Sharpie.”

“Who needs a drink?” Everly asks.

Ash’s gaze flicks to me and he blows out a breath that makes his cheeks puff out. “Can I have a second with Bridget?”

The smile Everly was fighting stretches across her face. “Yeah. I see Ty. I’m going to congratulate him and then pick out a cute boy to kiss at midnight.”

“Gonna pretend I didn’t hear that last part,” Ash says with one brow quirked.

“Oh, please. I kiss boys. Get over it.” Ev waves her fingers at me and then disappears into the crowd of people standing around Jack’s living room.

The atmosphere between me and Ash shifts as soon as we’re alone. I’m a bundle of nerves. I twist the ring on my first finger around and around.

He looks too good to be real in jeans and a black sweater. His hair is still slightly damp and he has on cologne that is warm and spicy.

I like him. I’ve always been attracted to him, but the texting over break made me realize it’s more than just a crush on a super-hot guy. He makes me feel excited and hopeful in a way that I haven’t been since Gabe, and wasn’t sure I’d ever feel again.

Maybe he was right. It doesn’t have to be complicated. We can hang out and kiss and keep things casual. I could use some no strings attached fun. And this way there’s nothing to get back to Gabe and no reason that it’ll be weird between me and Everly when it’s over. We’ll be like him and Grace. They had a moment, or an almost moment, and they can be around each other with no problem.

I’m going over it and over it, solidifying it all in my mind, that I only realize Ash is pulling me away from the party when he steps into a dark room and closes the door behind us.

Ash backs me up against the wall and rests a hand above me. “Hey.”

“Hi,” I say a little too brightly. Did it suddenly get very warm in here? “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. I just couldn’t go another second without doing this.” His hand drops to the nape of my neck and he pulls me toward him.

His mouth covers mine and his fingers splay out over my collarbone. Unlike last time, there’s no hesitation. He kisses me like he’s done it a thousand times before and like he can’t get enough. It’s an intoxicating combination.

He pulls back too soon and rests his forehead against mine. “I’ve been thinking about that for ten days.”

“You and your math-ing.”

The backs of his fingers glide over my skin next to the strap of my pink dress. “I’ve got a whole lot more math I’d like to do, but eventually I think Ev would come looking for you.”

“Probably so.”

“Ready to meet some people?”

I don’t feel nearly as certain as the definitive nod I give him.

Ash leads me back out to the party. The massive house is filled with people, many I recognize but a lot I don’t. Everyone knows Ash. People call out to him—guys and girls. He waves or offers a head tip in acknowledgment, but he doesn’t stop until we reach the kitchen.

Everly is in here talking to Piper and some of the other players’ wives. She gives me a knowing look but doesn’t interrupt as Ash leans down and asks me what I want to drink.

I go with a hard seltzer and Ash gets himself a beer.

The man of the house walks in as we’re taking our first sips. I don’t miss the way he takes me in standing next to his friend before settling his attention on Ash. “We need one more for darts, you in?” He smiles at me. “Good to see you again, Bridget.”

“You too. Your house is beautiful.”

“Thanks.” He opens a cabinet and pulls down a bottle of whiskey.

“Breaking out the good stuff?” Ash asks. “Good or bad night?”

“That remains to be seen.”

Ash gets a weird expression on his face. “Everything all right?”

“Just peachy.”

“Where’s Meredith?”

Jack’s gaze moves past us. “She and Kennedy are coming later.”

When Ash doesn’t reply, Jack asks, “You cool with that? I invited her before…” His gaze flicks to me and back to Ash.

“Yeah, of course.” Ash plays it off, but the two guys are having a stare down, silently communicating something.

I look away to give them privacy, but a second later, Jack is saying he needs to get back to darts, and Ash and I are alone.

“I’m sorry about that,” Ash says.

“About what?”

He grimaces like he isn’t sure what to say. “Jack and his girlfriend Meredith tried to set me up with Meredith’s friend, Kennedy. She’s going to be here later.”

“Oh. Is that weird?”

“No. We only hung out once, nothing happened.”

I laugh a little at the bizarre conversation. Of course, Ash has dated other women. He’s young and hot and charming. “It’s okay.”

“Are you sure? I feel kind of like a dick now. I didn’t think about her being here.”

“It’s absolutely fine. You’ve dated other people. I’ve dated other people. We’re not even together. We’re just…whatever. We’ve kissed twice. I don’t have any claim over you and even if I did, I wouldn’t care.”

Maybe it isn’t the same thing as Gabe keeping me from hanging with my friends because he was jealous, but it’s too close to ever be something I’d ask of someone.

He wears an amused expression as I finish talking. I take a large gulp of my drink to keep myself from rambling on any longer.

“It’d be okay if you wanted to have a little claim over me.” He winks, then rests a hand on my lower back. “Come on. I want to introduce you to some more people.”

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