In Your Wildest Dreams (Wildcat Hockey Book 4)

In Your Wildest Dreams: Chapter 20


Good morning. Did you get drunk and accidentally copy and paste all of Google to me?


Afternoon, sunshine. I did not get drunk and copy Google. At least not ALL of it. I was thinking about what you said, how I don’t know that much about you. So I found a few questions to help with that.


A few. This looks like more than a few.


Thirty-six. And there’s a lot I don’t know about you.


You want me to answer all these now? I haven’t even had coffee yet.


Thirty-six questions in twelve days, that’s only three a day. And I’ll answer too.


Your math skills continue to impress me.

Chuckling, I glance up from my phone to find Leo watching me with an amused expression.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing.” He holds Callum on his lap. The little guy is wearing a snowman onesie and it’s just about the most adorable thing ever, even if he has drool hanging from his tiny little lips. “You’ve just got this big smile on your face. Which is surprising since practice this morning was shit.”

The smile drops from my face. “It was brutal. I thought Coach’s eyes were going to bug out of his head.”

“He’s feeling the pressure. I overheard him talking to Jim yesterday. They want to make some more changes in the new year.”

“What kind of changes?” Panic squeezes my chest.

“As far as I know, your name hasn’t come up. My guess is they’ll send a couple of the rookies down and try to grab someone after the trade freeze.”

The trade freeze keeps teams from making any changes during the Christmas holiday. So at least for another week I can relax.

My four-year contract with the Wildcats ends after the season is over. When I signed it, my agent didn’t think a long contract was the way to go because my value would likely go up as I got more experience. He was right about that, but something I didn’t foresee was how much the team would mean to me.

All the teams I’ve been a part of have meant something. I spent four years in Vermont going to college and playing hockey. From there, I went to New Jersey for two years, then a year in Pittsburgh before I was traded to the Wildcats. I didn’t care where I went, I just wanted to play hockey as long as I could. I thought it’d always be like that, at least until I got married and had kids. That all seemed so far away and not like something I needed to worry about.

Which is why I didn’t balk at not having a no-trade clause in my contract. Instead, I have a limited trade clause that specifies which teams I cannot be traded to. It’s not a long list, just eight teams based mostly on location.

I had no idea how much I’d grow to love the Wildcat organization. How it would feel more like family and home than anywhere I’ve ever played before. Anywhere I’ve lived period. I don’t want to go anywhere else. I don’t want to start over with new guys. Even if my career was over tomorrow, I’d want to be right here.

“How’s Bridget?” My buddy glances at the phone still in my hand.

“Good. Sleeping in, enjoying break.”

“I remember those days,” he says with a smile. “When does she get back?”

“Not until after the new year. If I’m even still here.”

“I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“I’m still not back to where I was.” I sink back into the couch cushions.

“Is the shoulder bothering you?”

“No, not at all. But I’m out of sorts since Coach moved me to the second line. Now he’s talking about putting me at center.” Coach Miller loves to mix things up, especially when we’re struggling. I never minded it until now.

“No matter where you play, you’ll make a difference. You had a month off, give it time.”

Time that I might not have. The truth is I’m not Leo or Jack or even Declan. They all make up crucial components of the team. Jack is a leader through and through. He looks out for everyone and he’s been one of the top scorers for the team every year I’ve been here.

Leo is quieter than Jack, but he’s the guy people go to when Jack is unavailable. Plus, he’s got this uncanny ability to jump from line to line and mesh with players of all caliber and game style. He’s a difference maker.

And Declan is our top defender. Maybe the top defender in all the league.

I’m not minimizing my contribution. I work fucking hard, and I put up good numbers every year, but the league is full of guys like me.

“So…” My buddy grins at me. “You really like this girl, huh?”

A chuckle slips from my mouth at his not-so-smooth change of topic. “Yeah, I do.”

“And Gabe? Do you really think he’d try something dirty if he knew you two were talking?”

“I don’t know, but he doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Nothing. Bridget and I are just getting to know each other. It isn’t like we’re going out and flaunting it in his face. You don’t need to worry.”

“I’m not,” he says. “We’ve all got your back.”

“I appreciate it, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

My phone pings with a text as I’m walking back to my house from Leo’s.


Knocking out an easy one before I force myself to get out of bed and do something productive. I’m a Virgo. My birthday is September 3. You?

I don’t hate the image that I have of her lying in bed, smiling at the screen while she texts me.


Aries. March 26. What are your plans for your first day of vacation?


Showering, eating, watching many hours of TV. Not necessarily in that order.


Wow. Busy day. You’re making me look bad. I’ll probably only get in one or two hours of TV time today.


Total slacker.


What are you going to watch?


I don’t know. It’s been a while since I watched anything. Speaking of… question two for the day: I don’t have a favorite TV show because I rarely have time to watch anything during the semester. You?


Ted Lasso. Hands down. It’s ruined me.


Never watched it.


Unacceptable. Not sure I can associate with someone with such bad taste in TV.


Hmmm. I should probably be offended but I’m just so relieved I don’t have to answer the rest of these questions.




Watch it. Episode one at least. Then report back.

I don’t hear back from Bridget while I pack and get ready for our game in California. But I go through my normal routine, trying to find some calm and rest up. I need to have a good game. If nothing else, it’ll be peace of mind that I’ve done all I can. Teams will always make the best decision for themselves, so I just need to keep proving that the best place for me is right here where I am.

We leave late this afternoon for a one-night trip, playing tomorrow and then back. I fly out to Boston hours after we return so I make sure I have everything packed for that trip too.

By the time I step onto the team jet, I’m feeling relaxed and ready to go. I take my normal seat next to Leo. He’s got his headphones on so I give him a nod and take out my phone and place it along with my coffee on the table in front of me.

The missed text notification catches my eye and I unlock the screen.


I just finished season one. I haven’t moved in five hours. Honestly I was prepared to hate it. Why is it so good?


And to think you doubted me. Season two is even better.


I’m skeptical, but plan to find out right after I shower and feed myself.

I’m tapping out a reply when my gaze snags on the people stepping onto the jet. My stomach drops. No fucking way. Gabe scans the jet before dropping his bag onto the seat at the front across from Jim. The last assistant GM rarely traveled with the team. What the hell is he doing here?

As if he can feel me glaring at him, he looks my way and juts his chin toward me. A hint of a smirk plays on his lips, but his eyes are filled with loathing.

I refuse to be the first to break eye contact. So what if I kissed his ex-girlfriend or was just texting her. There’s no way he could know that or should even care. The only thing he needs to worry about is my performance on the ice.

I need to make sure I’m playing the best I can. The rest doesn’t concern him.

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