Imperium: Volume 2

Chapter 8.

June's P.O.V.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Said the voice entering the room.

I slowly opened my eyes, and woke up to Rowen walking towards me in the infirmary. The lights were bright as hell, and my head was killing me but overall my body pain was subsiding which, I took as a good sign.

"How are you feeling today June?" He asked.

"I feel ok, but my head is killing me." My eyes were squinting at this point trying to clear up the images in the room. He quickly went over and dimmed the lights for me.

"Is that better?" He asked.

"Yes thank you." I readjusted the blankets on my body, and sat up to an upright position so I could better talk with him.

It has been a week now since........Delta and I've been cooped up here since then with close monitoring from Rowen and the others. I needed the rest but, from the sounds of it, I was going to be on bed rest for a while longer. Which was fine, but I was getting real fucking bored.

"I'll give you something for the headache." Rowen said. "There doesn't seem to be anymore blood in your urine, which is good and your blood cell count is getting higher, which means any internal bleeding looks to have stopped."

He gave me a stern look.

"Now with that can't leave....and no you can't go on any missions or use your abilities just yet."

"Ugh! Rowen your killing me!" I blurted out.

"Well, killed me" He gave me a grin.

"Oh ha...ha...very funny. Well can I at least go to my room and rest, or is that to soon?" I really wanted to go and sleep in my own bed.

"Give it another day June, then we will see." He replied.

You suck. "Ok." I replied.

Knock knock~

I looked over to see Sarah at the door.

"Morning!" She said as she walked in.

I noticed her give a small glance over to Rowen who was facing away from us at the moment and saw a blush canvas her cheeks.

She knew I noticed and quickly started up the conversation.

"H....How are you feeling today Juniper?" She asked.

I gave her a 'what the hell kind of look' as she said my full name. She just smiled. Even Rowen slightly turned to her saying that and had a small grin.

"I'm fine!" I said through gritted teeth.

"How are you doing these days?" I asked.

"I'm ok, just trying to keep busy. You know helping around as much as I can." •~ I have to tell you something•~

I tuned in as she was trying to telepathically talk to me, while keeping up with the regular conversation. I sat up more to let her know I understood what she was doing. Rowen was still facing away scribbling on a chart.

"And the new recruits are coming tomorrow so" •~ I've been listening in on everybody since your attack at the last compound. Jay asked me to keep it quiet as not everyone knows I'm a telepath, but I havnt been able to detect anything yet•~ "and of course Raeve asked me to check up on you while he's gone to see Harry."

"I see." I took her hand, and squeezed it to let her know I got it all.

"Any news on the new recruits? They probably had quite a journey to get here."

Any recruits that finished training with my father, had just over a week of travel. They did it in small groups and tried to pass themselves as a travelling camp. That is until they came here.

I looked at her, and the look on her face had changed from happy to almost regret.

Hey...I shook her hand....."whats wrong?"

I even saw Rowen hesitate and from the look of it, he was just scribbling nonsense on the paper and had one ear slightly turned towards us.

"Nothing." She said.

"Hey....just tell me......what ever it is, it can't be that bad." I ensured her.

"I heard Cam was going to arrive with the recruites tomorrow, and Im not sure if I should just take off for a bit, or just deal with it." She started to talk lower, so Rowen couldn't hear.

So I did the same.

"It's been almost two months since you left, is it really that bad between you two?"

"It didn't end well. After Midnight happened, he just got overwhelmed with the fast pace of it all. Everything took off so fast since then and.....I don't know he just wasn't his usual self. He even blocked me out. Which wasn't anything new, but....."

She went quiet.

•~ I didn't tell anyone but, he started getting.... physical•~

"What!?" I accidently yelled outloud.

She gave me that look to keep it between us. She even looked at Rowen to make sure he was facing the other way.

•~ That's why I had to leave. One night....he pushed me up against the wall while we had a fight and, I had to leave. I honestly don't know what happened. I started training with your dad, and even Harry wanted to put me to use....and I'm not sure if that aggravated him or if it was jealousy....I don't know•~

She looked defeated and I know for a fact since her being here, her confidence and ability to work under stressfull circumstances and for the cause had changed her exponentially.

I squeezed her hand again and gave her a smile.

" aren't the same Sarah I knew back at base.......your more bad ass then ever. If anything, I know you can kick his ass ok? So don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you."

"I know." She smiled and gave a small chuckle.

I could see Rowens back slowly lose tension, as he took a deep breath in. He started working his way around the room, sorting through medicines and papers.

I looked back to Sarah, who had glanced over to him then back to me with a smile.

"I should get going, Jay is calling me." As she tapped her finger to her head.

"I'll come see you later, I can bring some lunch if your alright with that?" She asked.

"Sounds good.' I replied.

She got up and gave me a smile before heading towards the exit. She then turned back around.

"Bye Rowen." She said with a flirty tone.

We could hear Rowen clear his throat before he turned around.

"Bye Sarah." He said.

She gave him a smile and then a wink to me before leaving.

Rowen then made his way over to me, to replace the I.V. fluids. I could see the redness flush his cheeks aswell and couldn't help but smile. He looked at me and noticed.

"W....what?" He asked.

"Oh....nothing." I said with a smile.

He quickly cleared his throat and returned to the chart that he scribbled nonsense on.

"What did you write there?" I asked him fully aware that it was jibberish.

"N....nothing." He quickly ripped it off the chart and crumbled it to a ball before shoving it in his pocket.

"M'hmmm." I murmurred with a smile on my face.

It was painfully silent for the next bit as he hovered over me, reading the monitor. I waited patiently for the question to pop up.

"So who's Cam?" He asked.

And there it was!

"An ex." I quickly answered.

"Oh...I see. And is there anything we should be worried about?" He asked intently, while checking my vitals.

"I don't think so." I said unsurely, but the Cam I knew was caring and would do anything for that puppy love. From what Sarah is telling me, I'm not sure how he was now.

"She'll be fine Rowen. She's strong." I confirmed.

He just looked at me, and couldn't shake off the concerned look he had in his eyes. He smiled however and went back to his chart.

"Give me one more day in here June, and then you can go on bed rest in your own room. You can even walk about and work your way around, but don't release any energy until you are feeling 100%. Understand." He asked.

I sighed. "Sounds good doc."

I laid back down, and rolled over to my side as Rowen turned the lights off and started to make his way out.

"Rowen?" I spoke out


"Just keep an eye out on Sarah for me will ya?" I asked.

He grinned and nodded. I will.

I felt the heaviness of my eyes close, and I let the calming darkness take me.


"Jeez Raeve, what are ya doing to me?" I yelped as I fell forwards.

"Sorry babe." Raeve said as he grabbed a hold of me again.

It was the following day and after a full day of rest, Rowen let Raeve take me back to our room. It was a bit of a walk, and my legs felt heavy, so Raeve was helping me get there.

It felt forever till we got back to the room, and I was completely exhausted. Raeve picked me up and carried me to the bed, and gently laid me down.

"Is there anything I can get you?" He asked.

"Yes. You can put this.." I placed my finger along his lips..and you can put them here...then traced my lips with my finger.

He smiled. "I think we can arrange that." He then put his lips to mine ever so gently, I almost didn't feel them.


"Yes". he replied.

"I'm not going to break." I said to him grinning.

He put his lips to mine again and this time he rolled into bed with me, and we let the tension and stress slip away. We then laid there with eachother and just took in each others eyes before the exhaustion took me again.

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