Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 7.

We walked till dusk, and ended up finding an abandoned cottage along the way. It was tiny in size but had a full rain barrel and a bed for one. While Raeve left to collect some fire wood, I at least got rid of the cobwebs that covered the small room top to bottom. Once I felt the room was critter free, I set my pack on the bed and removed the contents, to see what I had left for snacks.

I removed the clothing that Alice had done up for me, and as I laid them out on the bed, I heard something fall to the floor. I picked it up realising it was a bar of soap, she must have snuck in there. I just looked at it, held it up to my nose and took a deep breath of the lavendar scent.

I closed my eyes as I let the fragrance fill up my lungs.

~ Noooooooo! ~

A sudden image of her scream, echoed through my mind, causing a sharp pain in my chest. I could practically hear the gun shot, and the image of the soldier shooting her in the back of the head kept replaying like a broken record.

I started to hyperventilate and quickly threw myself outside against the side of the cottage to get some air.


I could feel the tears building up, and the energy surging rapidly through my veins. What I needed was release. I couldn't control my breathing, and I could feel my eyes starting to radiate energy.

"June? Is everything ok?" Asked Raeve.

He was just a ways away, and I quickly turned my head the opposite direction closing my eyes so he wouldn't see the glow.

"I'm fine." I wasn't and he could hear it in my voice.

He stepped towards me.

"Stop! I'm fine just give me a minute." I snapped at him.

He listened and stopped in place, which was smart. I wasn't sure If I could hold it in, and if I was going to let it go, he needed to be a safe distance. I looked to my right and there was a small embankment. I made my way over and quickly climbed up it hoping for a ridge or ravine on the other side.

"June!" He yelled.

"Just stay there Raeve! I need to be alone right now." I yelled back.

Please just stay there, I thought to myself. I reached the top and saw that it was in fact a ravine. The next thing I did was run. I could feel it building to the point it was taking my breath away. I stumbled a few times trying to get some space between me and Raeve. I just kept on running.

In the distance I saw a small man made lake. This was it. This was where I needed to do it. Jumping in the water would silence the thunderous boom that came with the release. I ran towards it quickly stripping off my hat and jacket, throwing them before I dove in. It was still freezing cold, but it was now or never. I stayed underwater and watched as the water surrounding my body illuminated, and felt the surge explode, releasing an immense amount of power. I could feel the water break away from my body instantly as it formed a wave towards the outer edges of the lake, which then spilled up over onto the forest floor.

It felt forever but it took only seconds for the water to come back crashing down onto me. I formed a field, and watched as the water level soon covered me.

Once the water calmed down, I swam back up to the surface and made my way back onto land.

I noticed the water managed to make its way up quite a bit, as the ground slushed under my soaking wet body. I found my jacket hanging from a small tree, but I couldn't find my hat anywhere. I was more pissed that I couldn't find it, as opposed to the fact that I was shaking and freezing cold.

I put my jacket on and made my way back to the cottage. I didn't realise how far I had ran, as it took me about 20 minutes to walk back. Once I made it up the ravine, I could see Raeve had the fire going down below. He stood up once he heard me making my way back down the embankment.

"Jesus, what the hell happened to you?" He asked.

I just kept my head down and walked into the cottage. I was still freezing, and needed to remove my wet clothes, so that hypothermia didn't set in. I shoved off my boots and stripped down to my panties. I then quickly put on my pants and worked on my shirt next. Thankfully I had my back turned to the door, as Raeve decided to then check on me.

"Shit! Sorry!" He quickly turned around.

"It's fine." I said as I pulled the shirt down over my stomach. I grabbed my wet clothes off the floor and made my way back out to hang them by the fire. He followed, and just watched me continue what I was doing.

"Is everything ok? You......You didn't look alright." He asked concerned.

"Ya...Im fine." I replied.

I could see the utter confusion in his face.

"Why were you wet?" He asked.

"I decided to go for a swim to cool down." I said as I continued to hang my clothes.

"With your clothes on?" He asked confused.

I just stood back and shot him a look, as if telling him to drop it. He got the hint. After I hung my clothes, I placed my jacket back on and took a seat by the fire to warm up.

I still had a chill from my dip in the water, and it seemed that expelling all that energy, took a small toll on my body, and couldn't warm up any faster. Raeve took a seat next to me, and kept quite, making small glances my way. It wouldn't have been noticeable if I had my hat, but everything at this point became noticeable.

"What!?" I said as I caught him looking again.

"Nothing." He said as he looked away.

It took a few seconds before he glanced over again.

I looked at him. "What are you staring at!?"

" just look different without your hat is all." He looked back to the fire.

Now more then anything I wanted it.

"What happened to it?" He asked.

I sighed. "I lost it, when I went for a swim."

"And how was that?" He asked.

"Cold." I answered immediately.

I could here a small chuckle come from him. I looked at him, and thought how stupid it sounded to have gone for one in the first place. I couldn't help but giggle aswell.

We actually spent another hour talking, about the most random stuff.

I learned he was just a couple months older than me, and he has a sister that's been staying at base camp. He told me a bit about his family and some of his memories as a kid. He too only knows a life of war, and ended up joining the cause a couple years ago, when it started from nothing. He said there's a few thousand people, now that have joined the cause, from all walks of life. Even people living in The Dominions Capital.

I told him that I've been on my own for a year now, since my father had been taken by the Dom Squad. In search of his location. Then once their was rumour of a resistance, that's when I went looking, leaving out the minor detail that I was born an Imperium.

We let the fire burn out before we made our way into the cottage. He immediately took to the floor giving me the bed, for the night.


"Juniper!! Juniper!"

My eyes shooting open to the same old nightmare. My breathing was rapid, but the pain that usually followed in my chest wasn't there. My hand was back on my chest to calm myself. The chills came back as my body started shaking again.

"June?" Said Raeve from the floor. "You ok?"

I didn't respond right away. "Ya..just cold."

I could hear him shuffling on the floor, and next thing I knew, he was climbing over top of me to reach the other side of the bed.

"Wh...what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Your cold, so I'm sharing my body heat." He said calmly.

"You don't have to do that." I said quickly.

He sighed. "June, your shaking like a leaf. Just lay into to me and let me warm you up."

He turned my body, so that I was facing him, with my head against his chest. At this point, I think I was shaking more out of nervousness then from being cold. I felt my body tense up when his arms wrapped around my back.

"Just relax." He told me calmly.

I laid motionless, without peeping a word. I just stared at his chest, and looked as the dog tags fell in front of me. I read the name on them.

Denver Anderson.

I watched as his chest raised up and down as each of my breathes started to sync with his. My shaking eventually stopped as I felt his warmth touch my skin. It felt almost like my field, but...........safer. And with that I drifted off into a slumber.

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