Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 2.

I arrived in Gypsy, just as dawn was setting in. The streets were packed with fellow travellers, hitting up the small vendors that lined up the walkways. It was an abandoned town, and these people made it home. It looked dark and bland, much like the atmosphere of the place. Alot of the people here whom lived outside the sanction of The Dominion, were those that either lost everything, if not someone to the war.

Money was of no value here, so everyone used a bardar system. Trade for trade essentially.

A majority of what I owned was in my back pack. I had a map, compass, water sac, some clothes, blanket, and a growing collection of knives, which I used for ...various things. I kept one of those attached to the back of my belt if I ever needed it for easy access.

I never carried a gun. I found they drew to much attention, and always the wrong kind. I knew how to use one, but was never needed as I had my ability. I wasn't only trained in honing my ability, but was trained in hand to hand combat and self defense. Something I hoped would come in handy while looking for the resistance.

Being a lone traveller drew attention. Being a woman drew even more. I've come across many desperate people in my time, and there was no end in sight. Not now anyways.

I saw a shack down a ways, where I thought I could go get a bite to eat. Something other then trail mix and the tainted water that I've come accustomed too. I had a few things set aside to bardar, and I was running low on snacks. So I made my way over and went in.

It was poorly lit, and the only light came from the candles that sat on each table. As I entered all eyes fell on me. I took a few steps in to see a man behind the counter. He nodded in the direction of an unoccupied table that sat in the back corner of the shack. I made my way over, keeping my head down. I set my back pack in the chair next to me, and realised that a group of men followed their gaze towards my table.

The man behind the counter, then made his way over.

"Can I get you something miss?" He asked.

He looked back at the group of men, before shifting his body over, so that he now stood directly in front of me.

"Miss, you shouldn't be here." He whispered. "These men are pillagers, and the way they be looking at's not safe miss. It's still light out. You should make your way." He said concerned.

I peered out from the side of him to get a better look at the group. Then leaned back to where I was now in front of him again.

"I'll be fine thank you. If I could just have something to eat and drink, then I'll be on my way."

I grabbed a couple batteries and a box of matches from my pack and handed it over to the gentleman. He then made his way back over to the counter.

I readjusted my hat, as to abstruct my view of the group of men who now took back to talking amongst themselves. A few other men sat at different tables, and one who was by himself, sitting at the front corner of the shack. He too kept his head down, with the light barely reaching his face. The only thing I could make out was the dull piece of metal that hung from his neck.

"Here you go miss." The man said.

"Thank you." He left with concern still in his voice. I figured I would do him the favour of making it a quick stop. He had brought me a small plate of bread, some fruit and what looked like dried venison. The drink on the other hand, was a treat. It was a herbal tea, and consisted of lavender and honey suckle.

I ate the food within minutes and took awhile longer savoring the aftertaste of the hot beverage. It was definitely, better then the dirt I was use to drinking.

Once I was done, I put on my pack and made my way back over to the counter to return my plate and cup.

"Is there anything else I can get you miss?" He asked.

I held up my water sac, and without hesitation he made his way to the back exit of the shack, to refill it for me. As I waited, I heard a menacing cackle come from the group of pillagers. I turned my head to the side, to see their gaze placed back on me.

"Here you go." The man returning. His look of concern etched all over his face. "Please go. " He said as he handed over the water sac.

"Thank you." I replied.

As I took my pack off to place the water, I turned to walk out, only to run into a tall figure that stood directly behind me. All I saw was his chest, and the smell of blood and weeks of not showering hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn't bother to look him in the face. I kept my head down and tried to walk around him, only to have his arm stretch out across my chest blocking me from my exit.

"Now what is a pretty little thing doing out here all by herself?" He asked.

"None of your damn business." I replied, still avoiding his gaze.

"Now you just let her through and let her be ya hear me?" Said the man behind the counter.

He was brave, I give him that. Just then two men from the brutes table made their way over to the gentleman, taking his head and smashing it down onto the counter. One now wielding a knife and holding it to the man's throat.

"Now, like I said. What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all by your lonesome?" This time brandishing a gun, and holding it tightly against his chest.

I slowly backed up a few steps, placing my bag on the floor, and raising my hands up. I noticed the man by the exit slightly moved in his seat.

"I'm just passing through. Nothing else. Now how bout you let the gentleman go, and I'll be on my way." I said calmly.

"How about you just come with us, and perhaps we can come to some sort of an arrangement. " He said running his tongue over his teeth.

I turned to the man at the counter as he grunted, from the touch of the blade. I then felt the gun press up on my shoulder.

I quickly put up an invisible force field around my body, and around the other individuals who now sat in fear. It couldn't be seen, but I felt the warmth of it cover my body, and that's when I new I was ready.

I quickly turned my body towards him grabbing the gun, and hitting the release on the clip. Before hitting the ground, I then used my other hand to twist his wrist into letting go of the gun. Once I had hold of it, I flipped it over and used the hilt of the gun to hit him upside the head. He was hunched over for a brief moment before I kicked his knee out, sending him to the ground.

I then turned around to the two behind the counter, where one went for his gun. I jumped and tuck rolled for the clip that laid on the floor, successfully placing it back in, cocking the hammer and firing a shot to his chest.

The man wielding the knife quickly lifted his arm, to drive it into the gentleman's head. I lunged forward, and managed to stop the knife from entering the man's temple, by grabbing the blade with my bare hand. I quickly tossed it to the side, and stunned look fell upon the pillagers face. I gave him no time to react as I pulled him by the collar of his shirt and threw him over the counter, before firing a shot in between his eyes and another for good measure.

I then aimed the gun to the remaining men, who sat at the table with them. It didn't take too long before they packed up their shit and left. I then made my way over to the flailing ogre on the floor. I rolled him on his back, and crouched down onto his chest where his eyes met mine for the first time.

"If I ever see you here again." I pushed his head with the gun to look at his dead friend who lay beside him. Then grabbing his face to turn back to me.

"I'll make you look like him."

"Okay.....okay." He replied. His voice shaking.

I then proceeded to dismantle the gun, keeping the clip and spring rendering it useless, before placing it on the counter. I nodded at the man behind the counter who was currently running his hand against his throat. He nodded in silence.

I grabbed my pack and made my way outside, where I still saw some of the pinkish hue descend behind the tree line. I tightened up my straps and fixed my hat, then started making my way out of Gypsy.

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