III. The Impact of Her

Chapter ~ Six ~

Nana’s grip on her cutters tightened.

She stood frozen for a brief moment as she stared down at the shrub of roses. For a while, she didn’t say anything. Not a single word.

“Nana?” I called out to her.

She blinked quickly as she got out of her trance-like state.

I asked, “Have I said anything wrong?”

Slowly, she faced me and replied, “Robert, perhaps it’s better if you don’t pay attention to those kinds of dreams. They can be just playing tricks on you. It will make you think that there is something being hidden from you. When in reality, there is nothing.”

“But, Nana, these dreams are becoming more frequent,” I quickly held onto her hands. “Before, I was able to ignore them. However, these dreams have been a plague in my sleep. I don’t know what to do anymore. I need answers, please,” I begged, desperate.

She sighed and put the cutters in her apron’s front pocket. “Son,” she cupped my face as she looked into my eyes, “I understand that you are filled with emotions right now. And I understand that you need answers. But, I’m not the right person to explain everything to you,” she replied as she caressed my cheeks with her thumbs.

Nana added, “I promise you: sooner or later, the answers will come to you.” She then kissed me on my forehead.

With Nana’s vague response, even more questions raced through my mind.

‘What does she mean by that?’

‘Why can’t she explain everything to me?’

‘Is there something important behind those dreams?’

‘What can the answers be?’

‘When will they come to me?’

‘How will I know if the answers have arrived?’

I came here to know the possible meaning of those dreams. But all I got was nothing.

“Robert,” Nana lifted my face. And she looked like she was holding something back. “Do not trouble yourself over this,” she smiled, which was obviously forced. “Do what you usually do at this time of the day. I still have roses to attend to.” She lightly pinched my nose and returned to Mother’s flowers.

Defeated, I sighed a long sigh and left Nana to her chores.


As I prepared Lady for a stroll, my mind continued to question my dreams.

However, the more I pressed this matter, I grew even more confused. It felt as if there was no possible way for me to get answers. Frustrated that I couldn’t think of a possible reason, I could only sigh to myself.

Maybe Nana was right. Maybe the answers will reveal themselves once I am ready.

“That is very serious of you,” someone spoke from behind me.

I turned my head right away. To my delight, it was Laura!

The right person who I needed to see!

I stood up and rushed over to her, immediately engulfing her in my arms.

“Is there something wrong, Robert?” Laura asked as she caressed my back. “Something seems to be bothering you.”

I gave her a light squeeze before I pulled away. “It’s nothing complicated, really,” I forced a smile. I didn’t want to burden her with my worries. All I wanted was to see her smiling each time we met.

“Robert,” Laura gently lifted my face. Her soft smile welcomed my gaze. “You can’t even look me in the eye. What is going on?”

I continued to stare at her as I hoped that she wouldn’t ask more. But her eyes were persistent. There was no use in lying to her. And if no one in this castle could give a different answer other than to ignore it, perhaps Laura’s response would be different.

“It’s just… I’ve been having trouble sleeping,” I said.

“Why don’t we have a seat?” she asked as she pointed at the small bench behind us.

I nodded and led the way.

As we sat down, she put her hands on top of mine. “Tell me what’s on your mind,” Laura said as she turned wholly to my direction.

I took a deep breath and let it all out slowly. “There have been a number of odd dreams, invading my sleep. And for some reason, they felt… real. It feels like it’s connected to my childhood. However, these are just my suspicions and I don’t have anything to prove it,” I explained.

“Have you told anyone about this?” Laura asked.

“I have told Nana about it because she used to give dream interpretations. But all she said is that I should ignore them,” I replied.

“I don’t want to sound insensitive with what I’m about to say. But, don’t you think your dreams are caused by stress?” Laura asked. She continued, “You did mention that you’ve been doing a lot of royal duties.”

“I’ve been having these dreams for quite some time now. But they have become more frequent than before. Now, it’s truly haunting me,” I sighed out of despair. I slowly sunk my face into my hands. “I just want answers to lessen my suffering,” I added as I turned to her.

“Then, don’t force everything too much. You will end up hurting yourself,” Laura said as she gently held onto my shoulders. “Perhaps, there is wisdom in what Nana Olsa said; that the answers will come one day. For the time-being, try to keep your peace steady to have sufficient rest.”

I sighed once again, holding onto her hand. Usually, I was patient with everything. Patience was something a monarch should greatly hold on to. Nothing was meant to be rushed. Everything must be planned properly.

However, this situation was different.

This matter wasn’t something I could simply ignore and forget. It has bothered me for months now.

Laura suddenly stood up. With a smile, she held out her hand. “Come with me. I know something that can lift your spirits up,” she said.

“What is it?” I asked, a bit worried.

Laura rolled her eyes as she chuckled. “Oh, Robert, you always make sure of things. For once, just trust me and take my hand,” she replied. “I assure you, it will be worth it.”

I looked at her hand again. “Do I need to bring Lady with us?” I asked as I looked back at her.

“There is no need for Lady today. She can rest. All I need is for you to trust me and take my hand,” Laura repeated.

I stood up but I still didn’t take her hand. I didn’t know what her plan was or where she planned to take me.

She sighed as she pulled her hand back. “Robert, I’m not going to put you in any danger,” her hands were now on her waist, “I just know of something that can help you forget your troublemaking dreams.”

I sighed and nodded. She wasn’t going to give up on this conversation.

“Follow me.” She walked ahead of me and I followed her closely.


We ran for a few miles when she stopped in front of a bush wall.

“We are here,” Laura said enthusiastically.

As I came to a halt, I panted so hard to catch my breath. My hands were on my knees as I supported my weight. “I haven’t run like that in years. Phew!” I exclaimed. I stood up properly once I composed myself. “Where are we?” I asked as I looked around. We stood on the side of an empty road. This road wasn’t travelled by anybody because the bridge on the further part was never repaired.

I could only wonder as to why Laura ventured to this place.

Even more excited, she turned to me and continued, “One of the most beautiful places your eyes have ever seen.”

I looked and nothing was what she said. Aside from the thick bush, all I saw behind it were tall, creepy trees, covered by vines. “I think we have a different perception of what is beautiful and what isn’t.”

Laura chuckled. “It’s because you are not looking deep enough,” she replied as she moved closer to me. Laura walked towards the bush wall and looked for something. With one small push, a narrow entrance opened in the middle.

She returned to me with a smile, “Come, quickly.”

I entered right after her and she closed the entrance. It was intensely bright as I walked through it. And once my eyes adjusted to the bright sun, I finally saw the beauty she talked about.

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