I will be back

Chapter 10. Separate dates

Aleida’s POV

I’m going on two dates today: two separate dates and two choices. “Forget everything and run or face everything and rise.” Girls compete, and women empower. I’m a woman, and I’m going to try to have a pleasant time with my mates. The nervousness I thought I would feel hasn’t made any sign of appearing. I’m calm and determined to have fun today. Hell, I deserve it after everything that has happened. I still am not sure if this is a good idea, but something inside me tells me that I have to go. Not only for myself. My mates need me. I went back to the hospital after checking that my children were fine. My injuries have healed, and it isn’t news. Over the past few months, I’ve found out that I can heal not only myself but also others. The moon goddess has explained it to me.

The power comes from you, from your own innermost being, your wolf. You have to give of yourself in order to be able to heal others, and the more you give, the more you break down. I’m sure you’ve already noticed. I’ve seen how upset you can be and how fragile you are in certain periods. Be careful with the power; it can cost you your life.

I’m almost afraid of the power I possess but also proud. Because I know that if one of my boys or my mates needs me to heal them, I’ll give up my whole life source to make sure they live on.

Everything is going to be all right.

Thank you, Lisa.

Anytime, gorgeous. It’s you and me to the end of time.

I’m lucky to have Lisa, my wolf. Without her, nothing I’ve done would be successful. She would talk back about that statement, but I know it’s true. Lisa is my inner strength, my soul-animal. Without her, I won’t be whole—just a puzzle with missing pieces. Like I am without my mates. Yeah, Kian and Miliano, my loves, the reason to continue living. The first date is with Miliano, and I have no idea what to wear. And I have to pick out two outfits since I won’t have time to get back to the packhouse and change before my date with Kian. Luis and Michael are responsible for keeping the twins safe while we’re gone. They’re reluctant to care for my boys but shut up by my proposal of help from the omegas. I can’t take them with me, and I can’t leave them alone behind; this is the ultimate choice. I scream out in irritation over how little I know about clothes. Mainly because I honestly don’t care very much about it; I find it boring and unnecessary to know which clothing items fit in with what. Usually, I don’t care at all, but I put on something comfortable and functional. But today, I’m going on a date for the second time in my life, and I want to be beautiful. The first time I asked out both my mates and endured it through a kind of “treasure hunt,” they thought they’d be attacked, haha! I sigh and mindlink the only people I know can help me, and I haven’t talked to them at all.

Henry, can you please grab Killian and come to my room? I need your help.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, it’s more of an outfit catastrophe.

See you soon.

I sigh and look at my boys in the playpen. They roll around and make funny noises that sound like soft growls. It’s adorable.

Are you trying to growl, darlings?I ask, and they continue to make their noises. Yeah, you are. Just like your daddies. So stubborn.

You ain’t seen nothing of it.

I jump from the voice. Henry and Killian are standing behind me with amused looks on their faces.

You scared the living hell out of me!I exclaim.

Treats you right after you left us,Killian says with a chuckle.

I feel ashamed of his words. Everyone keeps telling me that it’s okay, but it obviously isn’t. No one really understands the sacrifice I make to keep them all alive. I can’t say that I blame them, however. If they all had left me behind like that, I most certainly would be pissed too.

You know it wasn’t like that...I answer quietly while picking Alexander up and bounce him a little; his scent makes its way through my nostrils, and I have to nuzzle his neck.

Aleida. Fuck. We don’t mean to sound angry at you. It’s just... We were your friends, at least we thought we were. Then you disappeared and only took Michael with you. We just wished that you would’ve told us about what you were going to do,Henry says sadly.

I couldn’t do that. Miliano and Kian could easily have commanded you to tell them what I was going to do,I answer.

You could have commanded us not to say anything,Henry points out.

Yeah, but I don’t force people against their will. It’s not right. I don’t command people at all in my pack, either. I ask them nicely, and they do it.

We know. We just missed you, that’s all,Killian answers softly, and I smile.

I missed you too,I reply before picking up Elias from the playpen also. So, how does it feel to be godfathers?

Godfathers?Killian asks.

Yeah. I picked you two to care for the boys if the daddies and I aren’t able to,I answer, and they look touched at that.

How does it even work?Henry asks.

I’m going to give you one of them each, and you will feel the new bond between you; since I’m the queen, it’s enough with my presence. It’ll last for life. I won’t force you or anything.

They reach out their arms; I put Alexander in Henry’s arms and Elias in Killian’s arms. Their faces light up with happiness.

Thank you,Henry says; I nod and smile.

Now, I need help. Chop chop! I have a date night for the first time since I became a mommy. I have no idea what to wear, I say, making them laugh and sit down on the bed with the boys still in their arms.

It feels weird that you’re a mother now. Does it feel weird for you too?Henry asks.

Yeah, sometimes. I mean, I’m still seventeen years old and have twin sons; this wasn’t how I planned my life. But life never turns out the way you want it to.

Hot damn! I forget how young you are, Killian says with wide eyes, which makes me chuckle.

I’m still a teen, yes. Sometimes I forget that too,I reply and rummage through my walk-in closet.

No wonder you’re so fucking stubborn sometimes,Henry mumbles.

Hey, watch it!

What? he asks.

Language around my sons. Now help me. Does either one of you know what kind of dates they have planned? I ask.

No, and even if we did, we wouldn’t tell you, Killian answers with a smirk.

Ouch. That cut deep into my soul,I say dramatically.

Not like that! It’s just that you easily would have found out,Henry points out.

True. So what about this?

I hold up a knee-length silver dress with beautiful embroidery at the edges. It looks like spirals looking down. They look at the dress and then at me before shaking their heads ’no.’

Why not? It’s cute.

Yeah, it is. But you’re not going to a café with your girlfriends for a coffee. You’re going on a date with your mates. The reaction you should wish for is fireworks and nothing else,Killian answers calmly and factually.

I pout and put the dress back before taking another one down from the hanger. This one is dark green with lace details; they study the dress and my body before shaking their heads once more.

What is wrong with this one!?I exclaim.

It looks like you’re going to a boring corporate party that was mandatory to participate in,Henry answers.

And this continues for a while. My friends deny all the dresses I bring out and always have comments on why.

The pink color makes you look like a piglet.

You look pale in that purple color.

It’s too short.

You’re showing too much of your cleavage.

When I’ve looked through my whole wardrobe, I toss the last dress on the floor, sigh, and put my head in my hands.

I know I’m not as thin anymore, and I have more scars than ever before. Why not just face it? I’m not pretty anymore. My whole body is full of flaws. What’s the point? I look like shit either way...I say sadly.

No, you’re not. You’re always beautiful, Aleida. And I know which dress you’re going to wear, Killian says.

Which one?I ask; he points at the white dress I plan on wearing to my wedding someday. Nope, not gonna happen.

Why not? It’s amazing!Henry exclaims.

It’s a wedding dress,I state in a whisper, very embarrassed.

Why do you have a wedding dress in your closet?Killian asks with one raised eyebrow.

Because I was living on the hope that I one day could live a normal life. Do all those things that normal people get to do. Like marry, get kids, buy a house... Well, I already built my house and got kids, but yeah. You get the idea,I answer and wave my hand.

But why did you choose a short and simple one?Henry asks, not understanding the meaning of it.

I couldn’t afford any better. I’ve always wanted a princess dress when I get married; this is the closest to that dream of a normal life.

That’s adorable, Henry says, chuckling.

Shut it!I exclaim and laugh at him.

I still think you should at least put it on. You can add a few accessories. I saw the diadem with white roses at your vanity. It almost looks like a tiara; you can have that one,Killian reasons with a sparkle in his eye, and I know I’m not getting out of this one.

Fine, you win!I exclaim and throw out my arms in an ‘I give up’ sign.

I pick up the diadem from my vanity and walk into the closet; the dress slips down over my body. The material sticks to the right places and doesn’t make it too short. I’m not as slim as I was before, but I have many curves, and they’re in all their glory right now. I put the diadem in my hair and step out. My friends stare at me but don’t say anything.

It looks horrible, doesn’t it?I ask, sighing with my shoulders slumped.

No. That’s not it. You truly are beautiful. That’s the dress for the night!Killian exclaims happily.

Great! One dress down and still one to go,I say and clap my hands together.

What do you mean?Henry asks.

Well, I don’t have time to come back and change when I finish Miliano’s date. And I don’t want to look like shit when I meet Kian. So I thought that I could change in the bathroom or something before meeting up with him.

Not going to happen, nope,Henry says and pops the ‘P.’

What?I ask, slightly confused.

Kian will kill Miliano if he’s the only one who gets to see you in that dress, Henry explains.

How do you know?I ask.

He gives me a “really?” look, and I immediately shut my mouth closed. It’s true. I know my mates well enough to understand how their relationship was before they met me. Now that I vanished, their relationship is undoubtedly even worse. If I change suddenly and Kian doesn’t get to see me in my wedding dress, there’s the possibility that jealousy will start whining in the air. It’s childish, yes, but my mates aren’t directly unobtrusive with their pissing competitions that happen all the time. One minute they’re professional gentlemen, and the next, cave dwellers. That’s how they work. It’s only with me that they’re soft and cautious. Although I’m no longer the smashed, ruined, and innocent little girl, they fell in love with. They’re still conscientious about how they treat me. Like I’m made of glass and can crack at any moment. No, it has to be this dress. I’ve practically gone through my entire wardrobe anyway. There’s no time or energy to keep looking for something else; I have to wear this now. I kiss my boys on their foreheads.

You boys behave while I’m gone, be nice to Luis and Michael,I say sternly to my boys.

They just smile innocently at me. Henry and Killian walk beside me down the stairs where Luis and Michael are waiting to grab the pups.

Siempre tan hermosa, hija,Luis says and kisses my cheek.

Always so beautiful, daughter.

Gracias, cuida de mis hijos mientras no estoy.

Thank you, take care of my kids while I’m gone.

I kiss my boys again and walk to the door. Before disappearing, I glance at them over my shoulder.

Te amo, mis buenos chicos, se comportan mientras mamá se ha ido. Lo digo en serio.

I love you, my good boys, behave while mom’s gone. I mean it.

I blow them a kiss before walking out the door. My first date of the night, and my heart beats furiously already.

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