I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 225

Enzo’s POV

“Something is wrong with our mate,” Max’s voice came into my head while I was in the middle of

speaking to the researcher.

We could smell the wolfsbane potently since Hazel broke the masking spell on it, but now he was

generating some new reports to prove that there was indeed wolfbane in the mixture so I could present

it to not just Professor Xander, but the school board as well.

I already called to schedule a meeting with Tiffany Prescott, and I was planning on going there first

thing in the morning.

That is until Max spoke the words that left me frozen.

“What do you mean something is wrong?” I asked my wolf in return.

“Don’t you feel it? She’s nearby and something is wrong. I can feel her worries… her anxieties. A little bit

of her pain as well. She’s far enough away where it’s not coming through clearly… but she’s close

enough that I can just reach her…”

“She’s at school; we aren’t supposed to be able to feel her right now,” I said in return, wanting to ignore

him and continue my conversation with the researcher, but his loud voice stopped me.

“I’m telling you, she’s in range. She’s around somewhere and she’s in danger,” Max growled, and I could

feel just how serious he was.

“I don’t understand,” I said, shaking my head at the thought. “What would she be doing this close to


“I don’t know, Enzo,” Max growled. “But she is. We need to go to her.”

“Where is she?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then how do we go to her?” I asked.

“I don’t know….”

 Categories  Search…

  

I looked at the researcher who was still running the tests on the mix and not paying much attention to

me anymore.

“I need to leave. But I’ll be back,” I said quickly.

I didn’t wait for him to answer but I thought I heard him saying, “Okay, no problem,” just as the door

shut behind me.


Lila’s POV

“I don’t feel right here; we should go,” the girl said in a hushed whisper, grabbing at the guy’s arm.

“We need to find the others,” he said, harshly.

“They probably died,” she said in annoyance. “You saw what that Volana did to Paul… there’s no way the

others survived that.”

“I’m sure others had fled like we did. We just have to be patient. We will come across them but for now,

we should rest.”

“But right here?” The girl said and I could hear the desperation in her voice. “It’s gross in here… the

scent alone makes me want to throw up. It’s creepy and we are way too close to that wretched pack

than I feel comfortable.”

That wretched pack? Was she talking about Enzo’s pack?

We were close to the Calypso pack. Oh, thank Goddess. Maybe Enzo can feel me after all. I just had to

hope he’d find me before they did. I bit my lip and continued to hide in the shadows, listening to them.

“This barn has been abandoned for years. Nobody will be coming here and we aren’t on anyone’s

territory. We are fine, Casey,” he said, sounding majorly annoyed himself.

Casey was her name; I needed to remember that in case I ran into her again in the future. If I even had a

future at this point. I was basically a sitting duck, and I didn’t like this feeling. But the shadows

continued to morph into one of them, hiding me from their viewing. I silently thanked them and the

Goddess for keeping me hidden.

“How long are we going to stay here for?” She asked and I watched as she found a hay pile and sat


“Just until I finish healing and then we can go,” he answered. “Maybe for tonight. Just get some rest and

we will figure it out tomorrow.”

Ugh… they were going to be here all night.

There was a part of me that wanted to reveal myself to them; maybe they would help me after all. Or

they would leave. They seemed to be afraid of me; it seemed as if they were actually in hiding. So,

maybe if they saw me, they’d let me go or run away out of fear.

But every time I thought too much about making myself known, Xander’s words invaded my thoughts,

and I felt a sense that I shouldn’t do it. I continued to press myself against the wall, ignoring the pain

going in and out of my body.

Please Enzo. If you can sense me… if you can hear me…. come find me. Your mate needs you.

I closed my eyes, allowing some tears to fall down my features. How did I allow something like this to

happen? I felt so stupid.

“How’s your back?” The girl, Casey, asked the man whose name I hadn’t found out yet.

“It’ll be fine,” he murmured, sitting beside her. “Just give my wolf some time. He’s old and it takes him a

little longer to heal me nowadays.”

“You aren’t old, Charlie,” she said, and I heard a little flirtatious humor in her tone.

Charlie was his name; I needed to remember that.

Casey and Charlie; rogues and Volana hunters. I shuddered at the very thought.

“My wolf is an old soul,” he said in return, but I could hear the chuckle in his voice. “Come here.”

I heard her moving toward him and I knew he must have been holding her close.

“How did we get so wrapped up in this?” She whispered against him.

He was quiet for a moment before answering her lingering question.

“We just want to make this world safe for our pup…” he said, his voice going a little too soft that I had

to lean a little bit forward to hear him. “A Volana-infested world isn’t safe.”

I heard her cry lightly and then she sniffled.

“What world is our pup going to be born into?” She asked in a broken whisper.

“A safe one… I will make sure of it.”

My heart clenched at their words; Casey was pregnant, and it seemed that Charlie was the father. They

were going to be parents and they thought a world of Volana wolves was a dangerous world. They feel

threatened by us.

But the reasoning behind that is unclear to me.

We weren’t dangerous; at least, my mother and I weren’t. Enzo’s mother isn’t dangerous either and it

didn’t seem like any of those in her village were dangerous either. But none of them even have their

abilities anymore, so hunting them didn’t make any sense.

Did that mean there were Volana wolves that weren’t good? Ones that used their powers for evil instead

of good? I didn’t want to believe such a thing, but it was the only thing that was truly making sense to


I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from crying.

“Ugh… it smells in here,” she whispered, and I could tell her face was pressed against his side. “Almost

like wolfbane… do you smell that?”

My heart fell into my stomach.


Was that what Xander had injected me with? That made me feel like my inside was on fire and made me

pass out. Was that what they were smelling instead of my Volana scent?

“There’s no one here…” he assured her. “But yeah… I smell that too. The flower could be growing

somewhere around here.”

“Leave it to that stupid pack to have wolfbane flowers growing,” she murmured.

I could practically hear her eye roll.

“We are outside the pack so I doubt it’s them,” he said in return.

“Still…” she huffed. “It’s weird that we couldn’t smell it from outside the barn.”

“It’s not dangerous unless we are injected with it. Smelling it won’t do a damn thing. Just get some

sleep,” Charlie pleaded.

“Fine…” she murmured, and soon, they both went silent.

My heart was pounding against my ribcage; they couldn’t smell anything from outside so maybe Enzo

couldn’t smell me either. I glanced up at the window; the little bit of sunlight left was completely gone

and the barn had gone completely dark.

After a few minutes, I heard the light snoring of both those rogues, and I smiled knowing they were

completely out.

Quietly, I emerged from the shadows. There was a lot of hay left in the cage and I might be able to use

that to my advantage. As quietly and slowly as I could I moved the hay piles to the window. A couple of

times I had to freeze when I heard the snoring stop, but then it continued shortly after.

Once the hay was piled up until it reached the window, I took a deep breath before willing my limbs to

move and climb up the hay pile. I clenched my teeth as pain shot through me; I was incredibly weak and

thought I was calling to fall at any moment, but I finally reached the top of the hay pile.

I could have fallen asleep once I reached the top, but I knew I needed to get that window open. I

needed Enzo to smell me, or at least sense me. I needed this to work.

I was more than relieved when I saw that the window was unlocked. When I finally got it open, I wafted

with the fresh breeze of the outdoors, and I soaked in the fresh scent of the earth.

But I also smelled something else, and my mouth instantly watered with desires.

Despite having my wolf asleep and hidden in the back of my mind, I could still smell my mate.

Enzo was nearby

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