I am Wolf

Chapter Chapter Six


The moment Don came to stand before my cell gate with chains in his hands, I knew something was up. Cocking a brow, I instantly narrowed my eyes questioningly.

"What the fuck's up with the chains, Don?"

Sighing, he dropped them as they clanked loudly against the concrete floor; my eyes darted down, narrowing on the abrasive audacity of this guy.

"Don't give me shit, Wolf. Alpha's orders were that I bind you in chains before presenting you to him; he does not want rogues running free in his pack."

Smirking, I shake my head as I continue looking down at the rusty chains lying in a heap on the ground, almost taunting me.

"What exactly does he think I'm going to do, attack him on his own pack grounds? Do I look stupid to you?" My eyes trail up slowly as I narrow them.

"Hey, you were stupid enough to sit down and have lunch with my sister; who knows with you, rogues?"

His comment annoys me, and I should react. Fuck knows my wolf is on edge enough as it is, but I decide to let it slide. Don's not worth the effort; he's nothing but a good little pawn to what his dad wants.

"Look, I want out of here just as much as you want me out of you're a pack, so let's just get on with it, shall we?" I grumble as I raise an annoyed brow at him.

Nodding, Don pulls the key from his back pocket and swiftly unlocks the gate; it doesn't go unnoticed that three guards are standing just a small distance behind him. My attention diverts back to him when I sigh in amusement,

"Do you honestly think that I would attack you down here, Don?"

Smirking, he ushers me to hold out my wrists, which I do, as he starts buckling the chains around my wrists before moving to my ankles,

"To be honest," He mutters as he continues to chain me up like some goddam wild animal. "No, I don't. But desperation for freedom will make wolves do crazy things, wouldn't you say, Wolf?" Giving me a sideways glance when he rises from buckling my ankles; I smirk as I shake my head at him,

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

The chains are heavy but nothing I can't handle, and by the time Don starts leading me out of the holding area, I am somewhat relieved to be one step closer to freedom.

I'm led into a large room; the metal clanking against the concrete floor of my bindings gets the attention of a few inquisitive stares. But I pay them no attention as I keep my head down, shuffling forward until I'm brought to stand and left in one spot as Don stands a small distance away. Taking in my surroundings, there's a large oak desk, two lavish leather couches, a pot plant, an antique coffee table, and wall-to-wall maps of what I could only imagine would be the whole of Erebus territory. Eye rolling internally, it's clear that alpha Fenris is a man who likes the finer things in life; everything in this place looks expensive.

"Nice room; I'm guessing it's the alpha's office?" I mutter sarcastically,

But before Don can answer, the alpha suddenly walks into the room, and the entire mood shifts when Don straightens up, swallowing hard and hardening his stare. I give him a sideways glance when I smirk, so Don honestly is scared of his dear old dad; this keeps getting better and better.

Fenris goes straight to his desk without sparing me a glance, not that I'm expecting him to; I'm a rogue, a bug in his Chardonnay. He's a surly mother fucker, that's for sure.

He seems preoccupied with some paperwork on his desk; I'm not sure if it's intentional so he can prolong the agonizing silence in the room or if he's actually busy with something of relevance. The awkward silence, however, has my wolf on edge. As if noticing this shift in my energy, the alpha slowly rises from his chair, leisurely making his way around his desk as he finally leans back against the edge of it.

He gives me a sideways glance, like a male wolf sizing up the other male wolf in the room; our eyes are grid-locked in a staring competition, neither of us willing to look away. I know what he's doing; he wants me to be the first to break eye contact. He's alpha, after all, and I'm the mutt; the thing is, it's not going to happen. I don't bow down to anyone; I never have.

Lifting my arms, I hold my chained wrists out in front of me, raising a mocking brow when I mutter,

"Are these entirely necessary?"

My question irks him, his jaw ticking when his wolf appears in the irises of his eyes. Narrowing them, it's as if my presence has him on edge.

"Make no mistake in thinking I won't kill you where you stand, mutt." He grumbles, a threatening slither of his beast pushing to the surface as if to taunt me, edging me to say something stupid.

Smirking, I tilt my head slowly, still keeping my eyes fixed on his. "I have little to no patience for rogues, and I won't lose any sleep over your death, trust me," He continues, scoffing in amusement; I can't help but shake my head in response.

"If you don't see any value in a rogue's life, then why put me in a prison cell better suited for comfort than pain?"

"I never said rogues have no value; I don't think they can ever be trusted. And as for your living conditions, I'm a fair and just man, and you have yet to break any real laws. Trust me, you would have been thrown down a hole in the ground if I felt that you deserved it," he threatens in annoyance, except I don't scare easily. If it makes him happy, we can stand here, and death glare each other all day.

Nodding, I finally shrug nonchalantly, just wanting this to be over so I can get the fuck out of here.

Fenris is still silently staring me down when an intrusive scent so sweet and intoxicating hits my nose, almost having me do a double flip when I break eye contact with the surly alpha, my head whipping towards the open door as Sasha suddenly steps into the room.


My wolf perks up the second I watch as her silky, long, dark hair whips back when she struts towards Fenris.

She's clad in black tights, sneakers, and a fitting tank top that shows off all her sexy, sporty curves. Her body is perfection, and I'm finding it difficult to keep my dick from going rock hard the moment I find myself fantasizing about what she would sound like moaning beneath me.

Gulping, I quickly lower my chained wrists to hide the evidence of what she's doing to me.


She doesn't look at me as she makes her way towards Fenris; instead, she keeps her eyes on her father, a reserved look on her face when she holds a black-looking folder out to him.

"Here you go, the file you requested. What is it for?" She murmurs questioningly in a deadpan voice, but the alpha doesn't even look at her when he takes the file.

"That will be all, Sam; you may go." He grumbles, his tone cold and flippant as he dismisses her, and my wolf immediately gets pissed off, feeling protective over her for some reason.

My brows furrow, and I quickly divert my eyes away from her. I am forcing myself to focus my attention anywhere else before my wolf decides to break these goddam chains and attack her father instead. Seeing the dejected sadness in her eyes as she lowers them, I know that if he did attack the alpha, I would do very little to stop him.

Turning his attention to Don, the alpha suddenly clears his throat,

"Are you sure that the information corresponds with the coordinates?"

Nodding, Don's brows furrow as he clenches his jaw, and the alpha turns to face me again as he lets out a deep sigh,

"For your release, I will require something from you."

Narrowing my eyes, I stare suspiciously at him when I mutter,

"Like what?"

"A job; a group of rogues are planning an attack on us; I need you to infiltrate them and find out what they're planning."

Scoffing, I look him straight in the eyes when I grumble,

"You mean you want me to be your mole?"

Shrugging, the alpha tosses the file down on the coffee table beside me,

"Take it as you wish, but I need to find out what their plans are before they execute them, and you are the perfect man for the job; as a mutt, it shouldn't be too difficult for you, right?"

Narrowing my eyes at him, my jaw ticks as my wolf pushes up to the surface,

"The answer is no," I grumble bluntly. In turn, he narrows his eyes challengingly as a low growl reverberates from him. I waste no time returning a threatening growl of my own; I definitely won't submit to his show of dominance. Fuck that; I might be a rogue, but that doesn't make me a coward.


Sasha suddenly exclaims in panic as she stares wide-eyed between her father and me,

"The deal was to release him, not to use him; you promised me,"

Sighing, the alpha finally breaks eye contact with me when he scrubs a hand over his face before muttering,

"Considering my daughter has shown you kindness after kindness since she met you, I think it's only fair to say that you owe her."

"Dad!" Sasha snaps, and Fenris immediately whips his head towards her when he barks,

"Know your goddam place, Sam!"

That immediately forces my wolf back to the surface when I growl at him. I must have a death wish, but I can't help it; my wolf shakes and rattles behind my rib cage with rage as I glare at Fenris.

"I owe her, not you." I grit out, my nostrils flaring as I force my wolf back, the action more painful than ever. Fenris narrows his eyes at me and then smirks as if he knows some goddam big secret that I don't,

"Well, the rogues in question are after her. If you give a damn about repaying a debt to Sam, you'll do this."

That instantly has me straightening up when both Sasha and I look at each other, my brows furrow, my jaw clenching as our eyes lock, and her wolf shimmers behind those green eyes, having mine responding protectively. The shock and surprise on her face tell me that she had no idea this was going on, which pisses me off even more; how could her father keep her in the dark over something involving her?

The instant lump in my throat has my wolf snarling behind my ribcage, pacing frantically. He's forcing me, not allowing me to even think it through when I turn my narrowed eyes on Fenris and grumble,

"I'll do it."

The sudden look the alpha gives me is one of dominating victory over the rogue; it should have irked me, but it wasn't even a question of whether I would risk my life for her or not. That alone confuses the fuck out of me; she's not my problem. I've just met her, yet every fiber of my soul screams for me to protect her.

Why is that?

"So, what do you need me to do?" I grumble as I fight to regain some form of control over my wolf.

The moment he smirks, I feel like smacking the grin right off his fucking face. Luckily for Fenris, my main focus is on Sasha, not him; I feel a deep ache forming behind my ribcage. A longing I can't explain when I look at her, and the moment her eyes lock with mine, I see the same hunger in hers that's clawing inside me.

I want her; my wolf wants her, and there's no backing out, even if I wanted to.

I have to get away from her, though; the feelings this girl stirs inside me will only get me killed. I'm a rogue; she's an alpha's daughter; she's way out of my league.

"Everything you need to know is inside that file, the coordinates to where the rogues are gathering. We've even given you an alias while you go undercover," Fenris mutters, which pulls me out of my train of thought when I raise a suspicious brow at him,


"Yes, we can't have you going there pretending to be yourself now, can we? Word has already spread that we've captured a rogue mutt; if it's somehow linked to you, they'll know we orchestrated to conspire against them."

"So, you're an alpha; why are you afraid of a couple of rogues?" I grumble with a shrug,

"I'm not afraid of anything, but keeping the upper hand and a level of surprise on my opponents is why I'm the alpha of the strongest pack in the North." Rolling my eyes at him, I mutter,

"Fine, what's the alias?"

Leaning down, I lift the file from the coffee table before opening it up and scanning through the pages.

"It's Victor," He murmurs nonchalantly. My eyes narrow on him when I grumble,

"Victor?" And at that moment, Sasha chuckles unexpectedly, stifling another. She cups her hand over her mouth, and I can't help raising a challenging brow at her as the corners of my mouth turn into a smirk,

"Is something funny, Sam?" Her father retorts in irritation; clearing her throat, she folds her arms across her chest as she cocks a brow at me,

"Oh no, nothing at all, it's just what if Victor here slips up; how good are you're acting skills these days, Wolf?" she teases, and I immediately spot the shimmer of her excited wolf behind her eyes.

Clenching my jaw, I quickly divert my eyes; I can't look at her right now because her presence alone makes breathing difficult.

"I'm sure I'll be fine," I mumble with a shrug. What about this girl makes me feel so hot and bothered?

Rolling her eyes, she smirks before turning her attention back to Fenris,

"I get that you want to send a rogue in to do your dirty work for you, but consider this: if you were so concerned about my safety, then why is it that this is the first I'm hearing about this so-called planned rogue attack on my life? Face it, Dad, this has less to do with my life and more with what we discussed earlier."

My brows instantly furrow when I look up from Sasha to Fenris and back at Sasha again; narrowing my eyes, I'm suddenly annoyed when I grumble,

"What is she talking about?"

Fenris doesn't answer me; instead, he stares hard at Sasha. They're having a silent conversation, his mind linking her. It's a pack thing, not something we rogues can do.

Suddenly turning his attention towards Don, he grumbles,

"Get your sister out of here; she doesn't know what she's talking about."

Nodding, Don moves quickly as he closes the gap between himself and Sasha before muttering,

"Come on, Sam, let's go."

An immediate growl reverberates through me as I glare at Don, my nostrils flaring as my chest rises and falls heavily. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Get her out of here, now!" Fenris barks at Don, having his son instantly pulling Sasha by the arm as he forces her out of the room, but not before she shouts,

"Just let him go; he doesn't deserve this; it's not his fault!"

At that moment, I should have been relieved that I was still chained up because if I hadn't, I would have undoubtedly attacked her father right where he stood.

"What the hell was that about?" I grumble, my entire body tensing up. Scoffing, Fenris rolls his eyes at me,

"My daughter has it in her head that I should simply release you. Don't be too concerned with the ramblings of a she-wolf; they tend to get overly emotional. Now, about this job, all the info is in the file you're holding. You are more than welcome to keep your real name. We thought to hide your true identity for safety reasons, but it's all up to you."

"I'll keep my name, thanks," I grit out as I narrow my eyes on him,

"Very well, Don will provide you with a cellphone, a vehicle, a bank account, clothes, and whatever else you might need. I expect you to report to Don daily, understood? No mutt bullshit."

Furrowing my brows, I smirk as my jaw ticks,

"Yes, sir." I grit out,

"Oh, and there's one more thing I forgot to mention," he mutters. "Once this is done and the threat has been dealt with, I want you to leave Erebus, and I never want to see your face here again. Is that understood?"

My pupils dilate with my wolf when I look up at him, my jaw ticking when I grumble,


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