Hunter Maximus

Chapter 20

Maximus crushes his lips to mine and grabs my hips, one hand sliding under my black shirt and trailing up towards my breasts. I gasp when he cups the right one and his fang nicks my bottom lip as he travels down to my neck, letting out a low growl of arousal.

“Please…” I pant, but I’m not sure what I’m asking for anymore. I didn’t know if I wanted him to stop or keep going.

I try to relax more into the pillows, while Maximus places kisses down my neck and his hands grip me possessively.

Ok, I have to admit it. This felt damn good, and knowing he was a hot ass vampire with a cheeky sense of humour added to the experience. Not that I’d ever admit that to him, ever. He didn’t need an ego boost.

I close my eyes in ecstasy and when his hands suddenly leave me and his lips leave my neck, I snap them back open and glare at him, only to see him hovering right above me, staring intensely into my eyes.

“You enjoying yourself, darling?” Maximus asks mockingly, in a husky low voice.

I sigh, refusing to answer because if I do, I might just agree with him. Maximus chuckles, his eyes sparkling with humour.

“The thing is, darling, I expect an answer. I won’t continue until you answer me,” He cocks an eyebrow and I decide I want to punch his happy face, except my wrists are tied behind my back with ribbon. I try to kick him instead and almost manage to knee him in the groin. He quickly grabs my thigh and pins it down, glaring at me.

“Now you are playing a dangerous game, darling,” he whispers lethally.

“Oh, please,” I try to sound sarcastic, “Worried you’ll get hurt by a girl?”

“Be careful, Isobel,” Maximus leans in until our noses are touching, “I can tie your legs down as well if I want to.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I blurt out, a tad of fear starting to creep in. I was vulnerable enough, I didn’t need to be more incapacitated!

There is a knock at the door and Maximus rolls his eyes.

“Of course someone interrupts now…” he mutters, “Go away!” he snarls at the door.

“This is a security issue!” I hear Leah’s voice on the other side of the door, typically snarly and mean as usual. Maximus groans and climbs off me, making me cold. I struggle to sit up and then I kneel on the bed so it won’t be as embarrassing if Leah came in.

Maximus opens the door and she barges in, scowling at me and then turning to face Maximus, poking him in the chest.

“You are on guard duty now,” Leah snarls, “You do realise security is of upmost important ever since we were infiltrated?”

“I’m kind of busy, Leah,” Maximus eyes Isobel, “Training my new little Hunter.”

Leah looks exasperated and then confused.

“You – …” she looks to me and then Maximus, then back to me. I smile innocently and she see’s my fangs, “You’re a vampire now?”

“She is my Hunter in training,” Maximus informs Leah, “She is now capable of fending off vampire hunters with me and Darrius.”

“That’s fantastic,” Leah says dryly, although she’d calmed down slightly, “But we have a security issue to deal with.”

“Like what?” Maximus asks, now clearly intrigued.

“It could be nothing, but the electronic security systems went offline and lost power for a few minutes just before. They are back up and running but we need the guards on duty and extras to help out and make sure the palace is secure,” Leah crosses her arms over her chest, “Owen and I will do our bit, we need you as well. You’ll have all the time in the world for the girl later, once we make sure the palace is 100% safe.”

Maximus sighs but eventually agrees, “Okay, I’ll be out in a second.” Leah nods and leaves, and Maximus shuts the door to come back over to me.

He still looks hot and bothered, which makes me secretly smug, as he climbs on the bed behind me and angrily unties my wrists.

“You’re free, darling,” Maximus says, in defeat. Finally. I rub my wrists and Maximus climbs back off the bed once more, “I’ll call in another vampire and a human to help you learn how to feed off a human. You can’t resist much longer. You need to learn soon how to be a proper vampire to survive. I’ll be back later. Maybe put some decent clothes on,” he adds the last part to my surprise and I just raise an eyebrow at him.

“Bye,” I mutter as he leaves and shuts the door.

He was definitely protective of me, and that made me both happy and annoyed at the same time. I could look after myself, and wear whatever I liked!

However I would get changed into a proper outfit if he was going to send over a vampire and a human to help me learn how to drink from a human directly.

I sigh, realising I am getting thirsty once more.

I reach up a hand and tentatively feel the sharpness of my fangs. It pricks my finger, but it doesn’t hurt too bad. I watch as the cut heals almost instantly.

I wasn’t a human anymore, neither was I a potential vampire hunter.

I was a vampire that could hunt vampire hunters and win every match successfully.

A feeling of anxiety washes over me as I remember my old life, and my closest friend. Luke. He was always there for me, teaching me how to hunt vampires and stay safe.

What would he do when he found out I was now the enemy?

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