Hunted (Wild Mountain Scots, #2)

Hunted: Chapter 14

By the time Leo and Elise returned, my clock-watching had become ridiculous. Despite the fact I was meant to be working, I kept a constant lookout for the lass. Every time he noticed, Max rolled his eyes.

I didn’t give a fuck.

Likewise, I let my heart do its own thing when they entered our camp.

Leo had a full schedule of work, so there was no hanging around for a chat. Gordain marshalled us up and out. He issued his orders, and it was my job to stick close to Leo. But before we left, Gordain took me to one side.

“Elise won’t be taking to the stage tonight.”

“She’s leaving?” My gut crunched.

“Naw. Just not performing. She’ll be joining us tomorrow. She’s asked me to provide security for her, apparently there’s some issue with her own people.” He eyed me. “I’ll be finding a way to fit her into our schedule. Choose now if ye want to be part of that or no.”

My lips moved automatically. “Part of it.”

He gave me a nod of acknowledgement and sent me on my way.

I had more time with Elise. My plan to keep away from the lass flew out of the window.

A few hours later, heading back to the site, Smith, one of Gordain’s older members of staff, stripped his work shirt, leaving himself bare-chested. Tattoos coiled around his arms.

The familiar style of one had me staring.

Smith reached out and shoved me. “Eyes off the merchandise.”

“Did ye tattoo Maddock?” I asked.

The man’s eyes lit. “Aye. Can ye tell?”

I prodded his forearm. “Same style.”

“Want one?” Smith’s gaze sought someone behind me. “Or do I get to ink up the other twin?”

I glanced around to find Max closing in. “Ink me up? Why?”

“To match Maddock.”

Max squinted at us. “What are ye talking about?”

Smith continued on blithely. “His tattoo. I did it. Do ye like it? I’m available for hire.”

Emotion crossed Max’s expression, hidden instantly by his typical bravado. “Never even seen it. But it’s not like we live together anymore. I wonder why he chose not to mention that.” His lip curled, and he peeled away from my side.

I stared after him.

He was hurt.

All that pretence that he didn’t care.

Back at the camping ground, I found my way to the picnic blanket where Elise, Rory, and Viola sat. The lasses were deep in conversation over something, but all gazes raised to me.

I halted. In a role reversal, I asked the question she’d put to me yesterday. “Got a minute?”

She uncurled her long, bare legs and gracefully stood. Her face tipped to mine, and she said sweetly, “For you? All the minutes.”

The other two women giggled, and I led Elise away.

“Gordain tells me you’re sticking around for another day.”

“I am. I’ve decided against joining Leo onstage tonight, but I could tomorrow. He’s given me the option.”

“Would it bother you if I’m the person guarding ye?”

Her gaze held mine. “I couldn’t think of anyone better.”

There was a pause where that sank in, then she continued. “Rory can’t stay, though. I’ll take her home, say hi to her mom, then come onto the other festival later.”

Words formed on my tongue: an offer to go with her. Be her driver or guard. Gordain would let me. He’d deliberately over-staffed on Leo’s protection. I knew if I asked, he wouldn’t say no.

Yet that way be dragons. Nor was I sure she’d want that.

“Will ye be okay with the drive?” I asked instead.

A smile graced Elise’s pretty face. “I’ve booked a car. Don’t worry about me.”

Except I did. “Grand. If ye want, we can hang out.”

“Yours, whenever you want me.”

Under me. Now. Moaning my name.

“Promises,” I muttered and wheeled away before I did something daft.

Evening drew in, and the time of Leo’s concert arrived. He was headlining, so our party moved to the backstage area, Viola and Baby G included. My duty switched to protection for Viola, which also kept me close to the other lass dominating my attention.

With her friends and mine, Elise danced to the music, whistling and cheering when it was Leo’s turn to take the stage. At least in her decision about not joining him, she seemed happy.

He performed the song I knew she’d practiced, and I stole glances at her while she gazed on, her eyes wistful. She mouthed lyrics, though not the ones Leo sang, while I got stuck on the perfect shape of her mouth.

Then the song was over, and Leo bounded offstage, straight up to Viola. He kissed her hard, the clinch too hot for me to watch. After, he beckoned to Elise and spoke into her ear.

Whatever he said had her heave a sigh but nod.

Viola came over to me. “Ready?” she asked.

Above her head, Gordain gave me a hard stare. It was time for me to escort Viola back to camp. The bairn was too wee for long exposure to the level of sound his da was generating, even with tiny noise-cancelling headphones.

This division of resources was the reason Gordain had wanted me along. As Leo’s chief of security, his place was backstage, overseeing the team. But I knew his heart was split by wanting to stay with his daughter and grandson, too.

I understood it, to a small degree. For a short second, I felt the wrench of leaving Elise.

With Smith and Max, Viola and I exited the stage compound in a tight unit. Leo-fever held the crowd in thrall, and the vibe was a positive one. I knew from Gordain’s briefings that late evenings meant greater risk, so I kept my attention keen.

We moved fast down the centre of the brightly lit pathways of the backstage area, but festival-goers littered our way, slowing us.

Viola nudged me with her shoulder. Despite the warm night, she’d brought a hoodie to zip up around her snoozing bairn. “What’s up with ye and Elise?”

I gave her a look. “Straight to the point.”

“I thought there was something between the two of ye, now I’m convinced of it.”

It was hard to avoid. “Are ye matchmaking, or warning me off?”

In the corner of my gaze, she stroked her bairn’s head. “Neither. Just curious.”

The crowd thickened ahead, and we stopped.

In this unit, I wasn’t the most senior in age or experience, but I’d taken charge of the rescue service successfully and I easily slipped into being Gordain’s second.

“Smith, take a look,” I ordered.

The massive man jumped to my command. He waded into the crowd, shoving people aside with his bulk.

“Did Elise say something?” I couldn’t help myself.

Viola snickered a dirty laugh. “Cam, ye are so obvious. Ye wear your heart entirely on your sleeve.”

“I do not.”

But my cousin only smirked.

Smith retreated and shook his head. “Food truck’s giving away free shite. Big crowd coming the other way.”


My pulse picked up, and I pointed behind us. “We’ll take another route.”

“Hey,” a man next to Smith shouted. “Who the fuck do you think you are, pushing me around?”

He shoulder-barged my colleague, barely shifting him.

Smith snorted and lashed out, knocking the guy to his arse on the dirt ground. “Watch yourself,” he barked then grimaced at me. “The lad just came at me.”

“Get out of there,” I told him.

The man clambered up and got in Smith’s face again, his gaze wild. Clearly high or drunk, he took another swing. Smith dodged it, but more people turned, attracted to the drama.

“We cannae get caught up in a fight,” Max warned.

Hell no.

“Smith, back off,” I called.

He glared at the punk kid, not hearing me.

“Leave him to handle it,” Max urged. “We need to move.”

Leading Viola, I retraced our steps back to the last junction in the path. In my mind’s eye, I pictured the site plan, then picked another route.

At a faster pace, we half ran to the segmented area. Groups sprawled around tents, and Leo’s music played from screens.

Baby G let out a loud wail.

“Banks!” someone whooped Leo’s stage name.

For a gut-wrenching second, I thought they’d recognised Viola. But no one stopped us, and we moved unimpeded, finally reaching the inner zone.

I had never been so relieved to return to base.

Smith jogged up as we cleared the gate. His knuckles glistened red.

He caught my stare. “One of them got a lucky punch. I couldnae let that go. Sorry. I didnae start it.”

Viola grumbled then carried Baby G into their temporary accommodation for the night. I stood guard outside and reported in to Gordain with a quick text.

The stress of the journey back, even if low risk by the end, should’ve bothered me. Instead, I buzzed with the thrill of it. The innate protector side I carried had been unleashed, and I wanted more.

In the morning, we’d all leave for the next festival. The equipment would be packed up and taken on ahead. Elise would go with Rory, but at least I’d get to see her for another night.

Except… I wanted to take that drive with her. As a minimum to make sure she was okay, or maybe to offer help with her blackmail problem. But also for other reasons I couldn’t closely examine.

Ones that came with pictures of her mouth on mine. Her grip on my shirt, pulling me in.

Reasons that came with a heat warning and made me sweat.

The final hour of the gig crept by.

Far slower than should’ve been legal, Gordain and his crew returned with Leo, Elise, and Rory. He came to me for a short debrief, grimacing over Smith’s fight.

Finally, I was released from duty.

Max thumped my shoulder. “Beer. Women.”

I gestured to where Elise and Rory stood talking. “Those women.”

Max shrugged. “Deal.”

If he had an opinion on my interest, he didn’t comment. I quietened my own inner warning system over playing with fire, and sought out Elise.

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