Hunted: A Highgate Preparatory Academy Prequel Novella

Hunted: Chapter 3

I spend the next few days in a permanent state of anxious exhaustion. The route Enzo picked out isn’t the quickest or easiest, but it’s thorough and I’m fairly confident that Ace won’t be able to track me down, even with his endless resources.

As a precaution, once I arrive in Liverpool, I head to a pawn shop near the docks and sell some of the jewellery for cash, then go to the nearest salon. I emerge a fiery redhead, instead of my usual brunette, a colour admittedly, I’ve always wanted to be.

I decide to take the coach to London. I grew up in Surrey, and we visited the London house a few times so I know it well enough to feel comfortable there. I also like the idea of getting lost in the big city; there’s a comfort of being around so many people. I know that it might be risky, it’s one of the places that Ace may look for me, but if I avoid any of my previous haunts, I should be able to blend in with the throng.

The journey from Liverpool takes six long hours. Luckily, I bought a phone before I boarded the coach, and downloaded Spotify so I could at least listen to music and podcasts. I arrive at Victoria Coach Station just before ten in the evening, weary but glad that I’m almost to my new home.

It’s still pretty busy, even for this late at night, and lucky for me it’s not raining, as it so often is in England. My next task is to find somewhere to stay for tonight. I spy an open café across the street that looks like a good place to work out how I’m going to do that and grab a drink.

The sound of a bell tinkles as I push open the door, and I’m immediately engulfed in the warm smell of coffee and bacon. There’s an empty table in the corner of the room next to the window, so I head there and take a seat. The whole place has that quaint vintage vibe about it, with mismatched chairs and old china plates, cups, and saucers. What sounds like wartime songs are playing in the background, alongside the hiss of the coffeemaker.

There are a few patrons, travellers like myself for the most part, all nursing steaming cups, and despite the late hour, one or two even have plates of a full English breakfast in front of them. There’s a group of stunning women in the back, laughing and talking loudly, dressed in glittering party dresses that sparkle under the lights. I must admit, it’s nice to be surrounded by the familiar sound of English voices again after hearing the American twang for so long.

One of the women, a busty brunette with green eyes, catches my gaze and gives me a blinding smile. I tentatively return the gesture, then look quickly down at the menu. I can’t help the flinch as a shadow falls across the table, but breathe a sigh of relief when I look up to see a middle-aged waitress in a flowery fifties-style dress smiling down at me.

“What’ll it be, luv?” she asks, her accent pure East End.

“Earl Grey tea, please. And maybe some toast and jam?” I ask timidly.

“Sure thing, luv,” she answers with another smile before turning and heading back towards the counter.

Taking my phone out, I’m relieved to see that I’ve got 4G signal and start looking up cheap hotels for the night. I figure I’ll stay in one tonight and start flat hunting tomorrow.

A shadow falls across the table again, and I look up with a smile, placing my phone down and expecting to see the waitress with my order. My smile freezes as I meet the bloodshot eyes of a skinny man, with dark greasy hair and a lecherous grin.

“Hello, beautiful,” he coos, and a shudder of revulsion passes through me at the state of his blackened teeth.

“Please leave me alone,” I reply firmly, although there’s a tremor in my hands now.

“Aw, there’s no need to be like that,” he says, leaning down so I can smell his rancid breath. “I was just bein’ friendly like. And it looks like you’re all alone and need a friend, eh?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” I retort dismissively, hoping that he will leave me be.

Suddenly, his hand shoots out and grabs my wrist, his grip tight and painful. I try to snatch my hand back, but his hold is like a vice.

“Let go,” I order through gritted teeth, panic starting to claw its way through me.

“You best let her go, Kol.” A husky female voice sounds, and I crane my neck to see the beautiful brunette behind him, hands on her voluptuous hips. “This isn’t your patch, and you wouldn’t want Grey getting wind of this now, would you?” One of her perfect brows is raised, and there’s a smug look on her face, like she knows she’s already won.

Kol’s upper lip curls, holding my wrist for a second longer before letting go with a snarl. He turns around and storms out, letting the door slam behind him. The effect is ruined somewhat by the cheery tinkle of the bell, and I can’t help a small chuckle escaping my lips.

“Thanks,” I say gratefully, rubbing my wrist.

“No worries, gorgeous. Kol is a disgusting shit face pimp, and he was overstepping,” she informs me, insinuating herself into the chair opposite mine. There’s no other word for the movement, she’s so graceful with a sensuality about her it would be impossible for her to move any other way. “I’m Lexi,” she tells me, holding out a manicured hand for me to shake.

“V-Laura,” I say, tripping over my new name. Dammit! “Laura Darling. Pleased to meet you.” I let go of her hand, dropping mine onto my lap nervously.

“Pleased to meet you, Laura.” She beams at me. “Would I be right in assuming that you’re new to London?” she asks tentatively, ducking her head to catch my lowered gaze. I nod, my nerves making my heart race. “Do you have a place to stay tonight, Laura?” she asks gently, and there’s something so honest about her that I want to trust her.

My gut tells me she’s good people, but then my gut didn’t warn me about Ace so it doesn’t exactly have a great track record.

“No,” I whisper quietly, and all she does is smiles kindly at me.

“Well, I have a spare bed that you’re welcome to, although we’re on our way to Grey’s so it would need to be after that.” She pauses as if in thought, then snaps her fingers. “Do you have a job yet, Laura?” she asks, and I can hear the excitement in her voice.

“No.” I sound like a broken record.

“Grey is looking for a new waitress if you’re interested?” She looks so hopeful, like she truly wants to help me.

“I-I’ve never done waitressing before…” I hesitate.

“Oh, that’s not a problem.” She laughs, the sound like cigar smoke caressing me. “Leave Grey to me.”

“I-I’m not sure…” I reply, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, but how can I trust someone I’ve only just met?

It’s at that moment, the waitress comes back with my order.

“Babs will tell you I’m alright, won’t you, Babs?” Lexi assures me, looking up at her.

Babs, chuckles. “Lexi’s a good ‘un, luv,” she assures me. “She’ll see you right as rain.” Setting down my order, she pats my shoulder then heads off again.

I chew my lip, trying to decide if I dare take the risk. My eyes snap up to Lexi’s, who looks so encouraging, I decide to throw caution to the wind.

“Okay,” I manage out before she claps her hands in glee and hollers to the others in the back.

“Ladies! This is Laura, and she’ll be joining us tonight!” They all cheer, and their enthusiasm is infectious, causing my lips to split into a wide grin. A fissure of excitement runs through me.

“Finish your tea and toast, gorgeous,” Lexi commands me jovially. “Then we’ll take you to Grey’s.”

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