Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 43


A lady walks by. It’s conspicuous, her attire is what I will say an amalgam of a nightdress and an evening gown. Her undergarments should be showing by now if it isn’t for her attendant who’s given her a cloak. Thus, from being dishonorable, now, she appears like a beldam who practices hex. After numerous drawings of heads, the masses have chosen to ignore her. She continues nevertheless.

Eventually, she goes past the busy pavilion. There, a girl is implying fast strokes on the paper. Her, drawing a sketch, reminds me of the one I’ve reacquainted with.

“I hope I can show you mine someday.” she said. “Not that I didn’t show you one before. Remember the drawing I gave?” her smile was evident as she talked.

It would be nice if we ever got the opportunity to cross paths again, but will we ever be?

“I’m uncertain.”

The sound of my own voice resounds to my ears. Having a glimpse, I notice that the driver is glancing at me. His eyes are vast. Mine collide briefly to his own, and he averts them to the road.


“What’s it?” I speak in a lenient tone.

“Are you alright?”

“Well, yes. I’m just thinking out loud. Thank you for your concern.”

“T-that’s good to hear, sir.”

Silence fills the air.

The car moves forward for a while but takes a halt because the streets are busy.

The driver is clearly avoiding me.

I clear my throat. “Hey!”

The driver flinches. Slowly, he turns his head behind.

I smile. “The traffic is quite unusual today.”

“... Yes. It’s because of the preparation for the upcoming election.”

“Really? I didn’t notice that now’s that time already.”

“The president is going to be replaced again. I hope he’s deserving to lead.”

“I’m hopeful.” so, the dry run will be conducted soon? In a week or so?

Again, a beat passes that makes everything ill at ease. Meanwhile, his lips quiver. I said that I’ll be careful with strangers, but this situation is completely harrowing. I tap the screen of my phone so that I will appear using it.

“What’s your ability?” I speak.


I know that he looks at me, but I ignore.

“Metal manipulation.”

“Amazing!” I scream.


“I see, you’re a Class III. How about your level? What’s it?”

“Sir, is this really necessary?”

“It depends if you’re willing to answer, but as for me, the stroke of my inquisitiveness has sprung to mind at the moment. Is it forbidden?”

“I didn’t mean offense. I apologize. I’m a Level 5.”

“See. You’re strong, and yet you fear someone like me. I bet you can even put up a fight.”

“I-i wouldn’t even dare to touch you, sir!”

“Huh? So your feeling of disgust toward me is that strong?”

“Ah. N-no! No! I didn—”

I touch his shoulder.

“Ack!!!” but it seems he evades.

The car swerves in both directions. Ahead rests a tall truck. Oh no. I close my eyes.

In the cold darkness, a clicking sound resonates. I command my energy to stop the momentum of the cab we’re riding.

I open my eyes to see the static scene. Thankfully.

“Phew. That was dangerous.” I say.

As of the moment, the expression of the driver is of vacancy. I think I better avoid surprising him again.

“Excuse me, mister?” I let my voice be softer, “Hello?”

He jolts.

His eyes gape wide, and in a moment, beads of sweat trickle on his forehead.

“Ah! I’m mnmnnnmmnnn?”

“I’m sorry but can you please come again?”

“I’m still alive?” then, he turns his head to the right side. “W-w-sir?! Sir?”

“Calm down.”

“I’m sorry, sir. P-please don’t kill me. I still have two daughters to feed. But, but, I’ll surrender myself to you once I left them at my sister.”

Using my ability is convenient to tame his attitude, but I don’t want to inflict damage in his dream. This is my own damn fault, to begin with.

“Please, stop overthinking things. I won’t do something so bold such as ending your life.”

“But I messed up my job.”

“Look,” I gesture at the window, “we’re in the middle of the highway, surrounded by a platoon of vehicles. Open your eyes.”

Honk honk! Beep beep!

“Other automobile operators are already enraged. You said that you still have daughters to feed. So, do you really want to leave them at your sister’s custody for the sole reason you’re arrested?”

He gapes his mouth, hanging.

“I don’t mind. So, please, start driving the car, will you?”

He nods. His eyes are somehow empty, but the car moves without another word.

What have I done? Instead of providing a solution, I caused a hole in his morals.

Still, I shouldn’t surrender. Right?

I lean on the seat.

“Don’t fear, I won’t hurt anyone due to the most trivial things.”

He speaks to reply but abruptly holds it back.

Alright. I don’t need to tell him anymore.

Outside, the vehicles rush forward while the arc of streetlights sways in succession. I promptly remember Jules. I can only hope he isn’t fooling with other girls.

The screen of my phone illuminates. On display, the legible letters of the name are known to me.

“Why haven’t you come home?” the message from dad reads by.

Jules hasn’t told him?

“I’m sorry, dad. I wasn’t able to come home because I ought to finish all of the school works. The teachers charged us a heap of activities.”

“You should have messaged earlier.”

“Actually, I’ve told Jules that I won’t be able to return this weekend.”

“You’re already aware of your brother is forgetful.”

Irresponsible is the right word. “By the way, where’s him?”

“Why would you ask? He is in his room.”

“For no apparent reason. Dad, as much as I wanted to speak to you, I still need to accomplish several papers. Can we talk again at another time?”

“No worries. Go ahead and work on your papers.”

“Thank you, dad.”

“Look after yourself, and always remember that you’re free to talk your worries with me.”

My worries? I can’t.

I still can’t grasp any reason why the letter is on the table. Speaking of the house, I need to send a message to Jules.

“For pity’s sake, just where in the entire city are you?” this should alarm him. If not, I swear he’s going to get a handful from me.

Distracting myself, I focus on the evening scenery. A cluster of skyscrapers catches my attention. The traces of their lights seem like twinkling stars because of the dazzle they shimmer. At the feet of the towers walk the busy masses. Most of them are in office attires, but some are dolled in their full glory— heading to and fro of the amenities.

My phone remains lifeless. Jules is definitely not at the house, unless, he’s ignoring the messages I’ve sent. How could they let him go like that? Tsk. That philanderer... I’m going to ingrain his brain a lesson once I return.

The taxi roams the roundabout.

Then, a wide landscape fronts. In the middle of the greeneries stands tall a crescent-shaped tower. It is illuminated by various shades of red, yellow, and green neon lights.

The cab stops.

Only silence fills the air between me and the driver. Part of it, no, all of it is my fault, and so, I should just leave him be. I place the fare with additional money for conciliation.

“Thank you.” I utter.

My feet graze the concrete. I push the door to close.

“No, I’m the one who should be—” the driver says.


I turn. The warm air dampens my skin, and the figure of the cab fades to the distance.

I hope his impression of Class IV Skens has changed somehow. The time on my phone indicates I have 10 minutes before the arranged time. However, I should commence. With my shades on, I cast a field of illusion in my entire vicinity and head to the entrance.

Guards are scattered throughout the grounds. They gesture a salute to me but none recognize who I truly am.

Before the entrance is a quartet of guards to preserve the security.

The one on the right bows. “Good evening, sir.”

“Good evening.” I say.

“Do you, by chance, already have a membership card?”

“I possess one. Wait for a while.” I put my hand in my pocket.

A sharp shiver runs from my head down to my spine. My vision becomes tainted with purple, and a familiar click resonates in the depths of my mind- four sharp clicks. Before me, the eyes of the guards are flashing in purple. Promptly, its foreign shade disappears and what’s left are their natural eye colors.

Allow me to enter the place.


Raising their hands, they gesture to the door.

I think the management should fortify the security force if this is the level they have got.

On my skin blows a cold breeze. The lobby is uniformed in black starting from the floor up to the desks while the wall and the ceiling resemble the pages of aged books. Ladies are in their fineries of evening dresses. Gentlemen are wearing tuxedos. I’m glad that I’m not underdressed. A few are going fro and forth, but it isn’t really crowded; I pave toward the elevator.

Out of nowhere, something in my pocket vibrates. The instigator is Jules.

“I’m finishing school works in my room. Sorry hyung.” Jules stated in his message.

The nerve of him.

“Make sure you pass the audition.” I reply.

“Of course. Have faith in me.”

“You had failed the audition of the swimming club. Work hard.” or you’re getting a beating from me.

“Do you really need to say that? Come on, I’ll do anything just to pass that audition.”

“Yes, but don’t hurt someone.” moreover, kill, although I doubt he’s capable of that.

The bell resounds. I return my phone to my pocket, and though it vibrates, I don’t bother.

I’m on the 80th floor. In the farthest corner, an exit door made of tinted glass is located. The moment of truth will be unfolded. I clutch the handle.

Outside a pack of people in black clothing is gathered under the Dragon’s Den. A man is standing before the rest.

I close the distance across.

The back of my head has light shivers. I direct my eyes ahead, but an entity of heaviness shrouds upon me. Promptly, a sharp pain inflicts my temple.

What’s happening—ah?! Charging toward me is a punch. I evade to my left, barely, as the gust of wind generated by the force grazes my skin. As soon as I do, a change occurs in my surroundings. As of the moment, several men are rushing in my direction, and so, I guard my hand in front of me and let the energy flow.

But no aura is emitted.


A cold sensation crawls unforeseen in the pits of my stomach.


And then a burning sensation overflows. Shit. I restrict myself to gaze at the source of the sensation for the sake of avoiding unnecessary pain.

I need to defend myself although I can’t use my ability.

From my left, a man approaches. His eyes flicker; he’s probably a melee fighter. I spring to the right. Having the equilibrium, I kick him on the face.


He crashes to the man who approached me earlier. Several men keep on rushing, and I wait for them to arrive.

The man ahead is a bit shorter than the rest. Then, I notice something on his chest. A piece of red metal shimmers so vividly just like the blinding moonlight above. A necklace?

Promptly, he spins white energy in his hand. White energy that’s almost gray.

A wind? I run to the right.

Something locks on my leg. I gaze below, but before I can, everything around me turns blurry.



A dull pain aches on my back. I gasp for air, but my mouth itches. What lingers is a metallic taste.

“Hack! Hack!”

The taste overflows while I cough. Then, a dark red tint spills from my mouth together with the sharp pungent smell that pricks my nose. In my line of sight, a huge figure is coming onward.


The very moment clashes a wave of vigorous wind currents against my skin. Looking around, the scenery flashes in rapid motion. Through my senses, a force is gravitating downward, and through my eyes, I become aware that the moon is in front of me.


I’m falling! I need to do something. Closing my eyes, I allow the energy to swallow me.

A sharp sensation surges.


A purple light explodes.

The pulling force disappears; however, everything remains dark. I survived, didn’t I?

The place is different from what I’ve expected. Instead of the night sky, what I’m seeing are clusters of trees towering above.

Promptly, affliction overtakes every nerve in my body. A stab wound is drawn on my stomach, and looking upon it only sharpens the sensation.

How were they able to block my ability? I’ve never experienced nor heard something like that before. And I didn’t even get any answers about the letter.

For now, I need to return to the dorms.

The metallic taste lingers inside of my mouth. The light from the horizon illuminates my skin, still blinding.

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