Human: Paradigm (COMPLETED)

Chapter 36


A picture enclosed in a frame stands on the night table where the photograph that the girl of yesternight was talking about. How could I forget? This is the only gift I kept from that year.

I touch it. A surge of energy flows unforeseen, and then, the tingling sensation creeps throughout my body.

The next thing I witness is a green ceiling. From what it seems, the view is upward, and so, it must be from a desk. A girl is leaning toward the paper. It is the girl I reacquainted.

Rather than her state last night, she appears to be pubescent. Her eyebrows are knitted together. The lines of her lips are pursed.

The friction between the paper and the pencil creates a loud scratching sound. It goes for some time until she settles.

“Phew. This is done.” then, she moves closer to the paper.

I shudder. The vision becomes blurry.

What am I thinking? Securing my grip, the passing image clarifies its state once more.

“It’s perfect... but will he like it?”

The passing image I’m witnessing fades. Gazing, the only thing left is the drawing itself. It depicts an image of a boy feeding the fish in the pond of the school.

Her skill as a primary student is great because the drawing is vivid, realistic even. No wonder why I kept it. But more than that, her sincerity had plucked the strings of my conscience as she has no ill intentions when she gave this to me.

Knock Knock

“Good morning.” the silvery voice resounds on the other side of the door.

“Are you ready?” it says further.

I set the drawing in its original place. “I just finished.”

“Good. I’ve thought you still need my assistance to groom.”

“Nah. No thanks.”

“You’ve grown. I’m proud. Just try not to be a jerk to everyone.”

“Tell that to my philanderer brother.”

“Why don’t you tell him yourself?”

On the vanity, I notice a pair of well-acquainted shades. The black paint, the dark lens, and moreover, the gold embossing of R.L. on the left temple are all familiar. If I really dropped this last night, why is it here?

I open the door. Jose’s crumpled expression greets my consciousness.

“Is there anything wrong? You look rather perplexed.”

I walk. “Where’s Jules?”

“In his room, I assume. Hasn’t he dine for breakfast?”


“One of the guards informed that he went home at the wee hours. Maybe that explains why he’s resting.”

How stupid of me to forget. I really had lost my shades last night. It did fall at the parking lot, but he must’ve brought it home.

“Father should tame him. He’s so perverse.”

“I’m sure he will. Of course, that is once sir find out.”

“Found out what?” the thin rough quality of the voice weaves the air.

We stop in our tracks. A cane in hand and a black suit; grandfather.

Jose turns his head forward. “Sir Cheol will be delighted if he found that Richard attended a social gathering.”

Great save.

Grandfather leans his weight on his cane. “Is that so? Me too, I’m glad that Richard decided to socialize with people of his age.” he gazes at me tenderly.

That look, I hate it. “It’s rare to see you wandering these days, grandfather,” I say.

“I’m just walking for exercise because my body has been feeling relieved in the past few days.”

“I see. The medicine is great, no?”

Grandfather smiles. “It is. I’m thankful that my condition has improved, and I got the opportunity to celebrate your birthday with you.”

That smile, I despise it. “Thank you for last night.”

“You’ve been such a good kid. You deserve it, son.”

Son? That remark, I loathe it.

“Oh, is it that time already? Please excuse me for a while. I need to finish some errands. On a side note, don’t forget to pay Hei-Ran my greetings.”

“I will.”

"Make her happy."

“If that’s so, then I’ll be going. Take care of yourself while I’m away, and call Jules or Jose if anything happens.”

“Have a good time.”

Grandfather walks past me. On the other hand, Jose opens the front door.

The bright light slices through the atmosphere, which causes me to narrow my eyes. Several men in black suits come into my line of vision. They’re surrounding the Merceves-Bench.

“What’s this?” I ask Jose.

Jose turns in my direction with a blasé expression. “The guards?”

“I mean what is this situation about? Why is there a car prepared?”

Jose nods like he understands what I’m saying, but behind those actions, he’s actually being sarcastic again.

“You’re going somewhere, aren’t you? You’re taking the car for that.”

“With all these bodyguards?”

I glance at them. The builds of their body are big, and their stance seems sturdy; but even so, why do I need a great number when I can defend myself?

"This isn’t your order,” I declare.

“But I do think it’s necessary. You’re aware of how famous you are, and your grandfather is very much worried for your sake.”

“Well, whatever. I’m leaving. Just keep an eye on him and Jules. Especially Jules.”

“I will do what I can. Take care on your visit.”

With a distant remark, I approach the SUV.

The guards honor their salutes to me. Knowing they’re just following my grandfather’s commands, I smile.

The nearest guard on my left opens the door of the middle seat.

“Hey, you don’t need to serve everything on a golden platter. I can do that much.”

He bows. “I’m sorry, master.”

I wander. As expected, all of them are standing, resembling an arc of frozen statues.

“No. Raise your head since I’m not furious or enraged. I’m just telling that I’m capable of things on my own.”

“I’ll remember that, master.”

“Just call me by my name. It’s Ri-chard.” I don’t wait for his response to get inside the car.

The air permeates to my nose. It’s a strong and peculiar odor, far from a fresh scent, but reminiscent of a new car even though the quality isn’t close to being plastic.

After a while, a quintet of guards joins inside. Two sit by my side while the other two are at the back. The last guard to ride perch on the shotgun. I’m pretty sure that all of them are armed.

On the floor, next to my feet, is a tall paper bag. What’s that?

Looking on my right, the eyes of the guard are straight ahead, but I’ll ask him anyway.

“What’s that paper bag?”

“This is from Master Lee.”

From grandfather? “What is it?”

“I don’t really know myself, sir, but I suggest you inspect it. Master Lee said that you should give it to Ms. Nam.”

“I see.”

I rest the paper bag on my lap. Inside, a medium-size arrangement of white petals, tinged with streaks of yellow and lavender, lingers majestically in a basket with a pink ribbon. A peculiar wave enters through my senses. A faint sensation of dizziness reaches my forehead.

What’s that?

Is something strange happening?

“Are we going, young master?” the driver asks.

“Yes. It seems like there is nothing we’ve forgotten. By the way, call me Richard.”

“Very well, Richard.”

The car moves. It paces until it grooves to the flow of the other vehicles on the highway.

The landscape outside is uneventful. Everything I see is the same vehicles if it isn’t for the signages or big skyscrapers. I avert my gaze at my hand where the band of gold glimmers despite the absence of light... How was it, again?

The wind blew on my skin. It felt natural although it lacked the usual chill. The sight of red and yellow ambers decorated the atmosphere. Underneath, the thick sheet of leaves rustled as I walk the pavement.

In my left hand poked a hard box, but the silk cover softened the sensation. In front, by the spring, Hei-Ran was standing.

She’s looking at me with a teary-eyed gaze that could turn the sea. I knelt before her. Instantly, I felt stares on us. Astonished and expectant, yes, they were.

This is planned, why is everyone shocked?

While my thoughts are debating the reason why everyone seemed so surprised, I opened the box to get the metallic piece of gold.

“The most excellent shall be served upon you. Abounding as it should, ye shall be supported. Everlasting as thou say, ye shall grow. Unending as it seems, ye shall be loved,” I declared.

Her lips quivered.

“Will you—”


I stopped.

The next thing I knew was the strings of screams and cheers given to us. Hei-Ran wrapped me in an embrace before placing the ring on the fourth of her left.

So that’s how it is, huh?

“You’ve done well, Richard,” grandfather said that day.

I’ve done well?

I have done well?


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