HUGE X2: Chapter 5

Do you ever get the feeling that the universe is against you?  I get home that night to find a very quiet house.  I head to the kitchen expecting to find my mom there preparing dinner but the light is off and everything is packed away.  On the counter I find a note from Mom.  Apparently, Wendell, my step-dad, has decided to take her away for the weekend.  A romantic surprise.

The first thing that enters my head is the realization that I’m going to be home alone with the twins for a whole weekend.  No parental supervision.  No risk of being disturbed.  Nothing to stop them from carrying on like they were in the coffee shop.

Just the feeling of their hands on me had me trembling, and they were only touching innocent places.  They dismissed so easily all the reasons I gave them on why we can’t act on our feelings.  Things that sounded certain in my head sounded so unconvincing when voice out loud, and the more they I talked the less assured I felt.  Telling them ‘no’ felt so right to my head and so wrong to my heart, and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to keep up my barriers now they’ve taken the brave step towards confessing their long held feelings.

Just as I’m heading up the stairs to hide in my bedroom, the front door opens.  I turn to see Nathan coming in first and Ethan not far behind.  They both look up at me, Nathan seeming worried as though he knows exactly how I’m feeling and Ethan with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen.  They must know about our parent’s last minute trip.  They must know they have the perfect opportunity to get me exactly where they want me.  Nathan’s not sure how I’m going to react.  Ethan’s just thinking that all he has to do is to convince me; push my buttons a little harder and he’ll get the answer he wants.

“Hey, Peanut,” Ethan calls out.  “Did you hear the great news?”

“What great news?” I say.  Denial seems like my best course of action.  Pretend like nothing unusual is going on and maybe I’ll be safe.  Oh god, I’m lying to myself again.

“We have the house to ourselves for the whole weekend,” he says with glee in his voice.

I take another step up the stairs, backing away slowly.  “Yeah, my mom left me a note,” I reply, trying to keep my voice from quivering.

“Do you want to watch a movie, maybe?” Nathan asks kindly.  “We’ll let you choose.  Anything you want.”

They both look up at me hopefully and it breaks my heart a little.  Their little-boy expressions melt me.  I know what they are really asking and it has nothing to do with movies. They never let me choose without a fight.  It’s always a game to them first, and only after I moan and complain for half an hour do they give in.

I know if I agree, we’re going to end up on the couch together.  Once it’s movie time we always turn the lights down low to get the full cinema experience.  It’ll be the perfect atmosphere for what they were alluding to at the coffee shop, and what I’ve secretly been craving for months.  I’ve been telling myself that we can’t do this but my body has come alive at the thought of my fantasy becoming a reality.  I’ve been trying to convince myself that it is wrong, but if I’m honest with myself, my heart has never agreed.

When brain and heart diverge, which one gets the upper hand?  Logic or emotion?

I know it should be logic.

Time seems to stop as I look down at them.  I know this is a pivotal moment in my life.  Am I really going to do this?  What can I say?  I’m an emotional girl.

I think I am.

Am I going to live to regret it?

Who the fuck knows!

Maybe we all need to make a few reckless choices.  Maybe we all need to do things that will make us blush some day in the future when our hair is streaked with gray and our face marked with lines.  Maybe it’s the stuff that pushes our boundaries and makes us feel alive that are the times we will remember with the most fondness.

I love these guys; like friends and so much more.  I feel safe with them.  I know they wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.  I know that what they are asking me is about more than sex otherwise, they wouldn’t be asking.  If all they wanted was sex, they could get that anywhere.  They wouldn’t be risking their home life for something casual.  How things will work out in the future I have no idea.  But I do want them.  I do love them.  And if that makes me a terrible person, then I think I’m okay with that.  At least for today.  For this moment in time I let my heart choose my destiny.

“As long as it’s Pump up the Volume, I’m in,” and as soon as the words are out of my mouth, they both grin and start toeing off their shoes.

“I’ll be down in half an hour,” I say starting up the stairs.

In my room, I do what I did the night before; stand for a few minutes with my back against the door, taking deep breaths.  This time, though, I have every reason to need to calm my nerves.

I shower and put on some nice lingerie.  Nothing too sexy but a relatively new set that matches.  I cover it with comfy black yoga pants and a cami-top.  I can hear the boys laughing in their room.  I wonder what they’re talking about.  Are they talking tactics or just joking about something that happened at college today?  I decide to go to the den first.  Somehow that feels better than walking in on them and having to negotiate my way onto the couch.

I grab a magazine and take position in the middle as I usually do.  I don’t take in any of the words on the page but it’s somewhere to look and good cover for when the twins appear.

I hear them bounding down the stairs about five minutes later, the longest five minutes of my life.  They’re both dressed casually in dark blue and the color makes their eyes stand out even more than usual.  I can’t help but look them up and down as they stand in front of me.  For a moment, I wonder what on earth I have done to deserve them.  My mouth goes dry just thinking about what might happen next.  They act as though nothing’s going on, though.  Nathan grabs the remote from the table and slumps on my right.  Ethan turns the lights down as usual and takes a seat to my left.  We don’t speak as Nathan searches for my favorite Christian Slater movie and sets it running.  I could practically recite the words.

This will be the first movie night that I haven’t bothered to get popcorn.  I wonder if the boys have noticed and if they have, what they think.  There is so much running through my mind.  Who will make the first move?  I bet on Ethan.  He always takes the lead.  I wonder how they’ll be.  What it will feel like to kiss them. Will it feel the same or different?  It’s been so long since I felt a man’s hands on me.  Then I remember the rumor Katelin had whispered in my ear at our last cookout.  The one about the size of things I could be seeing very soon and a shiver runs up my spine.  I usually take gossip with a pinch of salt, but this had come via Katelin’s sister who is in the same classes as the twins.  Only one word was used, and it was done with an expression of knowing awe. Huge.

We watch about five minutes of the movie but I don’t take anything in.  All I can think about is what the twins have resting between their legs.  I’m so damn curious to find out if the stories are true. It isn’t long before the couch shifts and Ethan moves closer.  He puts his arm over the back, like we’re sixteen and on a first date. I want to laugh but then his other hand rests against my cheek and turns my head until I’m facing him.  It takes all my confidence to maintain eye contact.

“You know we love you, Carrie,” he says so gently I feel the words from my eyelashes to the tips of my tiny toes.  Nathan strokes his hand over my hair, coming so close behind me I can feel the heat of his body against the bare skin of my arms.

I nod my head like a mute.  I didn’t really know that.  Not the love bit.  I knew they liked me.  I felt certain they cared for me and had feelings for me.  But love?  My heart feels like it is going to burst, with happiness and with hope.

Ethan leans forward and presses his lips against mine at exactly the same moment that I feel Nathan’s on my neck.  Ethan’s gentle kisses are mirrored by Nathan in a way I hadn’t expected and everything is magnified.  The first touch of Eth’s tongue against mine is electric but it is made so much more by the soft press of Nathan’s just beneath my ear.  I moan, not knowing what to do.  I want to lean into Ethan, to get closer to his body and the strength I can feel radiating from him.  But if I move forward I’ll distance myself from Nath and I don’t want to lose his contact.  I want to feel both their broad, muscular chests pressed against me.  I want them to wrap me up in Stanmore twin until I don’t know where one of them ends and the other one begins.

As if Nathan can read my mind, he moves forward and then so does Eth and I almost get my wish.  The angles are difficult but they’re as close as they can get with us sitting up like this.  I put one hand on Ethan’s cheek, deepening the kiss that is so amazing I could weep.  With the other I reach behind to find Nathan’s knee.  I want him to know I’m enjoying what he’s doing too. What woman wouldn’t love having soft kisses dusted across her shoulders and on the sensitive skin of her neck?  It’s Nathan’s hand that moves up my side and onto my breast first.  I would never have thought he’d be the one to push things to second base but he is.  His touch isn’t tentative at all; he just gets his hand round me and squeezes, pinching at the tip of my nipple in a way that sends pleasure all the way between my legs.  It feels so good that I pull away from Ethan to close my eyes and arch my back.  And then Ethan’s hand is sliding up my camisole.  It’s so big and rough, from all the hours of working out he does and the yard work his dad insists both the twins do.  And he doesn’t take his time with things.  Not at all.  He’s unsnapped the front fastening of my bra and has his hand on my bare skin before I can even moan.

“Fuck, Carrie, you’re so beautiful,” Nathan whispers in my ear as he rolls my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, still maddeningly though the fabric of my top.  Ethan, on the other hand, has pushed the strap of his side down.  I watch him as he cups my breast, taking time to caress it and appreciate it. I see the moment he decides he is going to lean in to suck the tight pink nipple.  When his mouth latches on it isn’t gentle.  He sucks hard enough to make me gasp, then gently bites the tip.  It’s agony and ecstasy all rolled into one.

“That looks so damn hot,” Nathan breathes in my ear.  “Does it feel good, baby?  Do you like it when he bites you?”

I nod my head and turn until I’m looking into Nathan’s eyes.  They are blazing with desire and his lips look flushed from all the kisses he’s been peppering me with.  I lean in and lick at his top lip gently, wanting to find out if he tastes the same as his brother.  They must use different toothpaste because Nathan tastes like peppermint and Ethan like spearmint.  They kiss differently too.  Ethan is bolder and more in control of his kiss, whereas Nathan seems to respond more to the movements I make.

I’ve never felt anything like the sensation of having someone’s tongue in my mouth and another on my breast at the same time.  It’s almost too much for me to take.  I’m so hot between my legs and I have a desperate urge to press them together for some relief.  It takes some shifting to do it because Ethan has a knee between mine, and as I try to adjust my position he takes a firm hold of one of my legs.

“I know what you’re trying to do,” he whispers in my ear, watching as his brother kisses me slow and deep.  “You want to squeeze your legs shut but I’m not going to let you, Carrie.  I want you so worked up that you’ll come the minute I press my tongue against your clit.”

I wriggle again because his words might as well have been his tongue.  My clit feels hot and swollen, and I know I’m wet because I’ve got that achy feeling down below. That feeling that tells you that you’re ready.

The trouble is that Nathan’s kiss is so damn good that I don’t want to pull away. I cup his face to hold him to me, sliding my tongue over his like we’re fucking.  I can feel the couch shift as Ethan takes position behind me. He doesn’t kiss my neck like his brother did, though.  No.  That would be too tame for Ethan.  Eth has to push the fabric of my top and lick up my spine like I’m the most delicious popsicle in the world.  I didn’t know my back was so sensitive. I didn’t know that the simple press of someone’s hot, wet mouth so close to my ass would make me moan right into Nathan’s mouth.

It’s as though that moan flips a switch inside Nathan.  Kissing isn’t enough.  He wants more.

He doesn’t tell me, though.  He just takes a hold of my hand from his cheek and presses it right into his lap.  I know I shouldn’t be surprised.  We’re not on this couch to play board games.  And I shouldn’t really be surprised to discover that he’s hard.  If he pressed his finger against my clit, he would find it swollen too.  And I certainly shouldn’t be this surprised at the size of the thing I find in my palm.  I’ve heard the rumors about the Stanmore twins, just like everyone else.  Their cocks are the stuff of legend.  Nath still has his sweats on and even through the soft cotton fabric I can tell that the stories I’ve heard are true.

He’s huge, exactly like Katelin said.

My mind seems to stutter as it takes in the task at hand.  It’s been months since I had sex and I know I must be tight down there.  Then, when I remember that there is another cock behind me that is more than likely a mirror image of the one I find myself rubbing, my brain seems to dissolve into a panic.  I’m not a big girl by any stretch of the imagination.  The twins have to bend to kiss me.  Sandwiched between them, as I am, I feel tiny.  One huge cock would be daunting enough.

How the hell am I supposed to handle two?

Just as I get the urge to cut and run – I even conjure an image of myself with arms flailing screaming ‘too big, too big!’ – I catch sight of Nathan’s face.  He’s watching my hand that now has a firm grip on his still clothed dick, his eyes following my movements up and down, slow and torturous.  His face is a picture of arousal; skin flushed across his cheeks, mouth slack with enjoyment.

“Fuck, Carrie. Don’t stop,” he says, raising his hips towards my palm like he wants to really start rutting.  His cock feels so heavy in my hand, but it’s not enough.  I want to see him.  I want to feel him without so much fabric between us.  I’ve never been a particularly confident person in this kind of situation.  I let my last boyfriend make all the moves and push the boundaries because it just didn’t feel right for me to do it.  So I’m shocked when I find myself reaching into the waistband of Nathan’s joggers and wrapping my fingers around the hot, smooth skin of his bare cock.

In my hand it feels daunting enough, but when I finally pluck up the courage to take a look at what I’m gripping onto for dear life, I find that I can no longer swallow.  My fingers won’t reach around his girth, and I’d need at least three hands to clasp it all the way from root to head.




My mouth is so dry but my pussy seems to have a totally different reaction, clenching tightly around the nothing I currently have between my legs and practically gushing with wetness.  For the first time in my life I have a crazy urge to lick but I don’t get a chance because whatever I am doing with my hand seems to be enough.

“Oh,” Nathan gasps, and Ethan stops kissing my shoulders to see what all the fuss is about.  I wonder what he thinks when he sees what I’m doing.  Is it weird for him to see his brother getting jerked off?  Kind of like watching himself but with none of the direct pleasure?  I guess this isn’t the first time they’ve tag-teamed a girl, if the rumors are anything to go by. The twins do pretty much everything else together.  In fact, now that I think about it, I’ve never seen them date at the same time.  There has always just been one girl around.  Maybe those girls weren’t just dating one of the twins as I had assumed, but both.

“Tell me what it feels like,” Ethan orders from behind me.

“Hard,” I say with a breathless edge to my voice that reveals how turned on I am.  “Hot.”

I feel slickness in my palm as Nathan’s arousal increases and I use it to lubricate my actions.

“That’s it,” Ethan urges on behalf of his brother.  “Keep going just like that and you’ll have him begging.”

“Fuck,” Nathan growls.  He has his hand gripping the edge of his shirt, holding it up so he can watch the action.  Holy shit, his cock reaches his navel.  I’ve read about dicks like this, under the covers on my Kindle but I never thought I’d see one in person.  With his shirt raised, I have a fantastic view of his abs rippling and I stroke my hand over his skin there so I can feel his muscles move.

“You wanna see?” he asks, taking hold of his shirt at the back and tugging it over his head.  And then I’m suddenly gazing at a body that should be on the cover of GQ every month.  Angels should sing at the sight of him.  Mere mortals should bow down and worship at his feet.

“God, Nath,” I whisper.  “Look at you.”

He grins, nudging the head of his cock against my palm.  “I’d rather be looking at you.”

From behind I feel Ethan grasp the hem of my cami and start to peel it up my body.  Letting go of Nathan sends a stab of regret through me.  Touching him feels so right I don’t want to stop.

When I raise my hands in the air, Ethan removes my top and bra.  It’s a comfortable temperature in our den but my nipples are still hard enough to hang coats on.  I go to cup my breasts, feeling really exposed, but Nathan takes hold of my wrists and presses both my hands against the couch by my legs.  “Don’t cover yourself,” he whispers.  “I’ve been waiting to see you like this for so long.”

Ethan moves around me until he’s kneeling on the floor.  While Nathan holds my hands, Ethan leans in to touch.  I have an urge to struggle, not because I want them to stop but because the thought of resisting them and being overpowered has always been part of my fantasies.  That’s the benefit of two, right?

One to do and one to hold and control.

A shiver of arousal runs through me as Ethan leans forward to lick the very tip of my nipple.  It looks so raw and feels so intense, even though the contact is light.

“She liked that,” Nathan says.   “Do it again.”

Ethan looks up at me as he does it again, and the combination of his warm tongue, the cool air, and those eyes that are cold as ice but hot as fire are just too much.  My body jerks like I’ve been scalded and both the boys laugh.

“Fuck, Carrie,” Ethan says, grinning.  “I think I could get you off like this.”

I shake my head because that doesn’t sound like something that could be possible and Ethan’s cockiness always touches a raw nerve that makes me want to disagree with anything he says.

“Can we get you off, baby?” Nathan asks. His polite tone is such a contrast to his brother’s that I want to laugh.  How can two people look so alike on the outside and have so many differences on the inside?

This seems like a pivotal moment in the proceedings.  I know that sounds stupid, as I sit here with my breasts out, having just touched my stepbrother’s cock.  But something about progressing to the next stage seems really big.  What we’ve done so far is high-school level fooling around.  Once my pants are off, we’re heading into the big leagues.

As though Nathan can feel my hesitation, he motions to Ethan to sit back.  Nathan releases my wrists and they both stare at me, with concerned expressions.  Ethan’s eyes are crinkled at the side as though he’s almost smiling and Nathan has his hand resting on his heart.  I know they’re both hard.  Hell, I don’t have a dick and I’m throbbing between my legs.  I know how much they want things to go to further.  I’ve barely been able to think of anything else since they moved into my home.  The fact that they’re giving me space to make sure of my feelings overwhelms me.  I’m pretty sure most guys would be pushing forward at this point, but they aren’t.

“Are you okay, Carrie?” Nathan asks.  “Is this too weird?  Are we going to fast?”

“Are we scaring you?” Ethan asks and it’s this question that brings tears to my eyes.  I expect Nathan to be concerned.  He’s always been more in touch with my feelings.  I remember a time I had a run-in with a guy who pinched my ass at a night club.  Nathan knew, as soon as he saw me, that something had happened.  To have Ethan worrying, to have Ethan caressing the back of my hand tenderly is what makes me certain that this is okay.

“You’re not scaring me,” I say quietly reaching out to cup their opposing cheeks.  “And I’m okay, alright.  This is just a little overwhelming for me.  But it’s good.  I want this.”

Nathan nods and then turns to his brother.  “Shall we take her upstairs?”

Ethan agrees, gets to his feet and starts to pick up our discarded clothing.  Nathan rises and holds out his hand.  I take hold of it, loving how huge his palm is and how tiny I feel standing next to them both.  Nathan smiles down at me, then releases my hand and scoops me up like I weigh nothing.

“Come on then,” he says.  “It’s time for the main course.”

Ethan leads, locking the front door on our way and turning off the downstairs lights.  It feels so ridiculously domesticated.  Nathan breezes up the stairs as though he is carrying a pillow rather than a 130-pound woman.  I feel silly, topless and being transported like some kind of bride being taken over the threshold.  The boys seem to love it though.

When we get into their room, I notice the scent of them immediately. The mix of their shower products and the smell of their skin.  I nuzzle into Nathan’s chest, inhaling and feeling lightheaded.

“I love the way you smell,” I say, and he grins, bending in for a soft kiss that sends butterflies into a frenzy in my stomach.

Nathan lowers me gently onto Ethan’s bed.  Their room is big enough to accommodate two beds that are large enough to sleep two huge men.  I fold my arms over my chest, still not comfortable enough to be so uncovered in front of them.  Ethan turns on a reading lamp and turns off the main light.  Nathan fiddles with his phone and then there is soft music playing from the speakers in the corner of the room.

When the mood is set, the boys are back to where we left off.  Ethan tugs off his shirt and steps out of his pants.  His cock is pressed tightly against his body, restricted by his Calvin’s, and I can’t take my eyes off the way it curves to the left.  When Nathan drops his pants I discover he curves to the right.

“Take off your clothes, Carrie,” they say at the same time.  It doesn’t even seem to register to them that they’ve spoken with one voice.  Maybe they’re used to it.  The force of their instruction is twofold.  I stand shyly and push my yoga pants over my hips.  As they drop down and over my thighs, I see the twins’ eyes following their descent.  I’m left standing in my black and pink polka-dot panties and don’t know what to do next.  Should I remove them, or wait for the boys to do that?  They said ‘clothes’ though, so I assume they meant everything.

I hook my fingers into the sides of my panties but before I can take them off, Ethan and Nathan walk quickly to my side.  They move my hands away and take hold of one side of my panties each.  It’s slow torture as they start to pull them down.  When the fabric moves past my thighs, Nathan drops to his knees and buries his face between my legs.  He draws in a deep breath, nuzzling the small patch of soft hair I have there, leaving gentle kisses, moving lower and lower until his bottom lips presses against my clit.  Ethan moves behind me, putting his hands around me so he can caress my breasts.  Each tug to my nipples makes my knees weak.  I watch Nathan breathe in deep again.  It’s like he can’t get enough of the way I smell and it makes me feel so horny to know he likes that.

My knees start to shake when he uses the very point of his tongue to touch my clit.  It’s so swollen and hot that the contact makes me moan and move my hips forward to increase the pressure.  Nathan runs his hands up the insides of my thighs and nudges them apart, just enough that I feel the cool air against my wetness.  Ethan is tugging at my nipples in the same rhythm that Nathan is licking and it feels like my body is being turned inside out and rewired.  There are connections inside me that I never even knew about, connections that take me to the brink of orgasm so quickly I almost can’t believe it’s happening.

In all my fantasies the twins had been great lovers.  In all my imaginings they had made me come hard.  When I lay in bed at night and thought about the things we are doing right now I would be writhing in minutes.  I’m used to coming with them inside my head but not kneeling in front of me or caressing me from behind.  Looking at Ethan’s hands and Nathan’s tongue doing its best is emotional overload.  I feel Nathan’s hand between my legs and I know what he’s going to do.  He’s going to put his fingers inside me and I won’t be able to help myself.  I know I’m going to come all over his face.  He’ll feel how wet I am and they’ll both hear me moan because I won’t able to hold it inside like I usually do.

What’s coming is too big.

As at least two of his thick fingers nudge me open and push in to the hilt I find myself leaning back on Ethan.

“I’ve got you, baby,” he whispers huskily into my ear.  “Let it go.”

I shake my head but all he can say to my refusal is “Yes, do it.  Show Nathan how good he can make you feel.”

It’s that thought that has me closing my eyes and moving my hips in short sharp motions against Nathan’s tongue.  Although part of me is still so ashamed that I’m giving in to my base desires, the other part of me wants them to know how much I love them.  And if I can show them this way, I might as well do it with style.

Nathan pumps his fingers, the very tips of them brushing against a spot inside me that feels so damn good.

“Oh god.”  I hear my own frantic-sounding voice and almost don’t recognize it was my own.

“That’s it,” Ethan says.  I can feel his erection pressing against my back.  He drops one hand from my breasts and I know he’s reaching down so he can touch himself. I feel when he’s pulled out his cock because the wet head of it glides against my skin and Ethan’s hand moves up and down in long slow pulls.  “That’s it,” he says again, this time almost dreamily.  “Fuck her with your fingers, Nathan.  Open her up so she can take us.”

I feel Nathan’s fingers parting inside me like opening scissors and that’s it.  I can’t hold myself together anymore.  I come so hard my knees give way.  The twins hold me up as the most intense pulsing wave of pleasure washes over me.  My pussy clamps down so hard on Nathan’s hand he would need to struggle to remove his fingers, but he doesn’t.  He just keeps twisting them slowly as the orgasm carries me away to another place.  It’s beautiful and warm where I go. My head feels light, as though all my troubles have been pushed aside and there is only peace.  I’m not there for very long, though.

Nathan’s phone starts to ring.

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