I’m drowning in assignments, and Coach is riding my ass in every training session. I know I’m not bringing my A-game, but it’s hard to focus when I’m getting pulled in a million different directions.

Yes, I love football. I’ve been playing for as long as I can remember. When I feel the ball in my hand and the grass beneath my feet, I’m always filled with a sensation similar to returning home from vacation. There’s a familiarity to the game that is there in the marrow of my bones.

But I’m not just a quarterback. I’m in my junior year at college with all the academic pressure that comes with it. I don’t live in a traditional household with a mom and dad who are around to help and support me. Instead, there’s a housekeeper to handle the cleaning and laundry, Ross to tackle the more physically demanding property maintenance, and my brothers if I ever need help or advice. I know I sound like a dick for complaining when others have it so much worse, but sometimes, when every part of my life is closing in on me, I feel adrift.

Then I literally slap myself in the face and get on with it because there isn’t another option.

My brothers can be great, but they’re busy with their own lives, and as I’m the youngest, I think they see me as needy and childish, even though I’m over six feet and packed with muscle. They seem to forget that I was the youngest when we lost Mom, so I’ve been handling my own shit for technically a greater percentage of my life.

As if that wasn’t enough, a girl has burst into our lives with her foul temper and vicious mouth and her banging body and eyes that burn like fire. She’s started a war in my home that is spilling into everything because a bad atmosphere doesn’t remain contained. It leaches under doors and over furniture. It finds its way into every space.

So, instead of writing a paper, I ended up partying until the small hours. Instead of being physically and mentally prepared for training, I am tired and hungover and the focus of all of Coach’s wrath and frustration. My legs ache from the number of extra laps he made me do. And he’s pulling in the reserve QB for the next game because he doesn’t believe I deserve my place on the team right now.

He’s probably right.

I curse under my breath and rub the back of my neck as I contemplate how to approach the assignment I’m currently hunched over.

Just as I feel like I have a strategy straight in my head, there’s a knock at the door.

“Tobe. You in there?”

It’s Danny, and before he even says anything, I know he’s bringing trouble with him.

I love my brother, but sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop. This situation with Cora has him gritting his teeth like a starving dog with a juicy bone.

“I’m here,” I say, “Come in.”

The doorknob twists, and Danny appears, lit up from behind by the huge crystal chandelier in the hallway. His ridiculously handsome face is etched with a mix of excitement and amusement, and behind him is a girl I think I recognize. She steps forward, and I squint, racking my brain for a name.

Thalia. Talina. Tillie. What is it?

“You remember Tonie,” Danny says, tugging her forward.

“Of course,” I say, wincing at the lie, and then I remember like a wave crashing over rocks. Tonie was the first girl I shared with Danny. She’s the same age as my brother. They were at college together. I was only sixteen, and the whole experience blew my mind.

It says something about my sex life since that something so pivotal has been pushed to the recesses of my memory.

“She’s here for a do-over.”

Tonie smiles as a flush creeps up her chest, stark against the bright white of the tank she’s wearing.

“I’m studying,” I say. “This paper is due tomorrow.”

“You can spare an hour,” Danny says, and there’s no room for disagreement in his tone.

His hand slides over Tonie’s hip and then lower to her ass. When he squeezes, she gives a little surprised squeak, which licks over my balls and sends blood rushing to my cock.


What is Danny doing to me?

And why?

I haven’t seen this girl around for months, and Danny isn’t the kind of guy to lead someone on with multiple sexual encounters that don’t go anywhere. He’s a one-and-done kind of guy, but not in a nasty way. He’s clear on what he’s offering, and girls stumble over themselves for a taste.

Maybe, if he weren’t so good looking, he’d have to try harder, but when your jaw is sharp as a blade, your nose has the strength of the ancients, and your body is almost marble-carved perfection, it’s easy to get women to bend to your will.

Study or fuck. That is the question.

I know I’m hardly Shakespearian in my philosophizing, but what can I do? These are the options presented to me by Danny Carlton. If he could see us now, Dad would be so proud.


Tonie licks her lips, and the sight of her pink tongue is the decider.

I’m not proud of being led by my dick or being led astray by my brother, but I don’t fight it either.

“Fuck it,” I say, lumbering to my feet. Heat spreads up Tonie’s cheeks, and she takes one step back as though the size of me has her surprised. I guess I was a few inches shorter and more than a few pounds lighter the last time.

“This way,” Danny says, already tugging Tonie down the hallway.

When he passes the door to his room, I frown. Where in hell is he planning for this thing to take place? I draw the line at fucking in the den, although it wouldn’t be the first time. I understand Danny’s game when his hand rests on the doorknob to the master bedroom.

Cora’s bedroom.

I could tell him no. I could make a scene in front of Tonie and piss off my brother for the sake of a strange woman who’s taken up residence in my home, but I won’t. Do I feel that this is wrong? Of course. I don’t have the moral compass of a sociopath, and I don’t enjoy being an asshole.

But I am a good brother and a man craving to get balls deep inside this willing woman. Maybe I should be a better person, but fundamentally, I agree that Cora overstepped with nasty words and a level of vitriol that almost knocked the wind from my chest. I’m also a man with a sex drive powerful enough to bust through any moral blockades that my mind might construct.

As the door eases open, the unfamiliar female scent drifts from within. Cora’s only been living here for two days and has already made her mark. I inhale again, drawing in something floral and intoxicating, and follow Danny and Tonie inside.

For years, this room had been occupied by my parents, and for years after our mom died, our dad used the master suite alone. When he moved out to accompany Cora’s mom to Antigua, the room was left as it was, with his furniture and choice of the wall color. And it still holds the same furniture, but everything feels different.

On the dresser stand three huge ceramic vases, vibrant and multicolored and coated in thick, shiny gloss. The bare walls are no longer plain white but are now hung with colorful swathes of patterned material, almost like tapestries, but with printed details.

A shocking pink furry rug fills a corner on the floor, and large cushions rest against the wall as though Cora has created a reading nook for herself by the large doors that open onto the balcony. She’d have a nice view, so I can see what has inspired her.

“What the fuck?” Danny says, looking around with his lip curled. “She didn’t waste time in cheapening the place.”

“I think it’s nice,” Tonie says. “Whose room is this?”

“No one’s,” Danny says quickly. “It’s spare.”

“Oh.” Tonie steps forward as though she wants to peer into the walk-through closet, but Danny is quick to tug her back.

“You know what?” he says as his fingers drift to snag the hem of Tonie’s shirt. “You are wearing far too many clothes, and I’m just the man to help you with that.”

In a flash, he’s tugged her top over her head, leaving her in a bra and tight jeans that hug her ass to perfection. She giggles, wrapping her hands over her breasts, but I don’t think she’s embarrassed. I think it’s all part of the tease.

We shouldn’t be doing this here, I think, as Danny backs the panting girl until she’s dropped onto Cora’s bed, fisting her hands roughly in Cora’s bright yellow throw blanket. Danny stands over Tonie, watching as she scrambles into the center of the bed and starts to shuck off her pants.

His eyes seem to trail over the things displayed on Cora’s nightstand; the photos of her with smiling friends and her with her mom when she must have been around eight years old. Was that before or after her parents’ split? Probably before.

I know that family pictures from after my mom passed are harder for me to look at. It’s as though smiling for the camera can only be false now that she’s not here with us. As though we’re trying to go on despite losing the center of our world.

Danny’s eyes meet mine, and there’s a moment of uncertainty there that hits me in the gut. He’s so much like our father. Always plowing forward, not thinking things through until it’s too late. He’s kind, but he’s also impetuous, and when he’s wounded, he’ll only ever come out fighting.

Is he looking for my approval? Does he need my reassurance? Can I give it?

My eyes dart to Tonie, who’s now just in panties and a pretty lace bralette. Her smile is slow and inviting, already half drugged from what she’s anticipating it’ll be like with both of us focused solely on pleasing her.

“Cora might come back,” I whisper.

“That’s the point,” Danny says, but his tone doesn’t carry the certainty it did before we entered the room. Maybe seeing the bright, sweet way Cora’s turned this room into her sanctuary has made her just a little more real, a little more vulnerable.

“What she said was messed up,” I say slowly. “But…”

I don’t get a chance to explain why I think we need to give Cora more of a chance than we have, because Danny’s already climbing onto the bed, spreading his big body over Tonie’s and crushing her in a kiss. I didn’t intend to remind him of what brought him to this place tonight, but I did, and now there’s no going back.

I should go back to my assignment and leave Danny to exorcise his demons, but I won’t. He reached out to me because he needed me by his side in taking this action to retaliate against a person who’s bruised his ego. He wouldn’t have come to my room if he could do it alone.

Grabbing the back of my shirt with one hand, I tug it over my head. I roll my shoulders back, once, twice, and tip my head from side to side as though I’m preparing for a game rather than limbering up for sex. My cock is already hard despite my back-and-forth over whether this is a good idea or not, my body oblivious to the rights and wrongs.

As Danny slides Tonie’s panties over her toned thighs, I take hold of my cock and tug it in slow pulls.

Fuck, she has a pretty pussy. All pink, soft and wet. She’s primed and ready for us, and Danny hasn’t even touched her yet.

Maybe we can do this and be out of here before Cora returns. I could straighten her comforter, and she’d be none the wiser. A wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am approach might be the solution.

I can get this girl off in a few second with just the right flick of my tongue and curled fingers pumping in her pussy. And we could fuck her simultaneously, double-penetrating in that tight slick heat in exactly the way she wants us to.

Two for one would save time.


That’s what we’ll do. And if Danny objects…well, then I can say I have work to do. I’ll have done my brotherly duty, and he won’t be able to say otherwise.

Danny’s already working on Tonie, his fingers making slick sounds as he pumps into her. Her back arches, her arms thrown above her head, disturbing the fluffy pillow pile propped against the headboard. “Fuck, you taste good,” Danny says, his tongue finding her swollen clit and flicking it. It looks like he has stage one covered.

I latch onto her nipple, sucking it hard and using the point of my tongue to flick against it. Her fingers grip the back of my neck as she whimpers, please, already so close to exploding. I’m not going to delay her pleasure, and I hope that Danny feels the same.

“Oh God,” she says, shoving my face away as she comes, and her whole body becomes rigid in a flash.

“You’re good at that,” I laugh, eliciting a deep and devilish chuckle from Danny. “You got rubbers?”

“Sure,” he says, drawing back to lick his slick lips and search his pocket. Two silver foil packets drop onto the bed. I don’t pause for a second, discarding the rest of my clothes and gloving up. When my knees hit the bed, I swear I inhale a different scent from Tonie; the memory of the girl who sleeps here like Goldilocks in a stranger’s bed.

I sit with my back resting on the pillows, trying to ignore their softness or that Cora chose to place them here to make herself feel more at home. Tonie climbs into my lap, her thighs spread wide, wasting no time before she sinks onto my waiting cock. With her head tossed back and her spine arched, she lets out the kind of deep guttural sound that I make when I come.

“Fuck, that looks good,” Danny says, moving closer until he’s pressed to her back, his hands roaming over her tits. When he smooths a hand up her spine, she curls forward, resting against my broad chest, her mouth hovering over mine.

Don’t kiss me, my mind whispers. There’s no closeness between us, and the idea of her lips teasing mine and her tongue sliding slick into my mouth feels like a false promise.

I’m grateful that she’s distracted by Danny’s cock, pressing to slide into her pussy alongside mine.

It shouldn’t be possible to do what we’re doing. Two huge cocks, moving side by side inside one girl who’s half the size of just one of us. She groans again, her eyebrows formed into a V and her mouth dropping open at the stretch.

It’s so tight I have to close my eyes and grit my teeth. My jaw ticks with the pressure as Danny takes over all the movement. My hands grip the sheets, holding onto whatever I can to maintain the tight thread of my control that’s threatening to snap at any moment.

“That’s it, baby,” Danny croons as Tonie whimpers.

I didn’t think it was possible for her to get tighter, but it happens as her body primes for orgasm.

“Fuck,” I mutter, my hands almost tearing the sheets as Danny moves harder and faster. I’m almost at the point where I don’t think I can hold on anymore, when there’s a shrieking sound. My eyes fly to the doorway where Cora is standing with a hand clasped over her mouth, and it’s at that moment, I release, filling the condom as I breathe raggedly, with my eyes fixed on Cora’s.


My tongue feels swollen in my mouth as all the blood in my body pools between my legs like molten heat. Danny’s still moving, his mouth not lifted in the grin I expected but gritted with concentration. Tonie moans as though she half wants him to stop but is too far gone and is begging for more.

“GET OUT!” Cora yells, grabbing a sweater from the chair in the corner and tossing it at Danny’s head. The moment it makes an impact is when he comes, letting out the loudest howl I’ve ever heard accompanying an orgasm.

Tonie follows, her pussy clamping down over and over, but all I want to do is get the fuck out of this pussy and out of this room.

“What’s going on?” a voice calls from the hallway. It’s Mark, and his footsteps hurry to follow the sound of Cora’s rage and Danny’s strangled cry.

His face is as shocked as Cora’s when he sees us, a tangled mess of naked arms and legs, bodies linked in an unholy way.

What happens next is like a blur clouded by my sex fog and the raging horror of Cora’s reaction to us fucking on her bed.

She storms past Mark as I shove Danny, wanting him to withdraw so I can get the fuck out of Tonie. He’s slow, though, relishing every moment of Cora’s fury, so by the time I’m half off the bed, my cock still covered by the filled condom, Cora is back with a huge bowl and a scowl of determination. The water seems to fly out of the bowl in slow motion, the way it would if it was spilled on the International Space Station and gravity had no hold over it. But when it hits Danny and Tonie with full force and splashes me, we all yell with surprise.

It’s freezing cold.

“Fuck!” Tonie yells, jumping back and throwing her arms over her private parts. Danny recoils but then shakes his slick, inky hair like a dog rejoicing after a swim.

“I needed that,” he says. “All that fucking had me hot and sweaty.”

He saunters toward Cora but doesn’t even look at her. Before his shoulder makes contact with hers, she shifts to the side, staring at him incredulously.

Mark mutters something under his breath and retreats, obviously feeling as uncomfortable with this childish situation as I am. I grab the clothes from the floor, holding them over my cock before leaving the room and Tonie behind.

“Who the fuck are you?” Cora hisses through gritted teeth.

“I’m Tonie,” she says, and I glance back to see her tugging her clothes on while Cora glares with furiously folded arms.

“This is my room, Tonie. My bed.”

Tonie giggles. “I love your pillows. The colors are awesome.”

I snort in shock at her bravado but then realize she’s being genuine.

I don’t wait to show Tonie out. That’s Danny’s responsibility.

In my room, I toss my clothes onto my bed and stand with my back to the closed door, staring at the ceiling and waiting for my breath to calm.

A soft, shocked laugh leaves my lips as I pinch off the condom and toss it in the trash.

That was fucked up.

But it hit a nerve with Cora in a way that Danny intended all along.

And as much as the whole thing felt wrong, Cora proved she could handle herself. I get the feeling that she and Danny aren’t so different. They’re both stubborn and entrenched in their own corners, holding people to standards they struggle to maintain themselves.

As I find some clean shorts and restart my assignment, I conclude that the next few weeks are going to be interesting, if nothing else.

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