I’m not used to waking up to the sounds of a busy house. With mom, I was always the first to rise. Even when she had a job, I’d be shaking her awake and pushing her into the shower. I’d even make her toast or a Pop-Tart for the journey.

As the sound of laughter and the clinking of plates and cutlery travels up the stairs, I open my eye a crack, and for a moment, I don’t remember where I am. Then I get my bearings, and the first thing that happens is I smile.

Well, that’s a surprise.

I suppose that it’s a good sign that I’m happy to be here after such a short time. This bed is the most comfortable I’ve ever slept in, and I’m looking forward to what the day might bring. More time with my dad and his family. More time with my gorgeous stepbrothers.

I consider taking a shower before I head downstairs but decide that it’ll take too long, and I don’t want to miss breakfast. Instead, I throw my hoodie over my childish Minnie Mouse pajama set, use the bathroom quickly, and head down the stairs.

The kitchen is bustling when I peek around the corner. Steve and the boys are seated at the counter and Amber is busy tossing toast onto plates. There are eggs and bacon, pancakes, and muffins. It’s a veritable feast and very different from my usual Pop-Tart efforts.

‘There she is,’ Steve says.

As I move into the room, I feel the eyes on me. My legs are pretty bare in these shorts, and they do cling to my curves. I’m thankful for the hoodie, which I’ve zipped to keep my top half well covered. Too much cleavage at breakfast is not a good look when your father is present. Any other time, it rocks. Counter sex is some of the best—so much food on hand to sweeten it up.

‘Morning,’ I say. There’s an extra stool at the end of the counter, which must be Amber’s, and I hesitate to sit, not wanting to steal anyone’s place.

‘It’s okay. Sit,’ Steve says. ‘Amber can take my place.’

She waves her hand as though the discussion is silly. ‘I’m okay. By the time I’ve dished this all out, one of my boys will be done. They don’t hang around where consuming food is concerned.’

As she says the words, my stepbrothers look down with embarrassment at their mostly finished plates. ‘It’s okay,’ Amber laughs. ‘I love that you’ve got big appetites and seem to love my cooking so much.’

‘It’s all the training,’ Jefferson says.

‘I know, honey.’ Amber turns to me. ‘So did you sleep well, Sara? I hope you like the room.’

‘She liked it,’ Jefferson says through a mouthful.

My mouth is open to answer, but I guess my voice isn’t important when there are men around to talk for me. Jefferson might have a t-shirt clinging to his sexy chest, and wet hair from the shower, but that doesn’t make me forgive him for being an arrogant ass.

‘I think Sara can speak for herself.’ Anderson rolls his eyes at his brother, and Jefferson definitely doesn’t appreciate his brother calling him out.

Anderson, who is sitting closest to me, begins to pass down the platters of food. Amber gives me a plate and cutlery and pours me a steaming mug of coffee, which is just what I need to blow away the cobwebs.

‘So, shall I tell you the plan for today?’ Steve says.

‘Sure.’ I’m hoping it’ll be something chilled because I’m feeling lazy.

‘Fishing,’ Steve says.

‘Alright!’ Carson whoops. ‘We haven’t been for ages.’

‘There’s a reason for that,’ Brayson says, shaking his head. ‘And that is it’s boring as—’

Before he gets a chance to swear, Amber raises her finger and gives him a death stare. ‘Fishing will be lovely,’ she says. ‘I’ll get a picnic packed, and we can make a day of it. Sara, did you bring a suit?’

‘Yes. Steve told me you have a pool, so I thought it would be a good idea. I was imagining myself getting up to swim lengths in the morning, but it didn’t happen today.’

‘Well, that’s just perfect then. Let’s eat up, and we can head off early. Boys, can you gather the fishing equipment from the garage?’

‘Of course,’ Jefferson says, glancing at Steve as though he’s expecting him to object.

‘And I’ll drive,’ Jefferson says. Of course, he’d want to do that—control freak.

‘We want to get there in one piece,’ Brayson laughs. ‘Maybe it’ll be better to leave it to Anderson.’

‘Anderson drives like an old lady,’ Jefferson scoffs.

‘I drive like I want to arrive safely at my destination,’ Anderson says slowly. He’s obviously not concerned about his brother’s derisive comments, and that makes me like him even more.

‘I don’t want to hear about your reckless driving,’ Amber says, fixing her steely eyes on Jefferson.

‘It’s not reckless,’ he laughs arrogantly. ‘It’s fast and controlled.’

‘Funny, that’s what Holly said about your sex life,’ Carson laughs.

Jefferson’s face starts to turn red, and his jaw ticks with annoyance.

‘Enough,’ Amber says. ‘Finish up your breakfast, put your plates in the dishwasher, and get your asses moving.’

‘Yes, Ma’am.’ Brayson salutes his mom like a marine and begins to rise. I’m still chewing my delicious eggs and yummy bacon. There’s no way I’m rushing through this, but I will need to get ready fast. I’m the only one still in my PJs.

The room clears out, and Steve rises to clear his plate too. ‘Wear comfortable shoes,’ he tells me.

I rush through the rest of my breakfast, being a good house guest and clearing my plate and mug. I make quick work of getting ready, opting for only light make-up. I put my black suit under my white vest and khaki shorts, then pull on some sneakers. It’s hot outside, but I take a hoodie just in case. There is nothing worse than being outside and the weather turning cold when you’re inappropriately dressed.

After stuffing my phone into my small purse, I bound down the stairs, finding the front door open and everyone outside loading up the car. Amber has a huge picnic cool-bag, and the boys are hefting lawn chairs and fishing equipment into the back of a huge truck.

‘She’s ready,’ Steve says. He’s standing idly by the truck with this phone in his hand, but he slides it into the pocket of his black shorts. I haven’t seen him in anything except long pants, and I’m fascinated at how his knees and calves seem to look just like mine. Well, like mine but hairier!

‘I wasn’t keeping you waiting, was I?’

‘Of course not,’ Amber waves. ‘I’ve only just finished putting the food together, and the boys are still loading up. Want to take a seat in the car?’

‘Sara can ride in the middle,’ Carson says.

I want to tell him that I’ll sit where I damn well want, but that wouldn’t start the day right. And who knows what his reason is for guiding me into that seat. Maybe they don’t want their long legs squashed. I don’t exactly have that problem. Or maybe he wants me sandwiched between two of them. The idea of being in a twin sandwich is more appealing than it should be.

“You know you’ve got a flat tire,” Steve says, waving to where my car is parked. Damn, that really is flat. “Don’t worry, I’ve asked my guy to come order a new one. He’ll be able to come and fit as soon as it arrives.”

“Well, I don’t need it right now, so that’s fine. Whenever. Thanks.”

As I slide into the back seat of the car interior, I realize the windows are heavily tinted. It’s going to be really dark in here.

Before I can fix my belt, I’m joined by Brayson and Jefferson.

‘Hey, I was going to sit in the back,’ Carson yells through the trunk.

‘You snooze you lose,’ Jefferson says, slamming his door to underline the point. Brayson slams his too, and I’m shut in the dark between two giant men. My first ever twin sandwich. It’s a little more innocent than I had envisaged, but a girl can fantasize.

What is it about really big men that set my heart and pussy fluttering? They’re wearing shorts too, and the strength of their thighs is almost overwhelming. Their identical legs flop open until I’m squished between them, just as I imagined. Next to them, my curvy legs look practically waif-like.

‘You like riding in the back?’ Jefferson asks in a voice that’s like molten chocolate. His warm arm presses against my bare skin, and all I can think about is sliding onto his lap, pulling my shorts to the side and riding the big cock I’m almost certain he has between his legs. Oh God…I know it would feel so good, his hands gripping my hips and moving me in the frantic rhythm he needs. Brayson could slide his fingers down the front of my shorts and find my swollen clit. They’d get me off like a rocket. I know they would. I’d be panting and groaning and moaning and begging, pussy leaking arousal all over Jefferson’s cock…

Brayson clears his throat, and my face is hot in a second. How long was I sitting mute while my mind whirred to filthy places? Obviously too long. When I chance a look at him, he’s grinning hard with a sparkle in his eye like he was reading my mind.

‘I prefer the front,’ I say quickly, trying not to make myself look too much of a freak.

‘A woman who likes to be in control,’ Brayson smiles.

‘Is a woman who needs a man to take control,’ Jefferson mutters.

‘Oh yeah?’ I turn to him, finding him scrolling through the sports pages on his phone. ‘You think all women need to be controlled?’

‘I think all women like to be controlled in the bedroom.’

‘I think there are a few dominatrices out there who would fundamentally disagree.’

He shrugs, still scrolling. ‘They’re the exception rather than the rule.’

‘You know what I think? I think guys who talk about being in control are the ones who secretly want to be tied to the bed while their girl attacks them with a strap-on,’ I say with the smirk.

Brayson sputters with laughers. ‘Is that what you’re into, dude?’

‘Fuck off,’ Jefferson says, his attention finally off the screen.

‘Are you sure?’ I say, grinning as Jefferson’s face starts to redden with anger. He meets my gaze with eyes so fierce I instinctively lean back toward Brayson.

‘As sure as anything.’

So today’s lesson is that Jefferson doesn’t like to be teased. Ever.

The problem is that I’m not very good at learning lessons.

Carson slides into the seat in front and then Amber follows. She turns and smiles at us all. ‘You sure you’re okay wedged in there between my two huge sons?’

‘It’s pretty spacious despite their ridiculous size,’ I say.

‘You know, they weren’t big when they were boys. Something happened when they reached their teens.’

‘It’s okay, Mom. We’re in proportion,’ Carson says. I don’t think he’s trying to be suggestive, but after the conversation we’ve been having in the back, Brayson splutters with laughter, and Amber raises her eyebrows.

‘You know, Bray, you really need to grow up. You guys aren’t silly twelve-year-olds laughing at body parts and bodily functions anymore. You’re all men now.’

Brayson laughs to himself. ‘You know, Mom, you should know that men never really grow out of that kind of humor. Look at Steve.’

Amber nods. ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right.’

‘Look at Steve, what?’ Steve asks as he takes his place in the passenger seat.

‘The boys are telling Sara about your juvenile sense of humor.’

‘Nothing wrong with my sense of humor,’ Steve smiles and turns to buckle up.

The last one into the car is Anderson, who is today’s designated driver. He fiddles with the radio, and everyone groans as Dolly Parton’s dulcet tones fill the car. ‘Dolly! Seriously?’ Carson says.

‘Don’t knock Dolly,’ Anderson says, beginning to pull away. ‘Dolly knows all about life.’

‘All Dolly knows about is where the plastic surgery clinic is,’ Jefferson mumbles.

‘Hey…Dolly is amazing. You know she’s got a huge literacy program,’ I say. ‘She’s given away millions of books to underprivileged children.’

‘Yeah, exactly,’ Anderson says, his eyes finding mine in the rearview mirror. We share a look, like kindred spirits finding each other in the desert.

‘I don’t think anyone in the car really hates Dolly Parton…’ Amber says, interrupted by groans from Brayson, Jefferson, and Carson. ‘I just think we’ve heard her enough.’

‘Does Anderson always listen to Dolly?’ I ask.

‘YES,’ everyone says.

‘What do the rest of you like to listen to?’

Steve holds his hand up before anyone else has a chance to speak. ‘Better not get into this conversation. These four all have completely different tastes in music. It’s been a continuous battle to keep them from fighting about what to listen to for years.’

‘So who decides?’

‘Whoever’s driving, which always used to be me,’ Steve says.

‘And now it’s always Anderson because he drives like Miss Daisy.’

‘He drives safely, Jefferson,’ Amber says. ‘Something we should all be grateful for as we hit the freeway.’

‘Exactly,’ Anderson says. ‘I have the wheel; therefore, I have the radio, and if you want me to concentrate, you guys need to keep quiet.’

‘Yeah, better keep quiet so Anderson’s old-lady brain can process how to hold onto the steering wheel,’ Carson says.

Jefferson snorts. ‘Is he still holding the wheel at ten and two?’

‘Yep,’ Carson says.

‘You know that you’ve passed your test,’ Jefferson yells up to his brother in the front. ‘You don’t need to drive like you’re still learning.’

‘Leave Anderson alone,’ Amber says sternly. Wow, if this is what these boys are like in their early twenties, what must they have been like as kids. Ugh. There is no way I could have dealt with that.

‘I promise you’ll get used to all of this crazy, Sara,’ Steve says.

‘Well, I only have to make it through the summer,’ I laugh.

‘You know,’ Amber says, ‘I’m so used to them, I barely even hear it anymore.’

‘Nice to know you’re so interested in what we have to say,’ Brayson says good-naturedly.

‘Ease up on your mom,’ Steve says, and I like that he’s protective of her. It makes me sad that it’s taken this long for me to find a parent who really seems to care about his family.

At least I’m here now.

And we have a real chance to make this summer count in more ways than one!

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