HUGE F BUDDIES: Chapter 18

I was right. All my nights are disrupted with a steady stream of sexy stepbrothers wanting to make good use of our fuck-buddy arrangement, and I am definitely not complaining. It’s the happiest I’ve been in a long time. I’m bleary-eyed and sore between my legs. My hips ache, and my nipples are marked with hickies. I’m used and bruised and ecstatic.

Carson comes the day after Anderson, waking me with his tongue between my legs. He’s under the covers, so I don’t know it’s him until I lift the comforter and see his grinning face. ‘Hey sexy,’ he whispers, kissing the inside of my thigh. ‘I was hungry.’

‘Eat up then,’ I whisper and laugh as silently as I can.

He doesn’t need any encouragement. I swear the Bennett brothers have been to a class to get good at this. Cunnilingus 101 must be a thing at Lawson. What they do to me should be illegal. It probably is in some states.

Oh God, when he licks me, it’s like he’s inside my head stealing the knowledge of exactly what will get me hot. It’s the right blend of long slow licks and little flicks of my clit that have my knees shaking in record time. I grab a pillow and put it over my face because I’m scared I’m going to shout the house down when I come. Instead, I bite down hard on the fabric and throw my head back as my thighs take Carson prisoner. Just as I’m coming around, I hear the door handle twisting. Carson and I look at each other, our eyes wide. Surely it wouldn’t be Steve or Amber trying to get into my room in the middle of the night. There is a soft tap on the door and I struggle to my feet, as Carson slides off the side of the bed and hides.

When I quietly open the door, I find Brayson on the other side. I guess they’re not scheduling their visits.

His dick is already hard. Maybe he heard his brother walking down the corridor and couldn’t resist joining us.

I’m not complaining.

Two’s company and three is definitely a crowd of goodness.

He slips into the room, and I close and lock the door as he slides his hand between my legs and kisses me deeply. His fingers push deep inside me immediately, finding me slick and ready.

‘Fuck,’ he mutters. ‘I couldn’t stop thinking about you and about this.’

‘Carson’s already had a taste,’ I say, nuzzling his chest and running my hand down his tattooed arm.

Brayson slides his fingers from inside me and brings them to his lips. ‘Sweet,’ he says, tasting me.

He pulls my sleepshirt up so that I’m naked before him, palming my breast and stroking over my waist, hips, and ass reverently as I map the muscles of his chest, arms, and shoulders. So sexy.

‘Over here,’ Carson says. ‘On your hands and knees.’

He’s pulled the comforter off the bed and onto the floor, making a soft place for me to kneel. I do as he asks, and he kneels in front of me, running his thumb over my bottom lips, parting my mouth before he gives me his dick. He tastes like his twin did the night before, and I work him the same, as Brayson takes his place behind me, stroking the rounded head of his huge cock through my wetness. He takes his time to force his way inside me. I know he’s watching the penetration, and that makes it feel even better. Naughtier. I know my labia are flared tight around his girth, my clit straining for contact. His slick finger finds it and rubs in slow circles to match the pace of his thrusts.

My heart is skittering already with excitement, my body wired with the surging adrenaline.

My mind is filled with bright emptiness as the physical sensations take over. There are no worries when I’m in this place of abandon. No emptiness.

The Bennett brothers know just how to fill me up.

Carson’s hand finds the back of my head, urging me deeper onto his cock. It’s sexy as hell to be so controlled, to be stuffed so completely. I’m a vessel for them to use for their pleasure, and it feels amazing. His cock kicks, and I know he’s getting close.

Brayson is gripping my hip tightly, his breathing becoming more frantic. Will he be able to come quietly? I can’t warn him because I’m otherwise engaged. I look up, finding Carson’s soft, warm eyes gazing down at me filled with wonder. His hand strokes my cheek just before he throws his head back and releases down my throat. Wow. Just wow. The ripple of his abs sends a rush of arousal through me, the taste of his cum making me light-headed. Behind me, his brother is definitely close, and I am too.

‘Fuck,’ I mutter, flopping down onto my elbows, making the penetration even deeper.

Carson has finally come back to earth, and he crawls until he’s beside me, putting his finger into his mouth. I think that he’s going to take over from Brayson to caress my clit, but he doesn’t. I feel his finger sliding between the cheeks of my ass and pressing on that forbidden place.

‘Oh fuck,’ I mutter. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’

All the sensations combine, and I can’t hold back. My mind feels like it cracks, breaking open from darkness into a flash of bright light that steals my breath and my consciousness. Brayson doesn’t stop, pumping into me hard as he climbs toward his own release.

‘Easy,’ Carson says, running a soothing hand over my back. ‘Remember, we need to be quiet.’

Brayson stiffens behind me, his cock swelling impossibly, and I brace myself for his shout, but it doesn’t come. He’s quiet as a mouse as he empties inside me, pumping his hips until he’s done. He’s truly stealthy when it comes to sex.

There’s no strength left in my body at all. Not an ounce of energy. I flop forward onto the comforter and find myself joined by a panting Carson and a sweating Brayson. We lay side by side with our arms over our faces, coming back to earth.

It’s just after midnight, so not such a rush for the boys to go back to their rooms, and I’m enjoying the way they throw their arms and legs across my body, pinning me to the floor beneath all their unbelievable manliness.

‘That was…’ I don’t even have the words to whisper how amazing I feel. The endorphins are rushing through my mind like crazy.

‘Unbelievable,’ Carson murmurs, his lips finding my earlobe and kissing it gently.

‘Mind-blowing,’ Brayson says, his fingers stroking my collarbone and trailing down between my breasts.

‘Do you think this is what it’s like for the people on that show…for your friend?’ Carson asks.

‘I think so,’ I say. ‘I know a lot of media stuff is fake, but I don’t get that feeling with the McGregors. It feels natural, and Maisie isn’t shy about how good her sex life is.’

‘I can’t imagine what it’d be like with ten on one,’ Brayson whispers. ‘It was hot enough with four, but I didn’t have to wait. I thought Jefferson was going to put you through the wall by the time it was his turn.’

I snigger softly. ‘He was pretty out of control.’

‘Anderson told us that you were happy with what happened.’

‘Yeah. Of course,’ I say. ‘It’s like a dream come true to have sex on tap like this.’

‘You’re a very unusual girl,’ Carson says, resting on his arm so that he can look down at me.

‘Why do guys think that girls are so different? If you get us off, of course, we’re going to like it. The ones who don’t like it aren’t getting it properly. Or they need more emotional connection than they have.’

‘And you don’t need an emotional connection.’

I blink, surprised by his implied question, and unsure how to answer without revealing more about myself than I’m willing to. ‘I’m happy with what this is. That’s all you need to know.’

Carson’s brow tightens and releases as though he doesn’t like my answer but he doesn’t say anything more. Brayson’s hand turns my face to his, and he kisses me deeply, sensuously. It’s like he’s searching for the truth through our physical connection, and my heart starts to race. It’s hard to be touched this way. Their careful caresses and gentle kisses rouse my body but also stir my heart.

I know the Bennett brothers are all red-blooded men who love sex, but there is also so much more to them than that. They’ve grown up in a home filled with the love and affection between a man and a woman. They’ve had an example of life that I just haven’t had. Yes, they had some early-life traumas, but Steve and Amber have shown them the kind of love that they could find one day. There must be a part of them that is searching for that. I feel it in the way they look at me and the way they touch me. I feel it in their considerate questions. I feel it, and I want to push it away before it seeps into my cracks and breaks them open even more.

I pull away from Brayson and smile brightly at both of the sexy men lying by my side. ‘Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. Thanks for dropping by.’

I get to my feet and find my discarded t-shirt, tugging it over my head. By the time I’m clothed, Carson and Brayson are up doing the same. Thank goodness, they’ve understood that I’m done for the night. They glance at each other once they’re dressed in their sleep shorts, as though looking to see what they should do next.

‘I’ll check the coast is clear,’ I say, unlocking the door and twisting the handle. The corridor is empty, the doors to the other rooms that I can see closed tight. I nod at the boys, and they make their way to the door. ‘Better go one by one,’ I say.

Carson leaves first, leaning in to kiss me with trepidation in his gaze. He’s not sure if it’s the right thing to do. It should be. We’ve just fucked after all, but gentle kisses goodbye are for relationships, not for fuck buddies. I don’t push him away, though. That wouldn’t be fair. I might want to keep this thing away from relationship territory, but I’m not a mean or hurtful person. I don’t want to make him feel bad. Brayson does the same, but he squeezes my hand too. It’s sweet and affectionate, and my throat burns because of it.

I know I’m a freak. I shouldn’t feel this way when I’m treated with kindness, but I don’t know how to be different without risking every little bit of protection that I’ve wrapped around my heart. How do you trust when all the trust you’ve gifted to people in your life has been thrown away and trodden into the dirt? How do you open yourself to love when you know that just one ounce of disappointment will hurt like a dagger?

I should sleep well that night, but I don’t. The great sex is buried under a whole heap of my own fears and scars.

What I need is for Jefferson to come and wipe them all away.

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