HUGE F BUDDIES: Chapter 15

Carson’s a fast mover. All it took was a little encouragement, and suddenly, his mouth is on mine, and his hand is on my breast. Luckily I’m up to my neck in the water, and there is nobody close enough to see. Not that I care. It feels too good.

Where Jefferson’s kiss was angry hunger and Brayson’s was a sweet surprise, Carson’s is deep passion. His fingers play with my nipple, worrying it into a hard peak that connects directly to my clit. I moan softly against his mouth, his tongue sliding over mine in the perfect rhythm that has my knees weakening. He’s there to support me, though, his other hand cupping my ass and drawing me closer to him.

We’re in full view of at least two hundred people, but I don’t care. It feels too good to have this strong, sexy man give me exactly what I need. Well, maybe not exactly.

I hear a whistle from behind us, and Carson pulls back, turning to where his brothers are sitting. It’s hard to make out their expressions at this distance. I don’t think it was Jefferson who whistled, or Anderson for that matter. Maybe Brayson will be on board for this planned summer fling. Two out of four isn’t bad, and I’ve never been girlie meat in a man sandwich.

But four would be so much better.

Carson shakes his head. “Well, Sara. That felt pretty good for an appetizer, but we’d need to be somewhere else for me to give you exactly what you need.”

I run my hand over his chest again, licking my lips where I can still taste his kiss. “It was a good starter,” I smile.

Right on cue, Brayson and Anderson both begin to wade into the water. “Your brothers are heading this way. Want me to leave you guys to it?”

“That depends on whether you’re shy for me to talk about arrangements for later in front of you.”

“Well, I think you might have some convincing to do. I’ll go back and get another drink,” I say. If they’re not interested, that would be embarrassing as hell. There’s a big chance that the risks will be too much for them, even though the rewards would be significant. I pass them both and smile, trailing my hand through the water. If we were alone here, I’d pull together all my confidence and let them know exactly what I’m thinking, but there are a few too many observers here even for me. When I get to the shore, I find my towel and wrap it around myself.

“Can you pass me another soda?” I ask Jefferson, who is watching his brothers with an unreadable expression. He opens the cool box, finds me another Dr. Pepper, and passes it to me without making eye contact.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

Jefferson finally turns, his eyes blazing. “Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Working your way around us like it’s sport.”

“It’s just a bit of fun,” I say. “Do you like fun?”


“Yeah. You know, when people who like each other enjoy each other’s company.”

“You were enjoying more than just Carson’s company.”

“I enjoyed more than yours, too,” I say, taking a seat on my towel and facing him. His eyes scan over my body in an absent-minded way while he digests what I’ve said.

“That was a mistake.”

“You kissed me, Jefferson. You guys were the ones who flirted first. I’m not stupid. I know what you thought when I arrived through the door—maybe you’d finally get to live out some of the stepsister fantasies that you’ve been jacking off to on Pornhub.”

“You think you know what’s going on in my head?”

“Maybe I don’t. Maybe I don’t know anything.” I rest my Dr. Pepper on the ground and swivel until I’m lying down. The sun is hot on my bare skin, the breeze caressing places that I’d like to feel Jefferson’s hands. I bet I could make him come harder than he’s ever come before. I bet I could tease him to the point that he’d beg me for release. I’d like to hear that. I’d love to bring this big, strong, arrogant man to his knees.

“You want to fuck us all?” There’s an edge to his voice that tells me he’s turned on rather than repulsed at the thought.

I rest on my elbow, shading my eyes from the sun. “Yes.”

“Wow,” he says, turning to face the place where his brothers are still talking in the water. “There was absolutely no hesitation there.”

“And why should there be? I know what I want, Jefferson, and I really don’t see anything wrong with trying to get it. I’m only here for the summer,” I say. “There’s an expiry date to whatever will happen, and that works just fine for me.”

“You want to fuck us all at the same time? Like your friend.”

“You make it sound so crude, but it really doesn’t have to be that way.”

Jefferson shrugs. “Are you expecting it with a side order of romance?”

“I’m expecting it with a side order of respect, but if you don’t think you can manage that, then maybe you need to stay out of it.”

“Respect?” Jefferson weighs my statement, not expecting me to be as forthright as I am. “If you’re looking for that, maybe you needed to wait a bit before you proposition four guys you’ve only just met.”

“What I do with my body is up to me,” I say firmly. “Wanting to have sex doesn’t make a person less worthy of respect. I’m not hurting anyone by liking sex.”

I’m expecting Jefferson to bite back, but he doesn’t. Instead, he cracks open a Dr. Pepper of his own and nods. “I guess you’re right.”

“I know I’m right. I’m an English major, and it’s always struck me that there is such a stigma against authors who write books containing a lot of sex but no stigma against those who write graphic horror. What is more natural, sex, or murder? We still carry around an ancient negative attitude to sex without really thinking about it. You don’t think about it, do you? When you seduce a girl, you’re not secretly feeling guilty about having sex with her, are you. Why should it be any different for me?”

“Was your mom some kind of hippie?” he asks. “This all sounds like the sixties’ free love movement.”

“She wasn’t a hippie,” I say. “Far from it. She had a really bad attitude to sex and relationships. She tried to use sex as a way of keeping men and making them like her, but that doesn’t work. I don’t need men to make my life complete. I just need them to make it more pleasurable. That’s a whole other ball game.”

“Well, I like ball games,” Jefferson muses.

“And sex?”

“I think that goes without saying.”

“And me?”

His eyes find mine, the ethereal gray of them prettier than I’ve ever seen before. “You’re more than I thought you were.”

I think that’s about as close to a compliment as I’ll ever get from Jefferson, and I like the idea of being more…of exceeding expectations.

“So do you want to stick with the archaic view that enjoying sex for the sake of it is some kind of doom-worthy activity that’s going to send me to hell, or do you want to get in on a summer fling?”

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” he says, shaking his head. Again with the patronizing attitude.

“I know exactly what I’m doing, but you know what? If you’re so against the idea, maybe you should forget all about it. I’m sure your brothers will be more than enough for me.”

Jefferson’s eyes blaze like a white-hot flame. There’s anger there, but passion too. He doesn’t want to be excluded, and he hates the fact that I’ve backed him into a corner. “This is going to end in tears,” he says, “and they won’t be mine.”

“But you’re not going to say no, are you, Jefferson?”

All I get is a grunt in response, but it’s enough to know I’ve won this battle for now.

We don’t leave straight away. The day is too beautiful and the atmosphere too relaxed not to enjoy it. I get a wink from Carson that tells me Brayson and Anderson are in on the summer fling too. We lounge by the water’s edge, eating and drinking and watching the world go by. The boys tell me stories about their classmates who pass; funny drinking and sex stories mostly. Exactly what college is all about.

After a while, the boys are dragged up to play ball. Well, as much as they can play without their kit. It’s more like a large group practice, and I get to see just how good they all are. There is so much skill and fitness in each of them, so many hours of dedication obvious in the way they play. It’s too hot for shirts, so I get the full view of the sun glistening on sweat-slicked skin, muscles rippling with every catch and throw.

I can see how much fun they have playing together. It’s a shared experience. A form of bonding, I suppose, though there is more than a healthy dose of competition. By the time they’re too thirsty to play anymore, the area surrounding the lake has cleared out some. They flop next to me on the ground, breathing heavily, guzzling the last of the drinks.

“That was fun,” Anderson says, crushing his can.

“I’m beat,” Brayson laughs.

“Yeah, you are,” Carson laughs. Brayson tosses his sweaty t-shirt at his brother’s head.

“Should we head back?” I ask.

A look passes between my four stepbrothers. “We don’t need to be back until later.” Jefferson runs his fingers over the grass next to him, his eyes on the ground. “I got a message from Mom. They’re going to be out until late.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah.” There’s something about his response that doesn’t sound genuine, but maybe I’m dazzled by the sun glistening off his sweat-slicked chest.

“So, what should we do then?” I have so many ideas my head is close to exploding.

Carson clears his throat as though he’s going to make a serious announcement. “There’s a motel just off the highway?”

It’s funny how just one sentence can have such an impact. One small word can change the atmosphere from jokey to serious, from lighthearted to laced with anticipation.

“Sounds good,” I say. My voice rings out clear and bright, which is basically nothing like the way I’m feeling inside. My heart flutters like butterflies in my chest. My pussy is hot and achy. My mind is blown away that we’re really going to do this.

I’ve taken ownership of my feelings and ownership of my body. I’ve had the courage to go after what I want and I’m living the way I want to live with no regrets.

Now I’m going to get to see if having four fuck buddies is as exciting as all my fantasies.

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