HUGE 3D: Chapter 9

I’m sitting in my room feeling really hungry but still trying to avoid the boys downstairs. Glancing over at the crumbs from the second muffin wrapper on my dresser, I frown. They were nice but not nearly enough to keep me full, especially as I’m trying to study and I need all the brain food that I can get.

I check my phone and see it’s after midnight. Maybe it’s late enough for me to go downstairs undisturbed. I heard the tell-tale thundering of their heavy footsteps coming upstairs an hour ago, and listened to the pipes from the shower groaning and the doors to their rooms shutting. The house has been quiet for while so maybe it’s safe to venture out for midnight feast time.

I tiptoe out of the room and make it to the second landing before I hear whispering voices. My stomach growls quietly in protest as I turn to go back upstairs. That is until I hear my name being brought up.

“I told Mills how we feel, but she just won’t accept it.”

“She’s scared,” one of them says. Dane, maybe. “You guys are going to heavy with her. I knew that she wasn’t ready for what happened in the pool.”

“Yeah, you were right about that.”

I can’t make out who is agreeing but I nod along. I definitely wasn’t ready for it.

“I was right but that didn’t stop you going heavy with her straight after.”

There’s the sound of someone tossing a ball in the air and catching it. They love to mess around with balls in the den, despite their dad freaking every time he catches them.

“Don’t just blame me.” It must be Drew talking. “What about Dylan and the jersey move.”

“You should’ve seen the look on her face,” Dylan chuckles.

“Bro. Stripping off in the library is definitely a step too far.”

“But trying to tempt her into bed with home cooking isn’t?” Drew jokes.

I flatten myself up against the wall because the last thing I want is for them to catch me listening to them.

“Dammit. Why is she so fucking stubborn?” Dylan says sounding completely exasperated.

Stubborn? Is that what he thinks?

“I think it’s safe to say we can all tell she likes us. I don’t get it… why won’t she just accept it?”

Someone snorts. “Dude, we’re not exactly trying to get her to accept an everyday thing. For a girl to get with three guys…at the same time…well, that’s enough of a challenge. Let alone her stepbrothers… Hell, I don’t blame her for being so weird about it.”

“But she likes us like that. I know she does,” Drew says.

“She might, but fantasies are one thing and acting on it is a whole different level.”

One of them gets up and sounds like they’re pacing the kitchen floor. “I just wish she’d understand this, though. It’s not just about sex. I mean yeah, that’s a big part sure, but it’s more than that. It’s about the way she fits with all of us. Together. I can feel the connection. I’m not imagining it, am I?” Drew asks, sounding somewhat more desperate and flustered.

I want to chime in somehow and tell him he’s not. I feel it too, with each of them, although I still don’t know what to do about it.

The other two agree. “God, look at us. We must be fucking crazy for thinking we can find a woman who’s cool with being shared between the three of us. Look at Milly—one of us is more than enough for a tiny thing like her. How in the hell can we possibly ask her to cope with all three of us?” Dane says.

My heart squeezes tightly in my chest because I had no idea that they were sitting around talking about me this way. I thought this was all about sex. I thought they thought I was easy pickings because I’m under the same roof as them, but they’re saying it’s more for them than that.

I don’t know how to feel.

I don’t know what to do.

When you’re faced with the chance of having something that you crave but you know is only going to hurt you in the long run, what do you do? Do you take the bite of the delicious apple that’s laced with poison? Do you eat the whole chocolate cake and make yourself sick in the process?  Do you allow yourself the chance to live out your naughtiest fantasies and let your heart get broken along the way?

My heart aches and I’m hotter between my legs than I’ve ever been in my whole life.

“But we have to get her to see that this is right. She’s perfect for us even if she can’t see it yet, and it’s not like we have a choice, anyway. You guys have seen the way our bros have fought and ended up hating each other because of their girlfriends tearing good friendships apart. That’s not the kind of thing I want to deal with,” Dylan adds.

“Like Amy,” Drew sighs.

My stomach churns as the sound of her name. I personally hated the bitch. She was so stuck up that it drove all of us, Dylan and Dane included, crazy. All she wanted was Drew on her arm like some kind of trophy, always strutting around as if she was hot shit because no one had the quarterback of the football team like she did.

“Yeah. Like Amy,” Dane replies. “She always had you going off with her and you were barely ever around. She didn’t want to hang out with all of us.”

“She hated us,” Dylan says.

Drew’s voice stirs up more in me. “Exactly. Fuck being divided like that all over again. This is why we need Milly. She’s the perfect solution, in every way. Gorgeous, sweet, smart, and hopefully willing.”

Flushed from head to toe, I bring my hand to my chest, surprised to feel just how fast my heart is beating. How can any of this be real? My name is on their lips, but it still feels like they must be talking about some other girl.

Someone moves closer to the edge of the steps and I panic, realizing just how close to being caught I actually am. The creaky step looms ahead of me and I carefully tiptoe over it, my body tensing as I do. They sound like they’re just about finished with their late-night conversation, so I know I better get the hell out of here quickly, but as soon as I make it to the next landing, I accidentally knock into the small table sending the vase teetering back and forth loudly. Downstairs, I hear everyone freeze.

The footsteps start thundering up toward me, my eyes fly open wide as I try and flee up the rest of the steps, but someone’s hand reaches out and encircles my wrist to pull me from going any further.

I don’t know how, but I just know it’s Drew. He tugs on my wrist. “Wait, Mills. How long have you been here?”

The walls go up around me, making it impossible for me to reply. I try to pull loose but it’s no good.

He’s closer to me now, his body is overwhelming as he whispers next to my ear, “I know you know everything now. That’s good…That’s what we wanted.”

Even though Drew is the only thing in my vision this close, I can hear Dane and Dylan behind him, breathing quietly.

“It’s true. This is what we all want,” Dylan adds, his hand sliding around my waist from the side.

Dane steps to the other side of me until the four of us take up the entire landing. “We want to make you feel good, Milly. Together. Will you let us?”

Let them? I look between the three of them, feeling so vulnerable. The things they are asking from me are too much and I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m weak when it comes to them and more so now I’ve heard them speak about what they want. This is about keeping them close as brothers…as triplets. It’s about finding someone who will bond them rather than divide them. Is that me? They obviously think it is, but do I?

They don’t give me time to think before there’s an arm around my shoulders, a hand weaving itself into my hair. Drew moves back enough to give his brothers access to me. I’m completely surrounded by a wall of muscle and intent. I want to tell them it’s too much. That I need time. That they can’t possibly put me in this position and risk things between my mom and their father just as they have found happiness after so much misery. But then I want to tell them to do what they are promising. To make me feel good. To take away all the noise in my head so that I can get lost in the thrill of the abandonment of all of my worries.

Temptation floods through me, an ache to reach out and touch them. Rational thinking tries to elbow its way back into my head, reminding me how wrong this is. These are my stepbrothers! But the part of me that’s craving to let go reminds me that we’re not related. It’s just circumstances that have made us pseudo-family. Our parents wouldn’t be happy but they don’t have to know…

Hands slide under my tank-top and across the smooth plain of my stomach. Breath tickles my shoulders, my neck, my mouth.

Drew’s face is still closest, and he’s the first to steal a kiss. It feels like theft because he’s given me no time to acquiesce, but it feels so good that I can’t be mad at him. I don’t push him away. I don’t tell him he’s a bad boy for wanting to slide his tongue into my mouth while his brothers are stroking my breasts.

I moan because I can’t hold it in. Months of pent up sexual tension buzzes through me. I’m wet between my legs and scared at how much I want them. I stand up on my tip-toes and clutch my hands around his neck, giving myself over to what we all want. The hands don’t stop. My body doesn’t feel like mine anymore. There’s too much pleasure…to much yearning.

I’m serious, Milly. I’m think everything through, Milly. I’m avoid any risks, Milly.

Or at least I was.

Now it seems that I’m surrender, Milly. I’m let it go, Milly and worry about the consequences in the morning.

I’m different and it feels amazing. So amazing that I’m gasping for air and leaning away from Drew to help lift my tank up over my head. Dylan groans in my ear, his hand the first to squeeze my breast firmly, his thumb brushing over my pointed nipples, leaving me shuddering against him.

Drew whispers for them to help me up, and I’m suddenly being carried upstairs to my bedroom. They surround me easily again, Dylan kissing me passionately, his fingers curling into my hair while someone else tugs down my sleep shorts, leaving my bare, wet pussy completely exposed. I move to try and cover myself, but my hands are quickly pushed away.

“Don’t cover yourself up, Milly. You’re so beautiful.” It’s Dane, whispering in my other ear, trailing his hand along my thigh, helping to spread my legs apart.

My breath becomes ragged as his fingers ghost over my mound, cupping it firmly for a moment, pushing against it until I squirm. He leans down, his tongue swirling around my swollen nipple, mirroring what Dylan does on the other side of me. With both of them relentlessly teasing, touching my breasts, Drew positions his face between my thighs.

Oh…this isn’t happening. This can’t be real. For a second I imagine that I’m dreaming. I must have fallen asleep with my head in my study books and be conjuring all of this up.

Then Drew’s tongue touches the tip of my clit and I’m jolted into reality. He’s really licking me. Looking down, I see the moonlight reflect the glimmer in his eyes. He looks devious and dangerous. Devilish and dark. He’s so amazingly handsome, cut from marble practically, and the slow smile that spreads across his face sends a shiver up my spine.

There’s no way to brace for the way my hips buckle as his warm breath touches my bare skin. And as he trails his fingers down my wet slit, I shake, trying to remember to breathe when he parts my folds and pauses.

I moan quietly at first, my eyes fluttering shut, and then a mouth is on mine, swallowing up the desperate noises of mine as Drew devours me, his tongue inside of me, tasting me.

“Fuck,” Dylan breathes, and he grabs hold of my leg, lifting it up for his brother to get better access, Dane follows with my other leg. I’m pried open for them, moaning and writhing under Drew’s skilled mouth.

His tongue sweeps upward, circling my aching clit but not touching, and I rock my hips back and forth. “Please!” My voice doesn’t sound right. It sounds high-pitched and desperate. Exactly how I feel.

I want to come so hard but I’m scared because while this is happening I can get lost in the sensations. I can allow my mind to wander away to pleasure land. I can forget all about what comes next, but when they’ve done what they promised when they’ve taken care of me, then I’ll have to face up to the fact that my stepbrothers know what I taste like between my legs and there is no coming back from that.

Beside me, Dane sucks in a quick breath, and I try to pull him toward me, to touch him, to make him feel as good as they’re making me feel so I don’t think of anything other than this but he holds me back. “No, Mills. Just enjoy it. Let us take care of you,” he whispers.

I look up in time to see Drew maneuvering out of the way and Dylan leaning in, his thick fingers sliding easily inside of me and his mouth replacing Drew’s. I shake again, trying to catch my breath. Dylan’s rhythm is faster, pumping his fingers deep inside of me as he lavishly licks my clit.

I’m close and I know it, my body twitching as I try to ride his mouth. Drew takes my face in his hands and kisses me, his lips pulling away for just a brief enough moment to whisper, “That’s it, baby. I can feel how much you want to come.”

I shake my head as though he’s lying, but it’s me who’s the liar. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more in my life.

He holds my face more firmly. “Come for us, Mills. I want to see your face when you come.”

Dane sucks harder on my nipple, his huge hand gripping my other breast harder, fingers plucking at the sensitive nipple.

Dylan draws his fingers out and adds a fourth, stretching me impossible wide. I’m so wet I can feel it on my thighs, so ready to come that I push my legs out straight, toes pointing and hips rising. Just a little more and I’ll be there. Just a little…

Drew’s lips ghost over my ear so softly it feels like a feather-stroke. “That’s it, Mills,” he says. “You dirty girl. Come all over Dylan’s face.”

And that’s it. His filthy words said in the huskiest, sexiest voice I’ve ever heard is what pushes me over the edge into sweet oblivion. The sounds coming from my mouth sound nothing like me. My head falls backward, my thighs tense, and I don’t care if they are watching. I don’t care that they have ripped an orgasm from me more powerful than any I’ve ever experienced before. All I care about is drowning in it.

They don’t stop touching me, stroking and sucking, keeping me close but all I see are stars behind my lids.

Sweating and still dazed, I finally open my eyes. Even looking at the way the three of them seem so pleased, so happy to please, I still don’t get it. How could I ever be enough for all of them? And why would they choose me when there are so many other girls out there who would be willing to give them what they want.

I’m just Milly.

Scared Milly again.

But they keep holding me, keep touching me, keep stroking me until my eyelids are heavy and my limbs heavier. Time seems to stand still in this room of forbidden pleasure and surrender until I’m fading out of consciousness, a warm hand thrown over my hip, anchoring me into sleep.

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