Hot Men Society Series: Desire of Mr. Fuck Boy

Chapter 24

The sun rays stretched out from the clouds like long, artistic fingers as they seeped into my room from the window. It made the
room warm and me, cozy. But that's not what woke me up.
My alarm clock placed on the side table had got one great job to do each day. It was of waking me up at 5 am daily. Meditation
and yoga was a must for half an hour in the morning, always round the year without any exception for any day. All these years, it
had never dissappointed me. But today, even that wasn't the reason I got up at 9 in the morning.
"Who turned off the alarm clock?"
Was what I had been wondering.
What actually woke me up was the yelling taking place in the living room. Though the door of my room was closed, still the
shouts of father were prominent. I could hear them clearly.
For what is he shouting in this early hour of the day!?
I mentally groaned. By body was aching badly and my head seemed to be spinning, even after sleeping for more in the morning.
It felt as if I had been thrown into a juicer and I was helplessly whirling in that machine.
Then, something struck me.
How did I get here? I was at the party.... in the ballroom... then, someone screamed about fire... then?
After that point, my mind was completely blank. I was clutching the bedsheet tightly as I tried to remember how I ended up in my
Maybe a considerate and caring person helped me get here? Was it Tara? I wondered.
But whoever it was, that person would really have been an angel.... a person with golden heart...
I thought mentally, with a genuine smile on my face.
I quickly got up from the bed and was about to proceed towards the bathroom when I halted on my tracks. The sound of the T.V.
grabbed my attention and the next moment, I was peeping out of my room to hear what the distress was all about.

"Our sources inform that Mr. Mayank Prakash was found hanging from the ceiling of his villa located in Bandra. Apparently, the
cops have also found a confession letter near the corpse were Mr. Prakash accepted his crimes including him being a
The news reporter informed.
"No! No! No! It's a murder! I am damn sure! What the hell! How did this happen?!" Thundered father. He had already become
hysterical. He was relentlessly trying different numbers on his phone to see whether the news was accurate or a bluff.
"The police informed that the handwriting in the confession letter matches with Mr. Prakash's. There are no signs of any struggle
in the body which confirm it to be a self-willed suicide."
"I am damn sure there's some or the other foul play... he was perfectly fine last night! How can he possibly do this? What about
the alliance now!?" To say that father was shocked would be an understatement. He was shaken on this sudden development.
"Well... we'll ditch it! What more!?"
Screamed my overly thrilled mind. I was barely controlling myself from screaming out loud, giggle and dance in the middle of the
living room.
I wanted to rejoice, laugh and throw pillows here and there. I had to press my hand on my mouth to prevent myself from
squealing out of my uncontrollable happiness!
I quickly got in my room and locked my door. Leaning on my back on the closed door, I let out an inaudible laugh and grinned. I
kept grinning like an idiot for a long time and then finally, let out a sigh. I was happy on someone's death. That fact itself was
depressing but I simply couldn't ignore the fact that the scoundrel deserved it! Whether it was a suicide or a murder, I didn't know
and till a point, cared the least. But I was beyond glad that now, I was free! Again.... like my older times! I couldn't contain my
happiness anymore and decided to make this day special.
It was second Saturday today which ment I had to go for a morning shift in the hospital and later to an oldage home in the
evening, close to HOPE itself.
I quickly did my daily chores of the day and selected a fine royal blue colored salwar kameez for today. I wanted to make this day
special by putting extra efforts on myself and enjoy the day as it came. That's the reason why I decided to put on a little makeup
and give myself a new, fresh avatar. I used the kohl and put it beneath my eyes then applied some eyeliner. Unlike the other
days, I decided to put on some red lipstick and have a genuine, sweet smile on my face today. Lastly, by applying a small black

bindi between my eyes, I completed the look. To be true, I was looking pretty. I gave an ear-to-ear smile to myself looking at the
mirror and then collecting my phone and the other essentials, I made my way out of the house. Luckily, by the time I got to the
living room, father had already left somewhere while Tristan had his school.
I reached the basement and got into Sweety, then I made my way to HOPE. Today, the traffic didn't seem to annoy me. I had to
wait in a jam for around 30 minutes but I enjoyed the wait while listening to my favorite Kishore Kumar hits. Then finally, I
reached the hospital within time. I parked my car in its usual place behind the hospital and then punched my i-card at the security
desk, marking my presence for the day. I made my way to the cabin in the 10th floor, in the Cardio-department. There, Mandira
briefed me about the patients I had to operate on and a meeting I had to attend with the directors of the hospital for suggestions
on any development issues of the hospital. Once done, I straightaway went to the canteen to have my breakfast. It had been a
ritual now, all these years since mamma went away, I never ate in the house neither did I cook for anyone. It was just some
confectionery baking I did whenever alone in the house, which was very rare. Otherwise, all the meals I had were all from the
canteen or some take-away point.
I took the elevator and reached the ground floor, today genuinely returning the smiles the passersby were giving me. As I
entered, I heard someone from the 'Amateur Flock' shout, "Absolutely no one has got the guts of knocking me in a bout of arm
wrestling!" He was possibly an intern from the pharmacy department. The other guy joined him, " True! He is unbeatable!" The
other guys present there hooted and nodded in agreement.
Actually, the 'Amateur Flock' was a title given each year, to the new staff of the hospital, be it a doctor or a nurse or even an
accountant and they were considered to be the warm blooded group full of energy. They had the responsibility of organizing the
celebrations of different festivals in the hospital while we the seniors, were there to organize the birthdays. It was a system
created by the directors which kept our monotonous, difficult time to have a twist, relax an enjoy! So, in a way Amateur Flock
could be termed as the freshers of the hospital.
On a normal sucking day, I would have rolled my eyes and shaking my head in annoyance, I would have chosen the table
farthest to them. But... as today was not a regular sucked up day, I went for a change.....
"Seems like I am up for a bet then!" I said looking at them and tilting my head a little and folding my hands, as if inviting that
pharma-guy for a challenge. While the other guys checked me out from head to toe in a quizzical manner, that guy smirked. He
was sexy, too be true. Black curly hair covered his forehead while his emerald eyes shone in the light.
"But still, you like the chocolate brown ones from the den more! Isn't it?" Whispered the most annoying part of my brain! And I grit
my teeth in response, still having the confident look on my face.

"Then, I guess I need to be a little soft... I promise I wont break your hand in the process" he drawled at his jibe, the sexy smirk
not leaving the corner of his lips. His fellow pals chuckled.
I shook my head in denial with a mischievous smile playing on my face, " Don't you worry! In case you break yours, I shall talk to
your head of the department and provide you with some day-offs!" That caught him off-gaurd, but he seemed to be liking our
Take that you... umm handsome colleague? I smiled.
"Alright then, miss... beautiful? Up fo a fight?" He asked.
"Always!" I quipped. Then walking ro him, I sat opposite to him, where his fallow pals stepped aside for making way for me.
He opened his cufflink of his right hand and folded his sleeve. I saw the edge of his hand having tattoo of a scorpion.
"Like what you see?" He asked with a wink.
"Not much actually" I replied mentally as a matter of fact but I settled with a flirty smile.
We intertwined our right palms with one-another and placed our elbows on the table. Soon, on a whistle, the competition began
and really, he was good. His muscles were flexing as he applied pressure on my hand, gradually, and the war began.
None of us were ready to back off, while he wss grunting now and then, I was relaxed keeping my left arm transfixed on the side
of the table.
Some of the passersby got interested in match, possibly thinking how a girl agreed to such a proposition given by a guy?
I scoffed and screamed mentally, " Narrow-minded jerks!"
But to my dismay, my palm began to bend towards my side of the table. I was alarmed. Just then....
"Dr. Jennifer! If you are done with your gimmicks, can we talk? Like it shall be after weeks I guess!" Called out an exasperated
voice too familiar to me.

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