His Spirit Wolf

Chapter 10~ I don’t speak geek

Falcon’s POV~

Looking at the screen..seeing this punk’s face.. I am struggling not to run to where he is and strangle him. Unfortunately, I need information..I have to figure out what he wants with Anna. It’s obviously him.. so, at least, we have the who…now we need the why!

Anna walks back in with her father’s books. She tells me “I brought the book he has about Spirit wolves..maybe it will give us some insight. I’m going to search the darkweb for the server or servers running Flaming Rose..we need an In! Bonnie, sweet girl..it would be such a help, if you could run to the kitchen and grab us some snacks..and coffee? Lots of coffee?” And Bonnie scampers out.

Axel asks “How do you do that? You see our insecurities and turn them around making them abilities? That’s amazing” Anna shrugs “Bonnie needs to feel vital…she wants to be useful..feel needed. I don’t think she’s had much of that in her life..but changing who she inherently is, on the inside..to fit in with this bunch of homicidal maniacs..is something that can’t happen. Her innocent heart is necessary to keep us balanced”

I lift my amazing mate into my lap…whispering “I love you so much!” And she smiles so beautifully….Belinda asks “Anna is it okay if I read the book on Spirit wolves? Maybe I can find something to explain why this moron wants you.. mostly, I want to learn more about Bethany..she’s my niece too..and I love her! I want to know her!” And Bethany was out and laying on top of Belinda before I could blink! Anna says “Damnit Bethany! You know that hurts when you just leap!” And Bethany snarks “she’s my aunt, too! I just want a little lovin’ too!” Anna sighs “I’m sorry fuzzy butt! I haven’t let you out and about much since we lost mama and daddy! How about when we are in here..brainstorming..you can enjoy a little freedom?”

She jumps up and licks Anna’s face then comes over and lies on my feet..saying “I get Falcon.” Anna laughs and shakes her head no “We share Falcon..you get Othello…and if you behave…maybe we can run with him, later. But NO glow!” “ But my glow makes me pretty” she whines…I scratch her ears and tell her “Your glow is lovely..but it’s your heart that makes you beautiful” and she curls up and dozes off. I laugh and ask “a little high maintenance?” Anna shakes her head “you have no idea!”

Looking up, I tell them back to business and Brady says “Our scouts verify Gregor’s pack is done. This guy doesn’t even care about resources..or money.. he just kills everyone and moves on. Sociopathic behavior! It makes no sense and just feels random. He gives an order..and if you don’t succeed…even when you can’t control the circumstance…he kills everyone associated with you..before he murders you”

I respond “There has to be a pattern..even sociopaths have reasons…albeit reasons we can’t comprehend…but always an impetus…like mommy didn’t love him enough..or the babysitter slapped him for trying to kiss her.” Axel nods..”Find the catalyst..find an explanation..On it!”

Looking at Anna’s father’s records…and he was a very meticulous man..thorough. I said “here…Listen… I had to banish an entire family of five today. Cyrus Culver was observed by several witnesses trying to force himself on a 14 year old girl. I sentenced him to twenty lashes..and six months hard labor on the farms after recovering from his lashing. However, a precocious little six year old girl felt the ripple of pain through her pack bond and snuck herself into the infirmary to heal the hurt. She stumbled into the view of the youngest Culver boy and he took a liking to her..he dragged her into a supply closet, and while she refuses to discuss what happened in the locked closet, it was obvious by her bruises and his left hand missing two fingers, he had hurt her. The entire family was stripped of pack bond and banished to No Man’s Land.”

Marcus says “That’s the impetus! His left hand is missing two fingers..the pinky and ring fingers” I look at my fiery little mate and ask “You bit his fingers off? At six?” She shrugs “I don’t remember that” and Bethany stands up and lays her head in Anna’s lap…”I did it! He was hurting her. Saying bad things..touching places…like his father. I taught him he doesn’t get to do that” and she whines. Anna whispers “back inside, my Bethy..we are okay. I love you” and poof! Blue wispy smoke and she’s gone. Anna turns in my lap and I wrap her up. She’s asleep in seconds.

Axel blew “I want that fucker! I will filet his ass…skin him alive! She was a baby! Had it not been for Bethany who knows what would have happened!” Brady soothes “Calm bro..we will get him. He’s obsessed..we can use that… we need a plan!”

I , on the other hand.. am livid! I say “I want everything…every bit of information on this scumbag we can find. From the time they left Silver Blade…to now! And I want it NOW! If he tried it with Anna..he succeeded with some other girl! There has to be a trail!” Sabrina says “and now we have the why!” And we all nod.

Bonnie comes in with snacks and fresh coffee for Anna..and I nudge her awake. She rubs her eyes and apologizes to us all…and smiles so wide at Bonnie for the coffee..thanking her. And I realize Anna is absolutely right about Bonnie..she needs to feel necessary and Anna gives her that. Anna jumps off my lap and over to her laptop because it’s beeping..and she spins around to Axel “Look Axe! We’ve found a back door! Now..we need to encrypt the hack..just in case they have their own techie.. I don’t want to be detected “ and he replies “back off..I know exactly how to take care of this..I will bounce our ISP around to every satellite in the world! Let’s confuse some fuckers!” And we all laugh! I will never understand tech talk!

Sabrina laughs “Did anyone except the two computer nerds understand that?” Bonnie shakes her head “I don’t speak geek” and we all cracked up while Anna and Axel yelled “Hey!” Making us laugh harder…and it was just what we needed!

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