His Hybrid Pixie

Chapter Nineteen -Get them off. Make it stop.

She linked Gavin to let her back in the observation room. Kissing Rafe she flitted to the door and they walked out. Once she redressed she looked at Gavin and said “Let the games begin “.

Rafe watched Liam..he seemed to be in an almost twilight sleep. Jax linked what do you think she did? Rafe shrugged and linked hallucinations..bad ones, my guess. And at that moment, Liam’s eyes snapped open..he started struggling at his restraints…screaming “Get them off! Make them stop” Rafe and Jax looked at each other and backed away. Liam was sweating and whimpering. He twisted and turned, trying to get away. He yelled please..they are biting me. It hurts. Get. Them. Off!!!

In the observation room, Andrea is laughing and clapping. She said “Oh goody! Spiders. These are my favorite fear!” Gavin said “What? I don’t see any spiders.” She said no..but he does. That’s what matters! Gavin asked if he was stuck like this, as he shivered. She scoffs and says noooo…I only sprinkled enough dust for about ten minutes…this first time. Gavin said “first time?” She nodded “Oh yes..this won’t break him. We will come back tonight while he’s sleeping so I can ‘enhance’ his dreams “ Gavin looked at her and said “You are one scary little Pixie” She grinned and said Thank You!

Back in interrogation, the guys watched as Liam thrashed and screamed. Jax said “what do you think he’s seeing?” Rafe responds “No idea but it’s scaring the fuck outta him” and laughed. Jax nods says thank Goddess she’s on our side and Rafe laughs. Says “Pixies are mischievous but it hurts her heart to be malicious. She wouldn’t be harmful to anyone she cares about and Goddess knows she loves us and our entire pack!”

Within 15 minutes, Liam had quieted down and was panting hard, looking around the floor and table. Looking up, he asked are they gone? Rafe laughs and says they were never here. Jax said “what weren’t here? Where did they do?” Liam said the spiders. Scorpions..recluse…black widows..all over me. Biting me everywhere.. Rafe laughed and said “Yeah…ready to talk?” Liam said there’s nothing for me to say. Jax said “Fuck this. Bring Starla back in” Rafe said “ No.. she is going to need a nap. And I’m starving. Lock him back up for now..and Liam, she will be back. And she will bring your worst nightmares. So think on that. And think about telling us what we want to know. This can go bad for you in a hurry”.

Rafe stepped into observation and saw his moonbeam wrapped in Gavin’s arms, aound asleep. Gavin looked up and said “She just climbed into my lap and was asleep in seconds. Wasn’t sure what to do. Don’t break me” Rafe laughed and reaching down, lifted her into his arms walking out, with Gavin and Jax following. He said “going tiny wears her out. She always has to sleep a bit to recover. She will be fine by the time we make the packhouse. And Gavin.. she has claimed you as her brother..along with Damon and Jax.. I would never break you for keeping her safe. She is working on remembering your names. It’s adorable when she does it. She repeats Skippy is JAX and Sparky is Damon in a litany every morning” Jax chuckles. It’s never going to be boring..that’s for sure!

Andrea woke up to her stomach growling and realized they were entering the dining hall. She whined “Aww I missed Liam coming out of his hallucination. Was it good?” She spotted Madi and jumped down to run over and hug her. Then she hugged Maggie…looking around and greeting everyone in the room! She loves their pack! She walked over and sat down on Rafe’s lap and he began to feed her. They had just finished up when a mindlink came in from the Northwest border. “Alpha, we need you to be aware..Doc is on his way. Edward has been dumped across the border and hurt pretty bad.” He replied “keep me informed. I will head to the infirmary in a few minutes.”

Rafe told everyone at the table the news he was just given. Deborah jumped up and ran out..presumably to go to the infirmary. Jax and Rafe stood…looking at Andrea he asked “do you want to go with us or would you like to take a nap?” She responded “Eric is a member of our pack..and as such, it is our duty to look after him.” And the pride swelled through Rafe as he reached for her hand to lead the way. Madi and Jax walked behind them as they headed over..Andrea was chattering away about the weather and the holidays coming. Rafe only nodded once in awhile because it was an exercise in futility to try and fit one word in edgewise. But he loved it that way.

She was excitable and passionate about every thought and idea that passed through her busy brain..and she brought him so much joy! They entered the infirmary and spotted Deborah asking if there was any word. She shook her head and Madi sat down hugging her mother. Andrea sat on the other chair and whispered “Do you want me to see what I can do?” Deborah looked at her and said “I’m not sure I understand, Luna.. what can you do?” Andrea said “I can heal him..as long as his injuries are not to his heart or brain” Deborah asked her why she would do that for him..he isn’t a good man. And Andrea replied “I wouldn’t do it for him. I would do it for you” and Jax linked Rafe saying he loves that little pixie. And Rafe laughed..slapping his shoulder and says impossible not to!

It was decided Andrea would heal Edward enough to save his life. But he could do the rest on his own. Doc said “whoever worked him over expected him to die. And his injuries were most certainly fatal until Luna stepped in. Her heart is too good for this world” Rafe asked when they could speak to him and the Doc said he is awake and cognizant. His pain is regulated by medication.. So, everyone stepped into Edward’s r

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