His Ex-wife’s Comeback ( Nancy and Liam )

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Submission 

In the morning, Nancy had already inspected all the departments of the headquarters. 

The Smith Group started with the jewelry business and focused on high–end luxury brands. Nancy’s father, Nathan, founded the group and expanded the business into various fields such as hotels, equestrian clubs, antiques, catering, film and television, and real estate. The group had a wide presence and used to dominate the market in the southern city. Smith Group Jewelry was also the designated distributor of DT, the world’s largest diamond trading company, and the selected diamond merchant under the international mining company RG, making it a legendary figure. 

The only other group in Southern City to receive such an honor besides the Smith Group 

the Walker Group in Northern City; they had never interfered with each other. 


The employees sat at their desks, pretending to work diligently, occasionally stealing glances. Their eyes were involuntarily fixed on the new CEO. “Wow, our CEO has such a great figure!” 

Unlike yesterday’s all–white suit, Nancy was wearing a navy blue suit today. She was graceful yet cool. 

One employee couldn’t resist capturing her beauty with a sneaky shot behind Nancy and posting it online. “Seeing the back of our new boss, we all want to submit to her!” 

She was a small internet celebrity with over 200,000 followers. She loved to show off, and as soon as she posted this, it immediately received countless likes, comments, and shares. 

The comment section was filled with overwhelming praise: “Wow, is this really a real–life female CEO? Her figure and aura completely outshine female celebrities!” 

“She actually got to meet a living female CEO; she’s so envious!” 

“Just because of the back of the beautiful CEO, I’m going to apply to Sntith Group tomorrow!” 

As soon as Nancy entered the office, she took off her high heels and put on slippers. Vice President Mason followed behind her and closed the door, unable to help but laugh. “You must be tired after walking all morning.” 

“It’s been a while since I wore high heels, so I’m not used to it.” 

Nancy sighed softly. “I’ve only been away for three years, and the group has become such 


a mess. Every departmem nas vecuma su man 

how many of them are actually working?” 

Mason took out the ointment from the first aid kit and knelt on the carpet to gently apply it to Nancy’s injured feet. 

“This is what happens when the leaders are corrupt. David implemented a department. performance competition model without considering the individual KPIs of the employees. Since everyone benefits equally, there’s no difference between working hard or hardly working. Who would be willing to put in the effort?” 

Nancy couldn’t help but sneer, “My uncle came from a state–owned enterprise and brought the old system to the group. That’s why my father didn’t want to associate with him. He’s a foolish groundhog.” 

It’s not that he didn’t want to associate, but rather that he couldn’t handle it. It was too difficult. 

Mason blew on the sole of her foot, and Nancy curled her toes, unable to help but frown and retract her foot. “It’s itchy; let it dry on its own.” 

Her feet were thin and small, but her toes were plump and very cute. Mason’s face was filled with a gentle smile as he looked up at her. “You’re back; that’s great.” 

Nancy sat cross–legged on the sofa and lamented, “Coming back to clean up the mess is not good for me.” 

“You can do it.” 

Mason’s gaze was incredibly determined, like that of a soldier about to go into battle who had found a general to lead him in a bloody fight. With a backbone, he could show off his 


Nancy immediately dropped her childish expression and became serious. “Remember two things.” 

“Go ahead.” 

“First, we will no longer develop a golf course on the land in the northern suburbs. controlled by David and Jacob. I have other plans for it.” 


“Second, we can now launch the new jewelry series campaign with the theme of ‘Rose‘. I 


a mess. Every department has become so lax. The employees below seem diligent, but how many of them are actually working?” 

Mason took out the ointment from the first aid kit and knelt on the carpet to gently apply it to Nancy’s injured feet. 

“This is what happens when the leaders are corrupt. David implemented a department performance competition model without considering the individual KPIs of the employees. Since everyone benefits equally, there’s no difference between working hard or hardly working. Who would be willing to put in the effort?” 

Nancy couldn’t help but sneer, “My uncle came from a state–owned enterprise and brought the old system to the group. That’s why my father didn’t want to associate with him. He’s a foolish groundhog.” 

It’s not that he didn’t want to associate, but rather that he couldn’t handle it. It was too difficult. 

Mason blew on the sole of her foot, and Nancy curled her toes, unable to help but frown and retract her foot. “It’s itchy; let it dry on its own.” 

Her feet were thin and small, but her toes were plump and very cute. Mason’s face was filled with a gentle smile as he looked up at her. “You’re back; that’s great.” 

Nancy sat cross–legged on the sofa and lamented, “Coming back to clean up the mess is not good for me.” 

“You can do it.” 

Mason’s gaze was incredibly determined, like that of a soldier about to go into battle who had found a general to lead him in a bloody fight. With a backbone, he could show off his skills! 

Nancy immediately dropped her childish expression and became serious. “Remember two things. 

“Go ahead.” 

“First, we will no longer develop a golf course on the land in the northern suburbs controlled by David and Jacob. I have other plans for it.” 


“Second, we can now launch the new jewelry series campaign with the theme of ‘Rose. I 


want the operations department to initiate an online discussion on this topic, where we can gather love stories. The top ten most popular stories will receive a complimentary Smith Group Jewelry diamond ring, and even our internal employees can participate. Additionally, I want the design department to use the love stories of internet users as inspiration for product concepts. The design drafts will also be released online for selection. The top ten designs will have their monthly performance bonuses doubled.” 

Mason agreed and couldn’t help but comment, “This plan will require a significant 


Nancy smiled faintly and replied, “Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. If we don’t take risks, we won’t achieve success. Go and handle it. The era of equal sharing is 


Just as Mason left, the phone rang. It was the housekeeper calling to inform Nancy that Cerci was causing a scene in the Rose Garden. 

“Don’t tolerate her bad behavior. Put her under house arrest immediately and let her reflect on her actions. If she becomes too disruptive, silence her. If she truly has the ability. and courage, let her jump out of the window. It would save me the trouble.” 

Sam used to be a trusted assistant to Nancy’s mother. When Nancy “died,” David and Cerci found an excuse to drive Sam away. Gary took her in, but now Nancy has brought her Gary took her in, but now Nancy has brought her back. 

With Sam at home, Nancy felt at ease. No matter how much Cerci tries to cause trouble, she won’t succeed. 

Just as she hung up the phone, her mobile phone rang again. Nancy saw that it was Gary calling, and she hesitated to answer because she knew it probably wasn’t good news. “What’s the matter?” 

“Why are yo 

you so impatient? It’s not a big deal, but it will surely anger you. Take a look online. Your ex–husband seems to have been influenced by another woman. He’s spreading false claims, saying that you were the mistress!” 

Nancy furrowed her brow and unlocked her phone. There was a trending topic on the hot search: #Liam and Layla’s grand wedding.” She paused for a moment and clicked on it, only to find a short article. 

The article was posted on the official account of the Walker Group. It was a lengthy piece, consisting of over a thousand words. First, it announced the news of the wedding, then it recounted the couple’s love story, and finally it subtly implied that Layla was the one who had always held a special place in Mr. Richardam’s heart. As for the woman who had 


previously been married to Mr. Walker, a simple rural girl who had never experienced much of the world, she was portrayed as a mistress who had intruded into their 


The article also expressed Layla’s infinite tolerance and understanding toward Mr. Walker’s past and sincerely wished Ms. Morgan a future where she could find someone who truly loved her and was a suitable match for her. 

“Haha.” Nancy couldn’t help but laugh out loud. What kind of nonsense was this? 

“Are you angry about this?” Gary sounded even angrier on the phone than Nancy. “How dare Liam have the audacity to call you a mistress? Who does he think he is? I’ll give him a piece of my mind!” 

“No need.” 

Nancy said calmly, “Liam wouldn’t do something like this. This brainless article was clearl written by Layla.” 

“It’s already late, and you’re still defending that scumbag!” 

“I’m not defending him; I’m just stating the facts.” 

Nancy glanced at the icon of the Walker Group’s official account and the time of the post and smiled coldly. “There’s no need to remove the trending topic. Being arrogant comes. with consequences. The one suffering from the consequences now is someone else.” 

After hanging up the phone, she glanced at the article again, as if reading a joke. 

She married Liam primarily because of him, without caring about the mere title of Mrs. 


Nancy Morgan had been regarded as deceased ever since she signed the divorce: agreement. She firmly decided that she no longer wanted that man. She no longer 

regarded him as significant, and the title held no worth for her. Whoever wants it can have 

  1. it. 

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