His Caged Princess

His Chapter 9


  1. The Library 

Layana had reached the large open doors to the library as a few professors walked out. She slipped inside, unravelling a scroll in front of her. No one spared her a second glance, after all, everyone knew princess Cordelia often sent her staff to get her books. 

The librarians were too busy signing some books out for several apprentices. A few young scholars were packing away their scrolls and papers on the tables. A servant was cleaning up, wiping down the empty tables and chairs and a librarian was putting away some books. 

She only hoped she found the book without being caught. Soon the library became quieter with each passing moment. The humming of chatter was soon completely gone, she heard footsteps as one of the staff pushed in the last few chairs and headed out, only when the lights were shut down did Layana release the breath that she had been holding. 

Now she needed to move to the shelf where she had hidden her small bundle. With the room now bathed in darkness, only the moonlight shining through the windows made of hundred of shards of coloured stained glass gave her a faint view of where the shelves were. It wasn’t enough to see anything properly and Layana carefully felt her way around instead. 

Reaching the shelf after several minutes, her sense of smell and sound were sharper in the darkness. She did not miss the smell of lingering coffee, the leather of the books, or the dust in the air. She could hear the distant sounds from far off in the palace but the library was so silent, her own heart and breath sounded loud to her. 

Crouching down she felt for the books that were sticking out slightly, her 

heartbeat quickening in a moment of panic until she found it. She took the books. out ever so quietly, removing the small bundle. 

Satisfied she stood up and removed the servants‘ gown and bundled them up placing them on the shelf. 

Just as she reached to open her small bundle the sound of very quiet footsteps approaching neared. Her eyes widened in horror as she froze, her fingertips grazing the brown fabric of the bundle. She crouched down on instinct not wanting her blond hair to be spotted. 

Peeping out from behind the corner of the shelf she saw the shadow of a tall man walking by, for his size, Layana was surprised at the silence of his footstep. It was 

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clear he thought he was alone in here but who was he and what was he doing here? 

A frown crossed her brow and she quickly opened her bundle feeling around until her fingers brushed the cool stone of a mage stone. 

Gripping it tightly in her hand, she took one of the two small curved daggers that she had planned to use to climb the filigree wall and walked silently towards the man, she needed to know what he was up to… 

She frowned, realising the man was no longer in sight, she looked around daring not to move too quickly not wanting to be heard. 

“Well, well… looks like the princess is once again breaking rules,” a husky voice whispered in her ear, her eyes flew open in shock. A gloved hand clamped over her mouth cutting off the scream that was barely even formed from escaping her lips. A strong arm tightening around her arms and waist pinning her against a hard chest. The mage stone and dagger slipped from her grasp at the sudden hold, fear enveloping her like an unwanted cloak. 

Declan looked down at the woman before him, unbeknownst to the woman, one of the abilities of the Storm bloodline allowed them to see slightly better in the dark than the standard human by channelling the power within them and focusing it at their eyes. 

He had heard the shuffling around and seen the blond bun that had stood out in the dark. His original attention was to knock her unconscious but the moment he had snuck up behind her, he had recognised her. He didn’t know how he was so sure but before he even pulled her into his arms he knew it was princess Layana. 

She now struggled in his grasp, her heart pounding, fear rising in her chest at how weak she was in his vice grip. 

“If you want me to let you go, you need to stop struggling,” he said quietly, her soft intoxicating scent of vanilla and shea butter filled his senses, and the sudden urge to bury his nose in her neck and inhale her overcame him. He pushed the thought away as quickly as it had come. 

She stilled instantly and he slowly let go, staying on guard in case she decided to scream. She didn’t know who h 

was, not yet. But one thing was clear she 

shouldn’t be here either. 

“W–who are you?” her shaky whisper came, 

“The question princess is what are you doing here?” he asked, 

“I am the princess I can do as I wish, the question is what are you doing here,” 

Layana said, a sudden spurt of confidence overcoming her as she turned to look at the man before her. Even though her eyes had adjusted to the dark she couldn’t make out the man hidden beneath a hooded cloak. 

“We both know you shouldn’t be here,” he said quietly 

“Perhaps not, but if I scream the guards will come and I won’t be the one apprehended,” she said confidently. 

Declan looked at her, not able to make out what exactly was going through the woman’s mind. 

“And I can kill you before you even have the chance to blink,” he said leaning forward, Layana frowned 

“Ignite!” she hissed, and at her feet, the mage stone lit up, it wasn’t too bright but it was enough to reveal their faces. it was a commonly used source of light around the kingdom. Mage stones could give light for a few hours and up to several hours depending on the power put into them by the mage who created it. 

Declan smirked slightly as Layana’s eyes widened in shock, the moment realisation hit her. “You!” she whispered furiously, 

He lowered his hood raising a brow. His face was as cold and arrogant as ever as he looked into her unique eyes. Unique yet so mesmerising he wanted to ask about their origin. 

“What are you doing here?” he asked her instead 

“Not that I need to answer to you but I’m searching for a book… in the forbidden section,” she said turning her back on him. 

The glow from the light on the ground illuminated her curves very appealingly, Declan thought before looking away. It was then she froze, her cheeks flushing red as she realised, she was dressed very improperly. She quickly spun around again mortified. 

“Uh…” she whispered. Declan looked towards the entrance to the library, he didn’t have time to waste and this woman was a very annoying distraction. Reminding himself she was the daughter of the enemy. He stepped closer like a tiger stalking his prey, 

“I don’t have time to waste, I came for some information as well. If you keep your mouth shut that I was here, I won’t tell daddy dearest his precious daughter was running around after dark, dressed so….. appealingly at that,” he whispered in her ear making Layana’s eyes widen a slight blush tinging her ivory skin once again. 

“I…. Fine, but how are you planning on getting into the restricted area?” she asked, crouching down she picked up the glowing rock and the dagger. 

“Through the door how else,” he said arrogantly, 

“You stole the key?” she asked in shock, as she followed the man towards the door. 

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“A key isn’t the only thing that opens a door,” his reply came as he placed a hand on the door lock. A spark of lightning crackled around his hand before it rushed to the keyhole, seeing the light within the lock brighten, Declan turned his hand slightly and Layana heard the straining click of a lock opening. 

She simply stared in annoyance and envy, if only she could have done that… 

“How were you planning on getting in?” he asked, his gaze falling to the dagger in her hands, “don’t tell me you were going to climb, do you even know how to?” 

“Not that it’s your business…” she retorted not missing the mockery in his tone. 

“Well you can either come through the door, or you can climb as planned, just remember the guards enter and scan the library every half an hour, I don’t really care what you do, but don’t get me caught,” he said coldly, thinking why was he entertaining her, he walked off through the door, not waiting for a reply. Leaving Layana confused at his sudden change of behaviour. 

This was not how she was expecting the night to start, but it had somewhat worked in her favour. 

“Thank you,” she whispered loudly knowing he would hear, as she too stepped through the door and silently shut it behind her… 


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