High Moon High School

Chapter 2

The boys’ dorm?

Is that all you have?” Rach asks me her perfect brows furrowing and I’m not sure if the look on her face is concern, disgust or pity.

“Actually no these are just some bits of mine, my grandparents had my room done before I got here, they didn’t want to send anything to my parents house. Long story for another time.” I reply and give her a smile.

We walk towards my dorm when Rach stops and says “Two minutes, I just need to check something. This is the dorm it says on your paperwork but this is the boys dorm.”

She pulls out her phone and makes a call. I’m too busy admiring the building from inside to hear what she’s saying and to whom but no doubt she will sort whatever it is that needs sorting.

“Um Hello! Earth to Cierra.” Rach says pulling me back to the now. I didn’t even realise I had zoned out.

" Oh, sorry. Everything OK?” I ask her.

“Yes, I said I just spoke to Mrs. Matthews and she said she has spoken to your grandparents and explained the only empty room the size they requested is just inside the boys dorm, they told her that’s fine.” She explains. “Is that OK with you?”

“What? So our rooms won’t be near each other?” I say back to Rach, disappointment evident in my tone. I was hoping me and the ginger would become friends, she seems nice so far and it’s not like I know anyone else.

Rach shook her head at me “No we won’t but, your grandparents saved you a huge room so we can have sleepovers on weekends when we’re allowed to room share and it’ll also be the first time I’ve stayed over in the boys dorm even if it is In a girls room.”

Rach grinned at me with an excited look on her face, we both burst out in fits of giggles. She pulled me down a long corridor past door after door and stopped in front of number 316B. Rach flicked her luscious copper curls over her shoulder out of her face and opened the little file she had, took out a blue card and handed it to me.

“Welcome to your home away from home.”

I touched the card to the pad on the side of the door like she told me and pushed the door open with the handle when I heard the click.

As soon as the door opened and I stepped in my jaw dropped. The room was decorated in pale blue and greys, as I walked in the door there was a sofa and 2 matching cosy chairs in grey with pale pink cushions, a coffee table in the middle, as I walk past and turn the corner a big king size bed stands in the middle of the wall with a white bedside cabinet on either side to the left of the bed is two white doors. I open the first and step into a good sized walk-in closet with all new clothes and shoes already hanging waiting for me, nanna and grandpa will have gotten a stylist to pick out all the latest trends to my taste and make up the outfits for me.

My Grandparents fund everything for me but refuse to help my parents now, after they helped mum and dad out of the thousands in debt the first four times they cut them off and offered to take me in. Mum wasn’t happy about that she wouldn’t sign me over to my grandparents care. I went to stay with them as often as I could but mum made sure to call the police and ruin that and say they had kidnapped me so they set up an account to use just for me but the money was never mine, mum and dad made sure to spend everything that rolled in to that account. Being an adolescent there was nothing anyone could do about it so instead they started to pay things directly for me such as my phone bill, driving licence, car and anything else I needed, but I was still stuck with my parents.

I’ve never been so happy than to be able to get away from them boarding school was the compromise.

I walked out of the closet and made a mental note to call my grandparents later on to thank them. I moved to the next door which was the bathroom. It was a basic bathroom, shower, toilet and sink and I noticed a door on the other side. I try to open it but it was locked.

I didn’t notice Rach walk in behind me until I heard her say. “Oh you share a bathroom with the twins next door you’ll need to remember to lock both doors when you use the bathroom. Your closet is amazing by the way, I will soooo have to lend some of these cute outfits. Anyway it’s lunch time we should head to the canteen then we can come back and get you settled in. I can’t wait for everyone to meet you!.” She babbles on excitedly.

We make our way to the dining hall the way we came, we come to the large stairs at the main entrance and turn down the opposite side and instead of going what would be under the stairs, we turn off into the right wing of the enormous building and enter through double doors. The canteen is so busy there are so many teens in here. rows of tables with seats attached line the hall, chatter and laughter filling the place.

“Hey Rach, come on girl you’re late.” A tall girl with short brown hair and olive skin shouts in our direction, she’s sat with a group of other girls and lads, Rach links our arms again and bounds over dragging me with her, Rach sits down next to the brunette and all eyes at the table are on me.

“Guys this is Cierra Cardle, Cici this is Natalie,” she points to the brunette that shouted at her when we walked in, she gives a small wave and nods her head towards me. “This is Tasha, Nicole, Manda and Kay.” They all say hello with bright smiles on their faces. I can tell these are the popular gang here but they all actually seem pretty friendly on first impression.

Rach moves on to the guys at the table. “This is Ryan, Caine, Titan, and Tiny.” I look to the guy she just called tiny and have to suppress a laugh, the guy is like a human mountain I mean they’re all big but this guy is beyond that he notices my gaze lingering on him and says “You know because i’m Tiny.” He says cooking his head to the side with a lopsided grin plastered on his face. He is so handsome, actually they all are strangely good looking.

Rach snaps my gaze from Tiny by continuing to speak. ” The twins are away for a few days. They should be back Sunday so you can meet them here Sunday evening with us all. So Cici you want a sandwich? I’m going to grab one.” Rach says as she stands from the table.

“Huh sure, I’ll take any thanks I’m not fussy.” I say to her before I turn back around to the group.

Titan gets up out of his seat and comes around the table to sit in the seat Rach just vacated. I look at him and look away trying not to show my surprise at his change in seats. My lawd guy is hot, like the quiet, brooding mysterious kind of hot.

Rach comes back to the table and looks at Titan and pouts,

“Titan, no your not taking her from me.” Titan flashes her a toothy smile, his brown eyes sparkling and turning to me, he puts his arm around my shoulders and looks back at Rach who plonks herself down in the seat he vacated shooting him daggers with her bright green eyes from across the table.

I stiffen at Titans touch not expecting it whilst also giggling under my breath at the little banter these two have going on. They all seem so close and I think I’m just expected to fall into the group. I’ve known them for all of 10 minutes and already feel comfortable around them. The guys tell me funny stories about each other from in and out of school, it seems all these guys live pretty close together too. From all the stories I gather that Titan is quiet and brooding, Ryan and Tiny are outgoing in a class clown kind of way, Cain is a ladies man, the girls can all hold their own and think of the guys as brothers, the twins who I’ve yet to meet seem to be the leaders of the group and the girls are all in to fashion and can handle themselves. By the sounds of it, they all see each other as siblings rather than friends or anything more which explains why Titan and the other guys might be showing me a little interest me being new and not a part of the group. Apparently Ryan has a girlfriend back home and Cain has a girlfriend just about anywhere and everywhere and changes them more than his socks. I laugh when Kay tells me this

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