High Moon High School

Chapter 17

Where the hell are they?

I walked down the corridor on the Alpha floor towards our room, this corridor never seemed so long, I can’t wait to get back to my Alpha’s. I hadn’t received any word whilst away at the summit so I’m expecting they’ll be exactly the same as when I left, no news is good news right?

I slowly open the door to mine, Ajax and Aries room and my heart feels like it’s been ripped out of my chest. With it a pained growl powerful enough to shake the room, if not the whole building.

I looked around, everything was back to the way it looked before the incident, my heart and mind raced. “Where are my Alphas” I roared as loud as I could I grabbed a lamp from a bedside table and threw it across the room, their smell was faint here so they hadn’t been gone for more than a few hours. What if they died? Why is noone here to greet me, why did noone call me? I ask myself all these questions. In total I have been away from them for 3 days, travelling and the summit. What could have happened so bad that they would die in the three days I had left? I sunk to the floor broken glass from the shattered lamp cutting in to my knees, sobs escaping my lips.

“Luna, what is it?” I hear Rach running towards me, I look up and take in her reaction as shock crosses her face at the empty bed.

“No surely not right? Someone would have told us!” She said her voice shaking. I hear footsteps hurrying down the corridor but I keep my face covered with my hands sobs still wracking my body Rach by my side speechless and crying softly. Then it hits me...

The aroma of freshly baked cookies and chocolate orange fills my senses. My sobs come to a stop, catching in my throat as I breath in through my stuffy nose to catch a fresh sniff of their scent. Its as though they’re right here. I look up and there in the door way stand the two most handsome men I have ever seen, bright eyed and worried expressions on their faces. I stood slowly as they both rushed over to me, both still hobbling slightly and much slower than before the attack.

Ajax, Aries, I.. I.... I thought, the bed, and then, but noone, dead, I thought you had both left me! I mumble yell at the twins, I’m not quite sure what I’m trying to get out here, wether I’m angry, upset or relieved but I fall in to their arms as they both reach me and pepper me with kisses and hush me. I’m not sure when we got on the bed or when everyone retreated from our room or even how long we had been lay here quietly in each others arms but what I do know is that I am exhausted and my mates are alive.

I pulled myself up the bed making it so I was sat with my back against the headboard, the twins both rolled to their stomachs and looked up at me their eyes so full of love and worry as they took I my appearance.

“OK so does someone want to tell me what has happened? I left and you were both in bed comatosed I come back and by some miracle thank the goddess, you are both here and awake, no rest no machines just a little slower than I’m used to.” I let out a little giggle as Aries squeezes my thigh and Ajax smirks at me. “You have exactly the moon goddess herself to thank baby.” Ajax tells me. I stare at him my expression urging him to continue but to my surprise it was Aries that spoke. ” My Luna, the moon goddess came to us together on the other side and told us that you were waiting for us, that we needed to get back to you. We fought to get back to you.” He smiled at me and they both moved up to sit either side of me. “So where had you gotten to when I got home?” I ask.

“Baby we went to the gym, were weak from being out for so long that’s not a good look for Alpha’s,” Ajax laughs. “But you’re both all good now right?” I ask them both concern noticeable now in my tone. “Yes Luna.” They answer in unison. They go to put their arms around me and as much as I’m itching to get close to them I have my own story to tell. I put my hands up to stop them.

“My Alpha’s, I need to tell you both something and then I need to go and meet with your parents about the events of the summit then I need a shower and to lock myself in this room with you two for at least a week!” I say quickly, they both let out a small chuckle and embrace me anyway each placing a kiss on each of my cheeks. “OK beautiful,” Aries says. “What’s the story?”

I tell the twins about everything start to finish as they watch me in awe of the things I’ve faced while they have been healing. From breaking down to turning alone to going to the summit and standing up to Argon though they both growled at that and wanted to hunt him down and kill him I reminded them both they were too weak to be fighting with any other Alpha’s at the minute. I gave them a minute to let everything sink in.

The pause was far too long. “Your wolf sounds amazing baby our wolves can’t wait to meet her. When you are both ready of course.” Ajax gushes.

" When I’m healed fully, I’ll take Agron’s f*king head” Aries snarls still breathing heavily. I put my head on his chest and my arms around his shoulders helping him calm.

I crawl to the end of the bed and climb off. “Where are you going Cierra?” Aries asks confused. “I told you I need to meet with your parents to go over the events of the summit.” I reply, I only just told them I wonder if their brains have some lasting effects.

“My love, get back I bed. I already sent Rach to meet with my parents. They’re not expecting to see you until the end of the week. We also will be returning to school next week all being well so let’s enjoy our bubble.” Aries tells me.

I climb back on the bed between my Alpha’s and run my fingers up and down their legs stroke their cheeks and kiss each one in turn now we can all enjoy the tingling sensation of the mate bond when we touch. We talk about our scents and what they do to each other, that they will all smell intertwined when we have mated and mark each other the guys will have my scent lingering on them aswel as their scent and I will have each of theirs so everyone will know we have slept together, I personally find that weird but Ajax and Aries think it’s normal. To me I might as well go out there and shout I finally f*cked the twins. The Alpha’s laugh and say they wouldn’t protest to me letting everyone know so openly that I was theirs, possesive as ever.

I leave the twins to hop in the shower. I lather soap in to my waist length hair and leave it in whilst I wash and shave, I slowly massage my head washing the suds out finally starting to feel an air of normalcy now my twins are back. I thank the moon goddess silently for bringing them back to me. Now I can feel the mate bond as strongly as the twins the need to be constantly touching them is overwhelming, the pleasurable sparks that ignight my nerve endings when they kiss me, when Ajax splays his hand over my stomach sends a ball of desire low in to my stomach, when Aries draws small circles hig up on my thigh with his finger mindlessly I can feel it in my flower the delicious want I feel for them low down but none of them have brought it up, as much as I’d love to push them further they don’t go any further than a passion filled kiss.

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