High Moon High School

Chapter 10

Happy Birthday pt 1

The rest of the group arrive and we all sit spread out on my bed and watch a film, the twins sit next to each other and I half sit on each of their laps. Each one has a hand on my thigh.


I wake up Saturday morning wrapped in the twins who are trapped against me by Tasha and Manda. I lay awake for a minute listening to everyone snoring away.

“Happy Birthday beautiful, want to go get coffees while everyone is asleep?” I look up to Aries and he kisses me on the nose, I nod my head and we both slowly climb out of the bed, pull on some joggers and a tee and make our way down to the canteen to get some coffees and muffins to take back up to everyone. When we get back up to my room everyone is awake and waiting for us.

Ajax shoots Aries an annoyed look as we walk in and mumbles something under his breath. Aries clearly hears him as he lets out a low chuckle. I am really starting to get attached to these twins of mine. Ajax walks over, picks me up bridal style once I put the coffee down I was carrying and carries me out of my room to his.

“Ajax where are we going?” I ask him

“To my bed, I want you to myself for a few minutes too. Happy birthday gorgeous.” He replies. Oh looks like he’s annoyed I wasn’t there when he woke up I did bring him coffee though.

He carries me into his room and to his bed, he pulls me in for a kiss we make out and talk mainly About how I’m feeling about them, the twins are constantly trying to gauge how I feel about them.

Ajax mentioned that they would just feel what I’m feeling if I were mated and marked and even more if I let them turn me, and if we were mated I’d feel the mate bond like they do. Although it’s normal for a warewolf to mate the day they meet their fated, I’m human and jumping not one but two guys after knowing them a week just isn’t for me especially when it isn’t just sex it’s mating I’d be bonded to them for life.

The twins say they find it hard to control their urges around me because their wolves are dying to get out to me even to just meet me themselves but they’re willing to go as slow as I need. I plan to meet Azrid and Arcane this weekend but haven’t mentioned it to the twins yet.

“We better get back in there before either Rach or my brother storms......” before he could even finish both Rach and Aries came storming in both agreeing Ajax had had me for long enough and he was being selfish keeping the birthday girl to himself, I laughed at them all fighting over me and went with them back to my room.

I was surprised to see banners and balloons around the room and another pile of presents on my bed. I can’t believe these guys had done this, and on such short notice. I feel so blessed in this moment to have found these new friends that have become my family in such a short space of time. We drank coffee, opened presents, ate cupcakes and had a great time. After lunch the twins and I went to our rooms to get our things together to make our way to the pack house.

We decided to put our date on hold and spend the day with the group for my birthday instead due to their protests of us leaving this morning. All ready we make our way down to the front and say our goodbyes letting everyone know we will be back for tea time tomorrow.

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