Hidden in Plain Sight (Working title)

Chapter 1: Kat

Kat walked into her new school, she already hated it. She'd had changed her name from Audrie to Kat, hoping no one would notice. She'd changed her hair color and put on brown eye contacts so her eyes weren't dark purple.

Kat, that was what she'd decided to call her human form, but she was still Audrie at heart.

Audrie, a monster to humans.

Though, technically, they had every right to be afraid.

That didn't mean they had to kill them all though.

Kat walked through the middle school, looking for her locker. This was just too much to carry around.

She walked up to locker 207. Yup, there were more than two hundred-seven lockers in the school.

That's a lot of lockers, but it was a middle school with over a thousand people so...

She put in her combination and opened the locker. She shoved her textbooks in, sadly it wasn't a b-day that day. English was her fifth-period class and also her favorite class of the day. Too bad it was over in an hour and wasn't today.

She'd joined class on an a-day. The busiest day on her schedule:


1ST: (Basically P.E. She forgot what it actually said.)

2ND: ART 1

3RD: (Uh... She forgot... Oops)






8TH: (Honors whatever blah blah blah science eight)

And that was Kat's schedule.

So P. E. was first today.

Oh well.

She walked up to the gym. She'd had to walk up two flights of stairs since the entrance to the school was - oddly enough - in the basement and apparently the gym was on the second floor.

Kat sat down in front of the teacher, placing her torn backpack beside her. It was currently the first semester.

Here was her plan to have a successful 8th-grade year:

1. Don't interact with students.


3. Don't get killed.


Except maybe number three.

And everything else...

Kat shook her head to clear her thoughts when a girl with long black hair sat next to her. She was wearing a white tee shirt with jeans and tennis shoes. The most normal look ever for a warm spring morning. She wore a pink headband and a rainbow multi-colored bracelet with different colors of beads. It had letter beads on it that said: "Be yourself because you are perfect". It was obviously made by her with how it was unprofessionally tied.

"Hi!" the girl said. "I'm Amanda!"

Kat didn't respond, she just sat staring at her notebook and writing down everything the teacher said. Because, apparently, they had to write notes about good sportsmanship. Come on, really, like she would forget good sportsmanship.

"Hey, did you hear me?"

Kat continued to ignore her.

"Fine. Could've at least said hi..." the girl mumbled.

Kat looked at her writing and she'd managed to write down the teacher's exact words. Oops.

Soon, first period was over and it was time for the second. She quickly headed to her art class. She didn't know why she took it, it just seemed fun at the time.

It was, too.

Second period went by pretty quickly, so, of course, it was time for lunch. She didn't have much money seeing as she couldn't GET a JOB.

Kat walked outside instead of to the cafeteria and sat by a tree. She pulled out a book and started reading.

She managed to finish a few pages before Amanda came up to her.

"Hey, you know, I said hi to you earlier," she said.

Kat looked at her with an extremely bored expression. "Yes, and?" She had almost hissed and hissing in public was bad. Hissing in public meant humans would know Kat was a creature. Kat didn't want that, it was bad enough that Ava knew about Kat's creature form, Audrie.

'Speaking of me,' Audrie hissed inside Kat. 'Get this girl out of here and let me stretch. You always do at lunch.'

'No. Not today.' Kat had other things to worry about.

Audrie growled.

"And you were supposed to respond to me," Amanda said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, it doesn't look like I care now does it?" Kat said sarcastically.

Amanda rolled her eyes again and walked off.

Kat crept around the school into the forest behind it. She made sure no one was looking before she transformed into Audrie. Audrie stretched out her wings, hidden from the school by a bunch of trees. Audrie sighed with relief.

'I hate being cramped in there,' she said to Kat.

'I know, now make this quick.'

Audrie flapped her wings around for a minute, admiring their beauty before she transformed back into Kat.

Kat walked back to the school, hoping no one had noticed her sneak out. She made it to the tree she'd been sitting at just before the bell rang.

Third period. Now, if only she could remember what it was...

Right. It was sewing.

Her second favorite class.

She walked to room 108, the classroom was bigger than the art classroom. But, it mainly held things for sewing, knitting, and other crafts. There were chairs and tables in the middle of the room whereas the back held knitting needles, looms, and yarn in one corner and patches of fabric, sewing needles, and string in the other along with students' projects in the middle.

She sat down in her seat and waited. Once the bell rang for the class to start, the teacher began to hand out fabric, sewing needles, and string. She explained that today they'd be working on making quilts which made Kat excited to begin working. Then, the person beside her looked at her and she couldn't keep herself from looking back at the girl who was staring at her.

"Oh! Uh, hi?" the girl said shyly. "I'm uh... I'm Avery."

"K. Whatever," Kat said, and the two worked on their quilts in silence.

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