Her Ultima Wolf

Chapter 18~Don’t wanna break a nail

Arabella’s POV~ again…

Sebastian and I have been speaking with Alphas and socializing.. I am noticing I am more aware of the energies surrounding is. It must be an effect of our marking. It’s easy to recognize positive energy…the more negative ones are harder to identify. Going to have to work on this new ability.

Sebastian leads me to the dance floor, just as Brian McKnight’s song ‘Back at One’ plays. He wraps me in his arms and kisses me. As he twirls me and brings me back in..someone taps on his shoulder and asks to cut in.. We turn to see my half brother standing there..and Sebastian says “No..I am dancing with my wife for the first time all day! Every single person in this room has known we haven’t been able to..I will certainly not share her now!” and spins me away. I giggle and say “He looks flustered! I think he thought you’d say yes” and he snarls “Fuck him!” And, for some reason it struck me funny!

We danced for hours…I took turns with all three guys..Sebastian danced with Callista.. it was a great night. We noticed several Alphas talking with each other…I didn’t feel anything negative.. but I am realizing they have to be talking directly to me, for me to get a definite feeling. Kaiden said “Luna, Callista went to the restroom awhile ago and I can’t find her now” I said “Say no more..walk with me and I will check the bathrooms. Sebastian said he would come, as well. We are brand new and freshly marked and mated..being apart the next few days can be painful…

We entered the third corridor..heading to the next restroom and I heard “You stupid bitch! All I asked is for you to put this in her drink! Useless twat!” I took off running, just as I heard what sounded like a kick. Rounding the corner, I heard footsteps running away, at the same time I saw Callista crumpled on the floor.. I reached her just as Kaiden and Sebastian ran to us.. kneeling down, checking for a pulse..I see she is bruised from head to toe…her arm is bent at an awkward angle and a gash on her forehead is gushing blood.

Kaiden lifts her into his arms and we run. We run like hell to get her to the infirmary..I linked the doctor to alert her we are coming in with trauma to the Royal Beta Female and she is top priority. In a pack wide link Sebastian tells our people to be alert…there is a traitor in our midst. Then he links Brayden to get to security central and start looking through video. He wants to know anything suspicious. Brayden linked back “what’s going on? Is anyone hurt?” And I link him back…explaining what we heard and saw..and we are waiting on information about Callista.

Alfred rushes in and over to us..saying Brayden told him what happened. He looked at Sebastian and asked “Where do you need me? Point me in whatever direction I can best serve” and Sebastian glamces over at Kaiden, who is sitting with his head in his hands, and says “I don’t know, dad! My brother is hurting and I just don’t know” I stood up next to Sebastian and squeezed his hand. I said “Alfred.. we need you to go back to the party and keep everyone occupied. We don’t want word of this to get out, until we have an idea how to proceed. Any Alpha who has requested an audience with Sebastian will have to wait..until morning. If they aren’t staying overnight..then their meeting with the King will be a catch as catch can… we can’t be bothered with anything less than earth shattering reasons for a meeting right now!” And Albert nodded and spun on his heel to handle it.

I led Sebastian over to sit with Kaiden, as I turned to go get coffee for us all.. Kaiden looks at Sebastian and says “why? Why her? She is the kindest soul to ever bless this earth and goes out of her way to Never Hurt anyone! And someone just kicks her nearly to death? In our home? In our own fucking home, Bas!! How did we miss this? Where did we miss it?” Sebastian pulls him into a hug and let him cry. I whispered…”we didn’t miss it..whoever did this..it’s someone we know! Someone we thought we were safe from. And we will find them.. I swear to you they will pay!” He just nods at me…looking so heartbroken, I want to cry!

Doctor Amy said “It’s bad news…and good news…how shall we proceed?” Kaiden says “give me the bad first…I’m going to need the good afterwards…” Amy starts “ She has three broken ribs…a broken ulna. Her spleen was torn and one collapsed lung. Her nose is broken and her skull is fractured.. I will monitor her all night for any indication her brain is bleeding.. her healing has kicked in..which saved us from surgery on her spleen and I have her in a medically induced coma, at least until morning.” Sebastian roared “I want information and I want it now!” He stormed out of the infirmary…I am assuming to check the videos for anything to help him find the culprit… Kaiden looks up at Amy and said “Please make the good news really good” Amy smiles and says “The baby is fine, though” And I grabbed Kaiden in a big hug and squeaked…”I’m going to be an aunt and you get to tell mommy…daddy “ as I laugh!! I get Kaiden settled for the night and head out to find my King.

I checked security..and then just linked him. “Baby..where are you?” He comes back “Office” sooo…I head out for the next floor and as I reached the stairs Ezekiel stops me… “He grabbed my forearm and says “we need to have a talk…” I said “No..we do not. Our time to talk passed a long time ago. I needed a brother. I needed my family and you threw me away like trash…and now I am mated, you want to talk?? Find former King Alfred and he can schedule a conference for morning. That’s the best I will offer”

I entered the office to see Brayden and Cory sitting with Sebastian…and across the desk…sits Celia. I glance at my mate and he barely shakes his head, in the negative. I sit down on his lap and kissed him. I linked the three to say “Kaiden’s good news….he’s gonna be a daddy “ and Brayden jumps up and yells “I’m an uncle? We get a pup to spoil? Oh I hope it’s a girl! Her uncle Bray is gonna spoil her so much!” We all laughed at his antics! I love my family!! I looked at Celia and asked “Why is she here?”

Sebastian says “Ah..the 64 thousand dollar question… Celia why are you here?” She looked up and said “How should I know..I was having a good time and these two bozos yanked me” and I stood up and yelled..”Those two ‘bozos’ are the Royal Gammas! They outrank…outclass…and outsmart you at every turn! You will always address them by their rightful title or I will strip you of yours, you pretentious, pompous ass!” And the boys are laughing again! Brayden looks at Sebastian and says “Looks like our mother wolf is really a MaMa Bear!” And they laugh again.

Sebastian says “You know we have cameras installed everywhere in and outside this castle..and the clarity of them is astounding. Would you care to share with the class what you think we may have observed. Celia?” She said “I want my dad in here” and Sebastian said “Certainly “ and linked to have Somers brought up.

She glared at me looking at her and snarks “What are you staring at? I’d punch you in the face if I didn’t want you to bleed on me!” And I laughed! And then I laughed even harder..I said “ Like you’d even be able to touch me! You’re pitiful! I’d rip your throat out but I don’t wanna break a nail!” And my guys laugh!!!

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