Her Safe Place

Chapter 17

2 weeks later

King Axel Pierce

Pain and emptiness.

Two words that described my feelings as of the last two weeks.

We still had yet to find Layla’s body. I had expected to receive her body sometime after the mate bond broke. It seems I wouldn’t get the mercy of having her buried on our land.

“Axel.” Vince had tried to be there for me since the mate bond broke. I was grateful for his help, but sometimes it irritated the hell out of me

What are you so important that you talk to me now I asked. I am in pain and I don’t know what to do without my mate. In that moment, I felt more annoyed by his support. “I’m busy Vince,” I replied.

“Yes, I know. You are so busy looking for the fuckers who killed our Luna. I know you miss her, but sitting in this office won’t help you. You have to get out and be there for your people. They lost some too. We have to stand together or this can tear us apart.”

What Vince didn’t know was that this had already destroyed me and I was nothing without my mate. I needed Layla. There was no denying that fact.

The door opened again and Alpha Daniels stepped in. “Your highness,” he greeted. I nodded in my greeting. “Have you found her body yet?” He asked.

I shook my head, “I couldn’t even say goodbye and those fuckers won’t even let me give her a final burial.” A dark chuckle left me.

“You know as much as I do that rogues are horrific animals. They would destroy the world without the protection of a king.” Alpha Daniels replied.

I nodded, not agreeing, just acknowledging the statement. “Axel,” I had forgotten that Vince was in the room until he spoke.

“Yes, Vince?” I asked.

“The council wants to see you again.” I growled lowly. They had been suspiciously quite since the death of Layla. It seems that they did have hearts after all. I nodded before standing and making my way to the door. VInce followed behind me, as did Alpha Daniels. I entered the throne room and almost stopped in my tracks.

Alpha and Luna Andrews stood at the table. I hadn’t heard a word from them since I had taken Layla from them. “King Axel,” Councilman Cross greeted. “We have gathered here to discuss the future of this kingdom. You have no heir.” I almost rolled my eyes. They were daft if they thought I would impregnate another she-wolf. That was an option only for Layla.

“I am no getting another she-wolf pregnant,” I growled out.

“Axel,” Councilwoman Miranda cut in. “We have to think of the future of this kingdom. If you are to not produce an heir, we are forced to hand over the kingdom to Layla’s little brother. He is the next in line.” I looked over at the small child. He seemed to be confused and unaware of his surroundings. Luna Andrews looked smug. I growled.

She wasn’t upset her stepdaughter had died, she thought it was fair. She was thinking of the benefits she would receive. That angered me more than I could’ve ever thought.

I knew Layla wouldn’t have ever give the kingdom to the monsters that raised her. My options were limited and I wasn’t ready to move on. However, I knew I would never forgive myself if I turned the kingdom to the people who had abused her for years.

I sighed heavily, “I assume you have a she-wolf chosen to be queen?”

“Yes, we do.” Councilwoman Miranda motioned towards the guards at the doors. The door opened and Darcy stepped inside. She smiled smugly when she looked around. “Darcy Daniels is to take over as queen. She will produce a strong heir for you.”

“Fine.” I growled out. I was ready to throw something at the wall. I walked from the room, my hand clenched in fists.

“Axel.” I groaned as Darcy approached me. She smiled and placed her hand on mine. I pulled away immediately. Darcy was undeterred. “I’m so glad you chose us.”

I chuckled, “there is no us, Darcy. I am doing what’s best for the kingdom. You and I have nothing and you will never be the queen Layla was.”

Darcy rolled her eyes, “I guess we will never know. After all, she was never crowned queen. It is better this way. I wouldn’t want her rule to effect mine.” She began to talk of things she was to change when she was crowned. A headache began to form in the back of my head. I rolled my eyes once more before continuing my path to my room.

Vince stopped me before I could make it to the stairs. “There was something left at the gates. I think you’ll want to see it.”

I had never wanted to leave my duties as king ever before. In that moment, I wanted to hide way from all responsibilities and mourn my loss. I motioned for Vince to lead the way. He led me down the stairs and outside to the porch. I noticed a small basket on the swing. My mother sat next to it with my father standing next to her. I stopped as the smell of the baby hit me.

‘Pup! Pup!” My wolf called out. I felt as though i moved in slow motion. I walked to the basket and peeked at the small baby inside.

“It’s- Its-“ I began, not being able to form the words.

“A girl. She is named Alexia.” My shaky hands moved towards my daughters small face. I touched her soft cheek and her face scrunched up. She blinked her eyes open. My breath caught in my throat. She looked like my Layla.

“She has your nose,” my father said.

“Everything else is Layla,” I whispered out. I carefully lifted the small child from the basket. I ran my fingers across her cheeks again. She reached out and grabbed my hand before sticking one of my fingers in her mouth. I smiled as she moved.

“Axel,” my mother cut into the moment.

I looked up.

“There’s a letter.”

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