Her Revenge Contract

Chapter 53



I rushed toward the third floor, finding all the directors already sitting at a long oval table in the center of the conference room.

I casually walked in, greeted everyone, and took a seat at the table reserved for the CEO.

John's eyes widened upon seeing me, and he rushed to my side.

"Kate, this is all the King Group Board of Directors. You're not qualified to participate yet," John sneered angrily.

I looked at all the directors with a blank face and blinked.

"Isn't this the board meeting?" I asked sweetly, "I am the heiress of the King Group. Am I not allowed to attend?"

Before John could speak, one of the directors, who seemed to have more status, coughed twice.

"Kate is the daughter of Andrew and the heir of the King's Group. Kate has contributed to the recovery of the group shares. Why is John saying that she is not qualified to attend? What does this mean?"

Another older director closed his suit jacket before he spoke.

"I think Kate is the most qualified person to attend this board meeting. She has already shown what she is capable of, and she will bring the group to new heights in the future."

With that said, John's jaw locked, and his face went blank.

This was obviously hitting him straight in the face! He took over King Group for so long that not only did it not improve, but it also declined. Now I, a little girl who doesn't know much about the business world and who just got engaged to get married, have made the stock market grow. I was now directly threatening John's position.

Yet, these people were old directors of the group. Besides, the shares John held were not as large as those of most of these directors. The only reason John had any shares was entirely because he was my father's younger brother.

After being quiet for about a minute, John nodded and took his seat.

"Kate, I am just afraid that you will be under too much pressure if you start attending these meetings so early, but since several of the directors believe in you, you can stay and listen."

John opened the data report and started the meeting.

After the meeting, John stormed back to his office, and I casually followed him.

Just as I stepped out of the elevator, the sound of something breaking came from John's office.

Startled, I rushed closer, hoping that no one had gotten hurt.

"Somebody!" John roared, and John's assistant hurried to his office.

I slowly moved closer, and I could see John trembling out of anger.

"Go see if Kate has left; if she has left, call her assistant Sarah for me; if she hasn't, tell Sarah to come to see me when she has left!"

I turned on my heels and hurried to the nearest restroom, seeing the assistant pass me as I hurried toward the elevator.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and called Sarah.

"I am going out," I said, dropping the call.

Five minutes later, John's assistant returned, followed by Sarah.

Sarah looked a bit bewildered, and I wondered if the assistant had told her about John's behavior.

I exited the restroom as soon as the two assistants entered John's office and found the store room open opposite John's office. I opened and closed the door just enough to be able to hear and see John and the assistants. John's assistant left his office, yet he looked worried.

John was standing at the window, looking outside, and I wondered if he had calmed down.

Yet when John turned around, his eyes were red, and his body shook out in anger. He lifted his hand in the air, and Sarah closed her eyes, waiting for John to strike her. When the strike never came, Sarah took a step back, and John stood frozen for a few seconds with his hand in mid-air.

"Mr. King, what did I do wrong to make you this angry?" Sarah whimpered in fear.

For once, Sarah looked like she regretted taking this job.

"What have you done wrong?" John mocked her and started to pace up and down in his office like an angry caged lion, ready to rip anyone apart who crossed his path.

"I have deliberately changed the time of the board meeting with the directors," John yelled furiously, "and Kate, miraculously, arrived on time to attend the meeting. The girl wasn't given an agenda or any other information. She doesn't even have an intranet account. How the hell did she know?"

Sarah was shocked.

"Mr. King, I assure you, it wasn't me. Yesterday afternoon, Ms. King asked me for a schedule. She claimed she wanted to attend the company meetings. I am pretty sure there was no board meeting on the schedule.

"Then where the hell did she get the information from?" John roared.

"Mr. King, I really don't know," Sarah whimpered. "I promise you, I have only given her the regular meeting schedule. I didn't give her the adjusted time for the board of directors meeting. I'm sure I didn't give it to her, but if you don't believe it, I still have the original document on my computer. I can show it to you!"

Sarah was so anxious that she was about to cry. I was now sure she regretted taking this position. Xavier told me Sarah was getting additional payments from an unknown source. He said that Greyson was busy looking into it.

John gave Sarah one more look and waved his hand for her to go.

Sarah turned on her heels, left without saying another word, and ran toward the elevator.

I took the stairs and climbed the steps toward the top floor, finding Sarah in the reception area.

A girl with long, dark hair, looking so familiar that I couldn't put my finger on it from where I had seen her, passed through the reception area.

"Oh, are you still at work, Sarah? You haven't gone home yet?" The girl asked as she passed Sarah, going toward the coffee machine. "No," Sarah answered aloofly, shaking her head. "I was just about to go home."

Sarah turned to look at the girl and scrunched her eyebrows together.

Did she recognize the girl?

"Do you like some coffee?" The girl asked sweetly.

"Uhm, yeah, that will be great!" Sarah answered, and the girl nodded her head, made the coffee, and handed the paper cup to Sarah.

"By the way, aren't you an intern?" Sarah asked, "Why are you still at work?"

"Our group of interns is working overtime tonight," she simply replied, pulling her lips in a thin line, showing her annoyance. "In any case, I need the cash, and it will give me a bit more experience in my field. I want to learn a bit more about the company and how my work needs to be done." Sarah nodded in understanding, grabbed her bag and coffee, and left.

The girl watched Sarah get into the elevator with the coffee; the softness of her eyes suddenly became hard and ice-cold.

She then reached into her jacket pocket, pulled out a piece of paper that looked like some sort of schedule, tore it up, and threw it into the trash can. When she turned around, she saw me, winked and smiled, and disappeared down the hall with her coffee in her hand, humming an old, familiar tune as if nothing was out of place.

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