Chapter 43
"How?" The word escaped my lips as I looked down below.
A beautiful village was set between the forest trees, and a huge bonfire was burning in the center. People were dancing and singing around the fire.
"It's the blue moon harvest festival," Xavier answered. "We do this every year; it's our custom!"
A festival, and here I was thinking we were going out to a simple dinner.
This man was full of surprises.
My gaze moved over the spectacular scenery of forest, mountains, and the festival below. It was amazing and beautiful. The moon was slowly rising against the dark sky, making the scenery even more spectacular and breathtaking. "Do you like it?" he asked.
"No,!" I said, "I love it!"
Xavier's face lifted, and a tender smile formed on his lips.
"Are we going to join the festival?" I asked, curious to know what was happening below.
"We are," he answered, "just give me a minute."
Xavier turned and walked toward the forest. I didn't think much of it and turned my attention back to below.
I wonder how many people were attending.
How long was the festival?
Will I meet some of Xavier's pack members?
I had so many questions!
Excitement bubbled up, and a happy smile played on the corners of my lips. I will be attending a werewolf festival! How awesome was that?
"This was something else... This was something I would remember forever!"
A minute or two later, the sound of a branch snapping nearby caught my attention, and I turned around, believing it was Xavier.
I froze in my spot, and a cold chill ran down my spine when my gaze landed on a huge, pitch-black beast standing at the entrance to the forest.
His gaze was pinned on me, and immense power radiated from him.
"F*ck!" I swore under my breath, dropping my gaze to the forest floor and taking a step backward. "It's an Alpha wolf."
The beast slowly emerged from where he stood and came forward.
"X-x-xavier!" I yelled out in fear.
There was no way I would be able to fight off this huge wolf. I would certainly die!
I turned my gaze, looking down the clift, measuring the drop to the bottom.
I swallowed hard against the knot that had formed in my throat and shook my head.
There was no way that I was able to jump from this height. I would need to run if I wanted to survive. My head snapped bewilderedly from side to side, measuring the distance between me, the wolf, and the forest. Will I be able to make it?
Where the hell was Xavier?
Why did he leave me?
Adrenaline was now pumping through my veils, and I readied myself to run.
Oh, goddess, I hope I make it!
The wolf huffed, annoyed at seeing what I was planning to do, and shook his massive head, then dropped his gaze and whimpered.
That took me by surprise, and my gaze snapped back at him.
Why did he suddenly look so sad? Disappointed?
Why wasn't he attacking?
I shift my head to the side, trying to read and figure out the wolf.
Could it be?
My eyes suddenly widened when the thought passed through my mind that Xavier might have shifted.
Was this Xavier Wolf?
I narrowed my eyes, uncertain, and took a whiff of his scent.
"Xavier?" I squeaked his name, feeling my throat being horse and dry
The wolf shook his head and rolled his eyes, seemingly annoyed at what I called him.
Was it possible?
Did Xavier give his wolf full control over meeting me?
"Ray?" I said, feeling the name escape from my lips.
The wolf moved his ears, and a wolfie grin appeared on his lips.
He slowly nodded his huge head, ensuring not to startle me, and lay down on his belly with his head on his paws.
I hesitated, and Ray slowly lifted his head and scrunched his eyebrows together, confused.
"Uhm," I said, not sure what to do.
Xavier could at least have warned me that Ray wanted to meet me.
I slowly took a step toward Ray, not moving my gaze from him.
He shifted his head to the side, watching me intensively, and a soft purring sound echoed through the quiet air.
"Ray, uhm, you are not going to hurt me, are you?" I asked as I was about ten feet from him, holding my hand out. He shook his head and raised his feet, pushing his massive head against the palm of my hand.
Intensive sparks moved between us, and I pulled my hand away, shocked that I could feel them from him too. Ray yapped at me, then playfully jumped around like a pup, wagging his tail.
"S-s-slow down," I stuttered, laughing at his silliness.
Ray came to a stop and pinned his gaze on mine.
Pure love and affection reflected in his eyes, and I couldn't help but grab him around his neck, hugging him. "Thank you for saving my life the other day," I whispered into his fur as my right hand moved over it.
He was so warm and cozy that every worry just melted away around me.
Ray's purring intensified, and he pressed his huge head against my nape, rubbing his head against mine.
This was heaven, and warm tears started to burn behind my eyes. I have never felt this loved before.
Ray's ears twitched, and he took a step away from me, then turned around and walked back into the forest.
"I wish I could hear him," I whispered to no one in particular, suddenly feeling cold.
Seconds later, Ray appears, this time with Xavier's clothes. He laid it on the forest floor and gestured for me to take it.
I picked up the clothes and looked at him, confused, when he gestured for me to get onto his back.
"There is no way..." I said, "I am too!"
Ray growled and rolled his eyes, and I took an uncertain step back. He gestured to me again, lying down.
I sighed and looked around. I didn't know the way home, and even if I traced my steps back, I might get lost in the forest, and I wasn't sure how to get down to below either without falling and getting hurt.
I sighed, pulled my lips in a sneer, and gave in, then stepped forward and carefully climbed on Ray's back.
Ray got to his feet, and I yelled out of surprise, feeling silly on his back.
A smile tickled at the edges of my lips. I felt Ray's chest expanding around my legs and his fur tickling every place it touched my skin.
I carefully snaked my arms around Ray's neck and locked my hands around his neck.
Ray shook his body, and I slid down a bit. Then he shot forward, and a scream escaped my lips.
I closed my eyes, and my arms tightened around his neck. I was afraid my hands would slip and I would fall.
"Relax!" My conscience yelled at me, "Ray would never let you fall!"
A breath escaped my lips, and I became focused on Ray's body movements.
My senses went into overdrive, and for a minute, I felt like a real wolf. I imagine feeling the cold, damp earth under my paws and the wind racing through my fur. The idea was electrifying, exciting, and a bit terrifying. Ray went at a slower jog when he ran down the mountain. He jumped through the air and landed at the bottom of the mountain.
As soon as he was below, he shot forward again, running as fast as he could.
I opened my eyes when the sound of people came closer, and I pushed myself into a sitting position to have a look.
A whole area in the quiet forest was lit up, and the closer we came to the village, the more excited I was.
Ray took a slower pace as we reached the outskirts of the village.
He threw his head back and howled.
The vibration of his howl flowed through my body, sending a magical feeling through my soul.
A couple of people came running closer, and they all cheered when Ray walked with me into the village.
Ray came to a stop at the bonfire, and Greyson and Kelly came running to me and helped me off Ray's back.
Once done, Ray playfully yapped at me.
"Alpha Xavier would like to have his clothes back," Greyson said.
"Who said I would like to give it back?" I teased and watched Ray's reaction.
Greyson chuckled next to me.
"Uhm," Greyson said as his eyes widened, "Alpha Xavier says if you are not willing to give them back, he is fine with that. He would then just shift and spend the rest of the night in his birthday suit. "Would he really?" I gasped, surprised.
"Well, Luna," Kelly chirped, "Alpha Xavier is a man of his word; I wouldn't poke the beast if I were you."
I nodded my head in understanding and handed Xavier's clothes over to Ray.
Ray, in return, winked and quickly took off, giving me one last glance before he disappeared into the darkness.
"The Alpha is seriously in love with you," Kelly stated, and I was flustered red.
"I haven't seen the Alpha so happy in years," Greyson continued. "Come on, Luna, let us show you around."
I nodded and followed the pair into the small village.
I was surprised at how beautifully everything was set up, and it reminded me of an old country village where people would dance and party in a barn, except everything here was done in the open and under the full moon and stars. "Luna, does your pack do festivals like these?" Kelly asked, interested in knowing.
"I don't know," I answered truthfully. "I didn't really grow up in the pack, and I have missed out on a lot over the years."
Kelly scrunched her perfect eyebrows together but didn't say anything about my comment.
"Wait up!" Xavier called from behind us, and my heart raced inside my chest as I laid eyes on him.
Hell, he looked so delicious!
Xavier's dark hair was now messy, and he constantly pulled his hand through it, as if he had become nervous.
His blue eyes were darker, and as soon as his gaze found mine, he gave me his signature smile and my heart leaped out of my chest, running away from me.
Goddess, what did I do to deserve this man? What did I do to deserve him as a mate? He had goddess-given beauty. Bloody hell, he was even more handsome in his casual wear than in his business suit!
Xavier stopped before me with a teasing smile; he took my hands in his, bent down, and pressed his lips to mine.
I sighed in contentment against his lips, feeling intoxicated by his presence.
"So?" Xavier asked, "Did you enjoy meeting Ray and the ride?"
"You could have warned me of your plan!" I growled, feeling my cheeks heat up, "I haven't been so scared..." "Oh, Ray is going to love the idea that you have been scared of him." Xavier cut me off with a teasing smile.