Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 22


I raised an eyebrow . What did that even mean ? He sighed , running his hand through his hair and looking at the trees that surrounded us . Only the rustle of leaves or the odd animal could be heard . " He was trying to take her . I still remember the look in his eyes ... He didn’t even look like he was fully there . He didn't care that I was hacking at him, he was just trying to take her ... I brushed it off . There's been several events but that day ... outside the cinema .... the Wendigo didn’t seem to have gone in for the kill . We both know that and we both know how fast they are . Kiara couldn't have outrun them if they wanted to kill her .

Then at the hospital , of all places , it chose to go there . There are more pups and wolves in the packhouse . ” The fucker was smart . His line of thought matched my own . I stayed silent, letting him speak " I don't know why , there's nothing different about Kiara . but just in case my assumption is correct then Kiara may be the target. “ I scoffed dryly . ” So, you're sending her to me because you think you can protect your pack like this ? “ * No — because I know Kiara will go to some other pack , one way or another . She's Scarlett’s daughter and fucking stubborn . ” He growled . I smirked ." Seems like Daddy's little girl isn't under his control. ” ” She isn't a child anymore , I know that. S o that was my reason ... You don't seem shocked . “ He now looked at me sharply .

I stayed silent for a moment, her odd aura hadn't been picked up by him, so there was no point in me telling him that. ” So, you want me to protect her yet you're sending her right to me , when we both know I'm a fucking monster ? “ I said coldly , avoiding his statement . He frowned at me . ” You're dangerous , I know that . But you also spend your life protecting the werewolf race . “ He said ." Only because I'm bored . I enjoy the chase and kill . ” I said arrogantly . He smirked . * Tell yourself whatever you want to keep u p your bad boy image . You care, admit it o r not . " He said cockily . This is why I hated him . Dickhead .

He acted like he fucking knew me . ” You do remember , she fucking pisses me off and I don’t mind ripping her head from her body ? “ He growled venomously at me and I smirked . One point for me ." I know that . I want to ask you, not Alpha t o Alpha ... but as a father to the ultimate protector of the werewolf race , will you please protect her ? ” He asked quietly , the arrogance gone . It took me by surprise, as I saw the unmasked worry he had in his eyes . Could a person really change that fucking much for those he loved ? Was it even possible ? Elijah was one of the cockiest men I knew and here he was asking me to protect his girl .

" Kiara has been through so much but she’s resilient , reckless and selfless . She would stand in the line of danger regardless of her own life . I only want you to give me your word that you won't hurt her . If she pisses you off , ship her back to me . I'll be having a word with her too.” " Ok , I was definitely fucking taken by surprise now . I didn't expect him, Elijah , t o ever submit like this . Maybe I should ask him to get on his knees and ask me ? I smirked and he narrowed his eyes . " Don't piss me off . ” He warned me, as if knowing what was going through my mind . Oh well, maybe next time . * Fine . I'll try not to kill her . ” I said, taking a drag of my cigarette . ” Give me your word as Alpha . ” Elijah pushed . The fucker was irritating . ” I'm the fucking king , I don't take orders . "I replied coldly . " I won't hurt her, she'll return to you on the blood moon in one piece , ” There I gave him my word ; didn't mean I wouldn't emotionally mess with her .

Or sexually ... He was start, but it was clear e didn't realise that there was more between us . Was it our age difference ? Well, his loss . “ Thank you . * His words held sincerity and for a split second , I felt the strength o f his emotions as our eyes met — but it was only for a split a second . I didn’t do fucking sentimental shit . The next day I awoke to the smell of colate . I definitely wasn't in heaven, cause I sure as fuck was going to hell . But whatever that was , it smelled good ... I got dressed in a pair of black jeans, a black T-shirt and a leather jacket whilst I gathered my things .

I had made it clear I didn't want anyone doing stuff for me . Back at my pack there were a few omegas who did stuff for me , but I'd rather not have random people touching my stuff. I put my bags on the bed and left my room . ere leaving straight after breakfast . We I followed my nose to the kitchen to find two trays of freshly baked brownies on the counter . I raised an eyebrow , looking around . No one was here ... I guess I could take a piece , right ? Obviously I can, who the fuck cares if it's rude or not ? No one will know it's me . I took out a piece of gooey goodness . Why the fuck were they cut so small ? One piece wouldn't be enough .... I ate it and took another . These were fucking good . They tasted just like the ones I had the day 1 arrived . Did Kiara make these ? Maybe I should get her to bake for me when we get back ... Damn , she was not my fucking chef but I wouldn't mind making her that ... and a lot more . Four ... Five pieces later, I still wasn't done and I took a sixth .

In my defence , they were cut so fucking small . Stingy woman . * Oh my goddess ! I turned around , popping the seventh piece in my mouth just in time to see Kiara standing there , dressed in a wrap around black dress that accentuated all her curves . Her hair was up in a messy yet fucking sexy bun and she wore boots . On her face was a look of utter dismay . “ Those were to give to someone ! She said , near tears as she hurried over, snatching the brownie trays from in front of me . “ Chill the fuck out, they're just brownies . “ I replied coldly . ” My brownies ! One tray was for Grandad ; he's leaving today too, and the other was for Dad . Now there isnt enough ! “ Then came the tears . She was fucking crying

She didn't cry when it came to facing a Wendigo but she was going to cry over brownies ? * Kiara ?! " And here comes Daddy dearest . I resisted rolling my eyes . * What the fuck did you do ? ” Elijah growled , pulling his daughter into his arms . Was it normal to feel fucking jealous of him hugging his own daughter ? She wasn’t mine .... Just those words irritated me . I refused to answer but I didn't need t o because Kiara looked up at her father . “ I made brownies for you and Grandad , and he ate some. ” She said tearfully .

Elijah’s eyes widened in surprise and the hint of a smirk threatened to cross his lips . “ Dad ! Are you laughing at me ?! ” “ No of course not. " He said hugging her again . ” I'm sure you're just upset about leaving . I mean, you could change your mind . “ He sounded hopeful . Kiara's growl gave him his answer . I grabbed two more pieces of brownies sneakily , although I know Elijah saw me, and left the kitchen as Kiara protested — she wanted to go no matter what . We were finally ready to leave and get on the road . Although I travelled in Lycan form often enough, I still had transport ready when needed . I now sat in my two seat sports car waiting for Kiara . Although she wanted to stay with her friend , her Dad didn't agree . I suggested that she was better off with me anyway , in case something did attack . I know the need I had for her to be around me was only growing . I hoped that once I was back at my own pack that I could restore some normality .

Yeah , there was a lot of shit going on and things I needed to take care of . I had enjoyed this break , although I'd not admit that . My eyes flashed red as I watched her hug Damon . Not missing the way his hands stroked her back or the way he buried his head in her neck . I slammed my hand on the horn, beeping loudly , making Kiara jump back before she finally met her mother quickly and then walked over to the car with her Dad . ” I'll see you in a few weeks angel . Behave alright . ” Elijah said . She nodded as they hugged , before she got in . He looked at me and held his hand out . A peace offering and confirmation of a promise , I knew that much . I took his hand as my eyes met his . * Take care of her.” I said nothing before turning away and letting go of his hand

Trusting me with his daughter was something huge for Elijah and I wasn't too fucking stupid to see that, but did he really trust me ? The question was the same one I'd always been tempted to ask Rafael .

Ever since the day I had killed our parents , I always felt he was a little uneasy around me . He probably didn't even trust me around his pups , I'm sure h e didn't when they were little anyway . Sensing it from him and his mate , I distanced myself from them . Once a monster's always a monster after all ... right ? Moonlight Muse Author # Thank you for everyone who is reading Previous Chapter

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