Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


“Did you actually tell them that?” I heard Matthew’s voice behind me as I entered my room. I was exhausted and drained from having to argue with those people, and I didn’t have the strength left to start with him..

“Yes, I did, Matthew. Is that a problem?” I started to strip off my clothes and he looked away. He’s so cute when he is acting modest.

“You didn’t tell me you were going to eventually go for the meeting. We agreed on your waiting until you’re good enough, and you’re feeling very well before you go. I know how hectic and stressful and toxic the meeting can be, and you’re not in the best health to do all of that right now. You need to take it easy, if not for yourself but for the baby too” He turned back to look at me when he knows I might be completely dressed in my night wear.

“You don’t have to worry. It’s all sorted. I’m fine. Nothing is wrong with me”. I assured him. He doesn’t sound convinced, and I’m sure I didn’t sound convincing too because my voice shook at some point. It has been a tiring day and all I want to do is to rest, which means he needs to leave as soon as possible.

“Are you-” I interrupted him. I didn’t want this to go further than it is already going. Matthew can be very persistent, and that’s one thing I don’t really like about him. I mean, it can be good in some cases, but not in times like this.

“Matthew”. I started, firmly.” I’m tired right now and need to rest. We will talk about this in the morning. Don’t you have your check-up to go to and your medications to


He knew I just wanted him to leave, so he nodded one and turned to leave. He stopped by the door at looked back at me.” I really hope you know what you’re doing,


“I do”. I said to his back as he exited the room.


It’s going to be a long ride.

In the morning, I asked that the other pack members be gathered around for a brief meeting. I promised not to take too much of their time, so they can go about their day not long after. I wouldn’t want them to start hating me for wasting their time on my first official day as the pack leader.

16:24 Wed, 21 Feb G BB.

Chapter 23

I quickly prepared for the day since I have a lot to do and barely enough time to do it, and I have no second to waste. I know Matthew will be up and waiting for me as soon as I leave the room, and I’m grateful that he’s supporting me on this.

The people were already gathered when I got to the place we assigned for the meeting. A lot of them were anxious given how the last mini meeting I had with them went. I understand it must have come as a shock, how I acted, and I’m sorry it went like that. I’m not even a violent person, so that’s not what I want the people to see me as.

“Good morning everyone. I trust you had a beautiful night?”. I received sc attered responses, and most of them were murmurs I couldn’t make out.

“Anyway, I’ve come to tell you that there are some new rules that this pack will be governed by. Don’t worry, it’s not hard, they are things we can all follow as we do our daily activities. It will just improve our well-being as a pack and help us defend ourselves against intruders, given what happened the last time. I’m sure none of us will want that to happen again, since we’re still feeling the aftershocks of that particular incident. If we can follow the rules I’ll be giving out now, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before we become a force to be reckoned with among the neighboring packs”.

I looked around to gauge their reaction to what I had just said. Most of them looked ready to listen to what I had to say, while the rest of them didn’t even care. It’s not like I’d blame them anyway, my previous behavior isn’t one to be trusted.

“But before that, I’d like to say something else” I started, “I know the last time we met, my behavior was one that is enough to make you not trust me. I’m afraid that that was a moment of weakness for me and I let my emotions get the best of me. I can assure you that I’m not like that, and you will never have any cause to doubt me again while I’m the leader, at least until the alpha is back in good health, well enough to lead himself. Until then, I ask that you please give me your cooperation and work with me to make this pack a safe place to live. I’d stop there and read out the rules”.

I took out a scroll on which the rules were written and proceeded to read them out. I had given it a lot of thought and ran it by Matthew, and he had agreed to it because he knows it’s for the betterment of everyone. I, especially, think that this will be the best for them all.

“First, there will be a change in arrangements of duties. Because of what happened last. time, we lost plenty of soldiers, and it will be disastrous if we don’t do something about it. A lot of the make omegas will have to be deployed to train as soldiers. And I mean, a lot. So prepare your minds for that. Also, we need to focus more on our feeding system. I know we all go out to feed once in a while, but this doesn’t seem to be enough plenty of times. We need to start thinking of how to start grouping everyone for hunting as packs. That way, you can protect everyone with you if things go wrong. The stronger members of the pack will be assigned group leaders, so there will be at least two people with you who can protect everyone if there’s need for it”.



Chapter 24

I paused to take my breath. I have been talking for a long time, and I was running out of breath. I drank water provided by one of the guards before continuing.

“And finally, we now know that the previous attack was orchestrated by someone within the pack and because

must have either Alpine who wants to leave the pack to go somewhere

must have either Alpha Matthew’s permission or mine. For this to happen, you have to have a tangible reason for leaving. If your reason is feasible, you won’t be allowed to leave. This will be in place from now until we can fish out everyone who is against us.. Do we all understand? Any questions?”

Several hands shot up and I sighed. We will be here for a while. It doesn’t look like this will be the short meeting I planned. I picked a lady in front to ask her question.

“Do the councilmen know about this? The new rules?”. It seems like most of the people are more afraid of the councilmen than the alpha himself. It’s understandable given how they have behaved with me too.

“I’ve run it by them, and they have agreed to it” I answered her and then added as an afterthought “you don’t have to be afraid of them”.

She nodded. I pointed to someone else, and their questions varied from “can I leave if I want my girlfriend” to “what about the infrastructural advancement we were working


which I answered that we will still continue to work on it. In fact, it was the next on my list. It will just need a little more working on. I can’t just dive into that without proper planning.

After about twenty more minutes of questions, the meeting dispersed, and they all went about their day.

I left to go and see Matthew and also to see the doctor. He asked that I come to see him to run some tests since I didn’t rest like he asked me too. He’s worried that too much work will hurt the baby and, to be honest, that’s the last thing on my mind, right now: hurting the baby.

Matthew seemed to be getting better, even though the poison he got from the attack remained in his system. It’s still going to take a while before it completely leaves, which means I have to still be here for a very long time.

When I got to the doctor’s, he quickly ran some tests and when he came back, his face was drawn. Bad news, I guess. My heart started beating rapidly in my chest. I didn’t.


anything to be wrong again so soon after I had made my case with the council about me being healthy enough to rule.

“Luna, I’m afraid I’m going to have to put you under house rest”.

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