Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 18

Chapter 18


When I came to, a strange face was in my face. He is dressed like a guard, so I’ assuming he’s one. He must have snuck in here because I’m not sure anyone is allowed. to come here to meet me.

“Hey. I’m here to help you. Don’t worry”. This is suspicious. Matthew and his father do not do anything halfway. I’m sure every guard in this pack knows that I’m here and not to come here unless instructed by any of the higher-ups, and I’m as sure as I am that my name is my name that Matthew cannot send “help” to me. Not after what he said to me before he left.

“Please. Help” I couldn’t be picky with my chances of getting help, however, and if this person is true, then maybe I’ll actually get out of this place now.

“Oh, I will help you”. He said in a sickeningly sweet voice that doesn’t belong to someone who works for anyone in this pack.

I knew he was up to something when his hands started straying over my b*dy in pretense of loosening my binds without actually doing anything about it.

He soon started getting bolder with his touches and I shouted out. I knew it was too good to be true when he said he was here to help. He is just here to take advantage of me while his bosses aren’t available. I hate men sometimes.

I remembered that I couldn’t be heard from the outside, so it means I have to do something about it.

“Hey”. I said, weakly, and he stops for a moment to look at me quizzically. “Let’s make a deal”.

He said, and co cked his head to the side as if to consider my words. He nodded his head. in a go ahead gesture.

“How about you free me now, and I will willingly do what I know you want to do” I can see him contemplating the idea, and it must have seemed like a really good one to him because he stopped groping me and started to loosen my binds.

Since I had absolutely no intention of letting him touch me or even have his way with me, I started planning on how to get out before he can get a hold of me.

Since he started with my legs first, it was easier for me to jump to my feet and after loosening my hands, I tried to run away.

However, I had underestimated his strength and speed because he caught up with me



Chapter 18

and pushed me to the ground. He pinned me down and put one hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming.

I tried to trash under him, but he was stronger and made sure to hold me tight without giving me a chance to stand up or even defend myself.

Ι managed to free one hand and scratched him in the face, and this only made him mad. He gave me a punch that made me become dizzy and helpless. There was nothing I can do for him now.

He almost had his way with me when we both heard footsteps. I can see the fear in his eyes immediately. He hadn’t considered the possibility of someone coming in during the act, and that scared him. He knows he would be in serious trouble if any of catches him, and he might as well be dead if it is Matthew.

As his luck would have it, for me anyway. Matthew came in and stopped in his tracks. not believing the scene in front of him. There was a moment of frozen silence before any of us could act.

Matthew was the first to get his bearings back and before the guard could utter a word, Matthew was upon him.

Right in front of my eyes, he ripped out the guards heart, killing him instantly. The shock in his eyes as he died would forever haunt me as I close my eyes.

Matthew must have seen that I had gone into shock mode because he lifted me the ground and carried me bridal style in his arms. I tried to protest because I didn’t want the person who is the main cause of my problems to carry me in his arms to no one knows where, but he held me firmly and strode out of the dungeon. Not like I had any strength left in me to protest, anyway.

He must have passed a route I didn’t know before because we didn’t encounter anyone on the way until we got to where he was going to, the healer’s chambers.

I can hear him roar for the healers to come and help him with me. He couldn’t take me to the doctor because he knows he was going to ask plenty of questions he didn’t want

to answer.

Although he had saved me from the guard and helped me up to this place, I can still feel his anger. It hadn’t subsided, but he must have felt guilty and helped me out of there first. Maybe save me now and torture me more later. Even though he’s literally disobeying his father’s orders.

I wonder what had caused his change of mind, but I don’t really care to know now. I can hear the healers coming to help me, and I closed my eyes because it was getting too painful to leave them open.

Chapter 18

As the healers did their jobs, rubbing herbs and prodding me with stuff. I can still feel Matthew’s presence in the room. I opened my eyes a bit and saw him leaning against the wall, staring at me. The fact that I was looking back didn’t make him flinch and look away. Instead, he looked a bit remorseful, like he was sorry for what he did.

I closed my eyes and tried to relax as much as I could while being healed. Soon, I drifted off into sub-consciousness, most likely from whatever I’ve been given coupled with my tiredness and weakness.

I woke up a while later and saw that I was alone in the infirmary with Matthew. As soon as he noticed I was awake, he rushed to my side.

“How do you feel?” He asked, his tone devoid of any guilt and only a bit of sympathy and pity

I refused to answer because I didn’t have anything I wanted to say to him. He’s not worth talking to, since he was the one who put me in this position in the first place.

“You should be grateful that I brought you here before that s cum did anything to you”. Grateful? What happened to apologize? There’s no way I will be grateful to a sc um like him. I put my face away to the side, making sure he knows I don’t want to have any conversation with him. This made him really irritated.

He left the room and came back soon after with food in his hands. He tried to get me to cat, but I refused since I didn’t want to be poisoned when I could have avoided it.

He got really irritated and got on the bed with me, since I was still weak, I couldn’t do anything to prevent him from doing anything to me.

He pinned me down and tried to force the food into my mouth, but I kept on trying to stop it. My little screams must have alerted people because more presence filled the room, catching him on top of me.

He was pulled off by a healer, and I was administered an anesthetic.

When I came to this time around, Matthew was conversing with the head healer and the beta, who must have come in while I was asleep. They spoke in hushed tones, so I couldn’t hear what they were saying, and they also didn’t take any notice of me.

I studied the atmosphere beginning, deducing that the other two were scolding Matthew. The beta is especially furious.

I tried to turn where I laid since one side of my b*dy was already falling asleep from being in that position for a long time, and this caught their attention, finally.

They rushed to my side, to ask how I felt again. Whatever I was given must have worked well because I didn’t really feel a lot of pain. I noticed to notify them I was ok, since 1

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Chapter 18

still couldn’t trust myself to open my mouth to speak.

“We have to do something. She can’t suffer for what she didn’t do. You already messed her up too much, Matthew. She has to leave this place soon. It’s almost the full moon, and I know the Alpha King wouldn’t change his mind about executing her”. The beta said, receiving a nod of approval from the head healer.

They both turned to Matthew, whom they know will be the deciding factor here. There’s no way they can carry out any plan without him agreeing to it because he could go to the Alpha King, and it would be over before it even started.

After waiting for an awkward amount of time and a lot of staring at me, Matthew finally said he agreed with the plan.

This still didn’t convince anyone, but it meant that they could go ahead.




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