Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Gabriella’s POV

I stood up, my legs feeling weak. I had spent hours by Matthew’s side, watching over him, and I felt drained. The pack doctor put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Come with me, there are things we need to discuss.”

I followed him out of the room, my mind racing. I was still in a state of shock, but I knew that I had to be strong.

There was too much at stake, and I couldn’t afford to fall apart. I had to focus on what was important.

The pack doctor led me to a secluded room, far away from the chaos of the pack house. It was quiet and peaceful, and I could feel myself starting to relax.

The doctor turned to me and said, “Gabriella, I know this has been a lot to take in. But there are things you need to know.”

I took a deep breath and nodded. I was ready to hear whatever he had to say, I needed to know the truth, about what was going on in this pack.

“Gabriella, I know this is not what you want to hear right, but with Matthew incapacitated, you are the only one who can lead the pack.”

My heart sank. I knew he was right, but I didn’t want to think about it. I just wanted to focus on Matthew, on helping him recover. The pack needed a leader, and I was not the only one who could fill in that role.

“But I’m not ready,” I protested. “I don’t know anything about being a Luna.”

“You are more ready more than you think,” the pack doctor said, his voice gentle but firm. “You have a natural ability to lead, Gabriella. I have seen it, and others have seen it too. You have the strength and the compassion to lead the pack through this difficult time.”

I looked at him, doubt and fear swirling in my mind. But something about his words

rang true.

I was adamant, considering how thirsty the council members were for power, I was convinced they would kill me and that was something I refused to overlook.

“That’s just it,” the pack doctor said, his eyes full of understanding. “They would never expect you to be their leader. You are an unknown, an outsider. They will be so focused on their own power struggle that they won’t even see you coming.”

16:20 Wed, 21 Feb GBG.

Chapter 11


He paused, letting his words sink in. “You have a unique opportunity here, Gabriella. You can use your position as an outsider to your advantage. You can bring change, the kind of change the pack needs. But you have to be willing to take the risk.”

I thought about his words. Could I really make a difference?

“My dear, I understand your fears, but let me tell you a short story” the pack doctor said, placing a hand on my shoulders.

I nodded, and the pack doctor began to speak.

‘Once upon a time, there was a pack, ruled by a cruel Alpha. He was a tyrant, who used his power to oppress the members of the pack. They lived in fear, too afraid to speak out against him. Then one day, a young woman arrived in the pack.

the young

“She was new to the pack, and she was immediately seen as an outsider. But woman was not afraid. She spoke her mind, and she helped those who needed it. The members of the pack began to look to her as a leader, as someone who could bring about change”.

“But the Alpha saw her as a threat. He tried to silence her, but she would not be silenced. And so, the young woman led a revolution, and she overthrew the Alpha. The pack was transformed, and the members were finally free from his tyranny.”

“I understand your concerns,” the pack doctor said. “And I’m not asking you to put your life on the line. But I am asking you to consider what you can accomplish if you do take this risk. The members of the pack need someone to stand up for them, someone who will fight for their rights? They require a leader who is not afraid to challenge the existing state of affairs.”

I bit her l*p, considering his words. I was still hesitant, but the pack doctor’s words had resonated with me.

The door creaked open, and a tall, imposing figure stepped into the room. The Beta’s eyes were narrowed, and his jaw was set, his anger clears for all to see.

“I have been listening to your little chat,” he said, his voice like ice. “And I cannot believe what I have heard. Do you really think you are fit to lead this pack?”

“I am willing to do what is necessary to help the pack,” I replied.

“I am loyal to the Alpha,” the Beta said, his voice full of pride. “And I would follow his orders, regardless of what they were. But I am also loyal to the pack, While I may not condone what you are suggesting. I believe that Matthew is the one who should lead, once he has recovered.”

Chapter 11

20, 21


“I will only accept this hent if you agree to these terms, you must swear to return control of the pack to Matthews, once he has recovered. You must also promise to respect the traditions and rules of the pack, and to uphold the values that we hold dear.”

“You may not believe it, but you have a strength and resilience that I have rarely seen before,” the Beta said, his voice firm. “You have faced more challenges than most, and yet you have persevered. You have a spirit that is suited to leadership.”

I bit her l*p, unsure of what to say. Never have I considered myself to be a leader, but the Beta’s words were persuasive. I took a deep breath and nodded. “I will do my best. and I accept your terms,” I said, my voice quiet but determined.

“I must warn you,” the Beta said, his voice serious. “Some council members will not be pleased to see you in this position. They may challenge your authority, and try to prevent you from helping the Alpha. But you must not give in to their demands. You must stand your ground and do what is best for the pack.”

My heart was beating faster than usual, and my hands trembled. But I knew that the Beta was right. I had to be strong, for the sake of the pack. I nodded, steeling myself for what was to come.

“The council members are more concerned with their power than with the wellbeing of the pack,” the Beta said, his voice full of disgust. “They would see the Alpha’s death as an opportunity to seize control, and they would not care about the consequences. They would plunge the pack into chaos and ruin.”

I felt a surge of anger at the council members’ selfishness. “How could they be so callous?” she asked, her voice shaking with rage.

“As the second in command, I have a certain amount of authority,” the Beta explained. “But my orders do not bound the council. They are only bound by the Alpha’s commands, and by the decisions of the Luna. If I tried to stand against them, they would simply disregard me. But you, as the Luna, have the power to keep them in line.”

I digested this information, my mind racing. “But I don’t know anything about being the Luna,” I said, my voice small. “What if I make a mistake?”

“No one is born knowing how to lead,” the Beta said, his voice reassuring. “But you have the potential to be a great Luna. You have a compassion and a strength that will serve you well. And you have the support of the pack. They will follow your lead, if you show them that you are worthy of their trust.”

I looked at him, my eyes filled with doubt. But as I met his gaze, I saw a spark of confidence. “How can you be so confident?” she asked.

As the council members approached the mansion, I could feel my heart beating so fast.


16:20 Wed, 21 Feb GBB ·

Chapter 11


I took a deep breath and stood tall, preparing herself for what was to come. “Stop,” I said, my voice commanding. “No one is to enter the mansion without my permission.”

The council members looked at me with disdain, their faces twisted with anger. “You dare to defy us?” one of them spat. “We are the council, and we will not be denied.”

I refused to be intimidated.

“I am the Luna of this pack,” I replied, my voice ringing with authority. “And it is my decision who may enter this mansion. I will not be cowed by your threats or your arrogance. You will respect my authority, or you will face the consequences.”

The council members stared at me in stunned silence, their expressions shocked. They had not expected such a strong response from a woman they had assumed.




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