Hellion's Reckoning

Chapter 28

The stars shimmered through the vibrant red sky above, casting a surreal glow over the darkened expanse. Its crimson hues painted the heavens, mesmerizing all who dared to look up. As their gaze lifted, an ethereal light seemed to ignite in his eyes. Amid the spectacle, Hellions stood nearby, their eyes ablaze with enchanting colors as they looked to the sky above. The stars seemed to tug at him, at something buried and bound deep within. His claws extended freely, and he felt his shoulders lighten.

“Wow,” Inias whispered, his eyes reflecting the crimson hue as he handed the bottle to Keira. She took a deep drink and placed it down gently. “I hoped we’d see it together,” she murmured, taking a step forward. The full moon emerged as a radiant red sphere, illuminating the glade with a crimson light. “Darkness surrounds us, but only a hellion can appreciate the twisted beauty of it. It’s within the darkness that our light truly shines.”

Inias reached out and took her hand. “I never shined through the darkness, only hid within it.” A heady blend of potent alcohol and swirling, hypnotic smoke enveloped Inias, setting his blood ablaze. A primal surge of energy pulsed through him, sharpening his senses to a keen edge. The once graceful dance in the clearing disintegrated into a chaotic whirlwind of revelry, with bodies bouncing and howling in a frenzied frenzy. Inias and Keira found themselves swept up in the chaos, drawn into the boisterous mob of intoxicated revelers.

Pulsating with euphoria and passion, Inias and Keira embraced the chaos that enveloped them. The thrum of drums echoed through the clearing, their beats intertwining with the wild laughter and exultant shouts that filled the air. Bodies twirled and collided in a tangled mass of limbs, each movement a celebration of freedom. The crowd danced around the fire and began hopping through the purple flames that engulfed the three sacrificial deer.

Inias took her hand as they hopped through the fire, shouting into the air. Their laughter rang out joyfully as they spun and twirled once again, their eyes alight with thrill. The flames of the fire cast an amethyst glow over the scene, flickering and dancing in time with the pounding beats of the drums. The world around them blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations, each moment a testament to the raw, unfiltered joy of the moment.

They hadn’t seen it, but maenads had joined the dancing crowd. Drawn by the primal call of the celebration, they joined the dance with unrestrained revelry. Wreathed in grape vines and ivy, their movements were a mesmerizing blend of grace and unbridled passion, enhancing the intoxicating mix of sensations that filled the glade. Their twirling figures intertwined with the others, creating a dance of unrestrained passion that pulsed with a primal energy.

A boy with goat’s horns and an ivy crown, wielding a pinecone tipped staff, twirled with Elara, linked arm in arm. Ashryn and Ruvyn soon joined the youth each switching partners as they twirled around.

The Hellion’s Night welcomed all to join, even those without demon’s blood. Those who openly embraced the freedom of dancing limbs were bathed in ecstasy. Amidst the whirl of colors and sounds, a sense of unity and freedom enveloped the gathering like a warm embrace. The boundaries between the demon blooded and pure-blooded blurred as all who embraced the spirit of the night became one in their shared revelry. The music of the drums echoed through the trees, carrying the essence of the night sky’s crimson glow into the hearts of all who danced beneath its watchful gaze.

Slowly the dancing ended as the drums pounded, signaling the coming stars. The air crackled with anticipation as the first shooting star streaked across the crimson expanse, its brilliant light trailing behind like a fiery comet. One by one, the seven stars flew across the heavens, their vibrant colors casting a bright light over them all. They all began to cheer and disperse from the flames.

Keira pulled Inias towards a tree to sit. As he laid back against the sturdy trunk, she rested back against his chest, gazing up at the sky. More stars began streaking across, not as bright, but every bit as beautiful. Everyone had gone off with a partner or friend to lie out and observe the meteor shower.

As the flutes’ soothing melodies carried through the night air, Inias and Keira remained entwined under the protective branches of the mighty oak tree. Their hearts beat in unison with the pulsating rhythm of the night, their bodies still tingling with the euphoria of the wild celebration. Stars continued to fly across the heavens like ribbons of celestial fire. The laughter and cheering calmed. The forest was quiet, aside from the melody of flutes.

Styx ran from the thinning crowd to meet the two of them. “Enjoying yourself?” Keira asked as she and Inias greeted him with light strokes. Styx nodded and leapt over her legs to rest himself against Inias. He leaned in and brushed a kiss upon the fox’s head and hugged him. One arm was around Keira’s waist and the other remained around Styx, scratching behind his ear.

Keira slid her hand over Inias’ and laced their fingers. She lifted her eyes to meet him and pulled his mask off with a grin as she placed it over her own face. Inias pulled his hand from hers and brushed some of her hair caught in the mask. He ran his finger along one of the tiny horns peeking out from her blue locks and shook his head. “Four horns don’t look right.” Pulling the mask off, he set it aside and turned back to her.

“Think they saw us?” Keira asked, the stars reflected in her inky black eyes. “I think they saw you,” Inias whispered, as Styx drifted off to sleep beside them. “Me?” Keira raised her eyebrow in amusement. Inias chuckled softly, his fingers lightly grazing her cheek. “You were the brightest star of them all.”

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