Heart of the Moon

Chapter 30 ~Peanuts

Still Kieran ~

The women were filthy.. emaciated.. wearing little to no clothing. Their bodies covered in injuries.. old and new. Calista turned to our men.. “Find these women something to cover themselves. The indignities they have suffered should not be on display for the world to see!” Within seconds.. blankets were wrapped around the women.. and Calista was leading them all into a copse of trees for privacy, while she healed them somewhat.

I spun on Jameson, as he arrived “Explain yourself!” He stammered and stuttered “These women are criminals.. they serve as an outlet for my men!” I snarled “YOU SON OF A BITCH! You are the criminal! You are still using she-wolves as breeders! There are laws we all must live by! This.. this.. atrocity was outlawed over a century ago! Along with slavery and servitude! That’s three council laws you have deliberately disobeyed! Get your affairs in order, Alpha! Your reign ends today!”

I started to walk away, when I heard a wolf whistle. I whirled around, ready to knock someone’s head off.. as my mate says “Nice ass!” With a wolfy grin. Causing all my warriors to crack up. I continued walking towards the shacks, and I smacked my asscheek and winked at her. They laughed as hard as she did.

I ordered the warriors to sweep the entire pack. I wanted reports and updates on all the pups in the pack.. I ordered all she-wolves to be brought to the center of the arena. Thank Goddess my Luna had the foresight to pack a bag with changes of clothes!

I called the council, from Jameson’s office.. while he languished in his own cells.. along with all his ranks. I reported my findings.. and told them to deliberate for the next two hours, on the fate of this pack. I also let them know.. regardless.. Jameson dies today!

Calista was in the arena with the women. She was gathering information and healing everyone she could. Over half the women were angry.. demanding to know why they were being questioned.. wanting to know why we were there.. Calista was a picture of patience, although I could see her clenched jaw. We all felt the moment she snapped. A teenaged girl had told her that her father had allowed the Alpha to take her virginity, in order for him to be granted head warrior’s position.

Lightning popped all around us.. snapping six trees in half. The ground shook, and the winds whirled around us. She yelled “NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OKAY! EVERYTHING YOU ARE GOING THROUGH IS ILLEGAL! YOUR ALPHA IS A PIECE OF SHIT WHO HAS ABUSED HIS POWER.. HIS PEOPLE..AND HIS GODDESS! If you choose to continue along this path, your lives will end.. just like his will.. Today!”

Cole whispers “Probably should remember this moment.. I know I’m never going to piss her off!” I chuckled and said “For real! We’re lucky.. she Loves all of us!”

I arranged for transportation for everyone who wanted to leave the pack entirely. The council had already sent an interim Alpha to start revising the conditions of the pack. The majority of the pack chose to remain. We transported the breeders and the orphaned pups. Calista is going to arrange a gala for mated wolves who would like to adopt.. only those unable to have pups of their own will be invited.

Jameson and his ranks were executed in front of the pack.. as a deterrent that something this heinous never happen again. The council themselves were shocked at the conditions in Black Pine. Councilman Thompson asked me what made me suspect this pack was operating under the radar. I merely said I had been informed they were still using breeders.. he was content with that. I also told him to be by the phone.. as I would be visiting Golden Arrow.. on suspicion of them selling she-wolves, as well! He sighed and said “I thought we were getting all this rampant criminality under control!”

We left Black Pine just after lunch time.. and arrived at Golden Arrow an hour later. Alpha Platt met us on the steps of the pack house. I explained we are investigating a rumor that their pack has sold orphaned she-wolves to other packs as slaves.. or to be used as breeders.

He nodded and admitted this had been a common practice by the previous Alphas.. then he said “Alpha Knight. I am Beta born. I challenged my Alpha.. and won. The reason for my challenge was black and white for me. When the Alpha.. my best friend.. decided he wanted my mate as his mistress, he sealed his fate. That was five years ago. I haven’t regretted it.. and I haven’t looked back. You are welcome to go over all the records of Alpha Young’s misdeeds over the years, if you’d like! Compare them to my records of the last five years. I am, slowly but surely, erasing the tragedies of our past. We are thriving again.. and picking up our pieces”

Calista stepped forward.. hugging the Alpha. With tears in her eyes, she said “Thank you!” And stepped back into my arms. I grinned and said “Alpha.. allow me to present my Luna.. Calista Knight.. nee’ Moore.” He smiled and said “A pleasure, Luna. But please don’t thank me for doing what any moral man would do! It is my duty to my people!”

We stayed for dinner with the pack. Calista and Platt’s Luna, Maggie, hit it off immediately. As Calista was telling her about the twins, she noticed a sadness in Maggie’s eyes. Maggie said they have been mated for fifteen years, but have never been blessed with pups. Calista went on to tell her about the gala she plans to host for the seventeen orphaned pups we rescued.. and Maggie begged to be invited.

I was smiling at Calista.. her heart doesn’t just pump silver blood… it amazes me her tiny body can even hold it.. it’s that big! Alpha Platt mutters “I believe our Lunas are becoming fast friends” I laugh and say “One can never have too many friends! I would like to consider you one of mine!”

Shortly after dinner, we were on our way home. Calista was snuggled into my lap, sleeping. Cole said “Healing as much as she did today, must have worn her out.” Axel laughs “The mating night before last wore her out!” Onyx growled low in his throat.. warning to not disrespect his mate. Axel laughs again and says “Easy, puppy! I just know you!”

We were nearly home and I was trying to wake Calista “Baby.. wake up.. we’re almost home.. Come on.. wake up. Calista.. my sweet girl.. are you going to get up?” She moans “Peanuts” and we all just laugh.

Reckon I am carrying my mate and tucking her in.. Good times!

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