Chapter nineteen


She took his hand, “how does this worping thing really work? Why don’t you worp with the rest of the world around you?” in a blank moment they were back in his apartment.

“My skin has to be in contact with whatever I am teleporting with. If I teleport barefoot I teleport with some dirt,” he chuckled as he remembered figuring his powers out, “fun days.”

She smiled.

He walked into his room searching through the stuff for sciency things he needed. There was a phone on the floor, screen lit up, incoming call flashing on the screen. With the corner of her eye, she spotted it and took it in her hand.

The word ‘Mommy’ flashed across the screen for a moment she hesitated, “Jacob, I found your phone! Your Mommy is calling,” she heard a thump and an ‘aww’ muffled from his room. The line went dead and she noticed the loads of missed calls from her.

“You should phone her back,” she said as he stood at the door rubbing his head.

“I almost have everything.”

“Jacob,” she demanded to be heard.

“I don’t want them to be part of this,” he leaned against the door frame and sighed.

“Yep, parents should learn to stay out of their children’s lives,” she said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and turned back to his room to finish getting what he needed.

It rang again. She picked up the call, “Hello,” she said.

“Hi?!” Lilly said at the other side.

“Jacob is coming just now,” Jacob stumbled out of his room barely, “did you know he has your number saved as Mommy, it’s adorable isn’t it,” she thought of all the missed conversations she would never have with her mother, that she never had, “I’m Alexandra.”

“Lex,” Lilly responded surprized.

“That’s what he calls me, apparently, he and I took over the known world in the 300 BC’s using a mutant army,” Jacob stretched out his hand demanding the phone she ignored him and turned away.

“Okay,” Lilly demanded.

Before she could finish, “they thought we bombed a school and police station. We didn’t. We just stopped the lunatics who did… he’s…”

He grabbed the phone from her, “hi, mom. Is Nan back yet?”

“No, what’s this about a school bombing?!”

“It’s nothing. It’s all under control.” Lex flipped around she saw them appear with a dull flash one by one. Jacob looked at the ground and rubbed his forehead and Lilly spoke like mommy.

“Jake,” Lex spoke afraid to turn her back to the weird hooded people that had appeared from thin air.

“You found her,” Lilly said on the phone.

“Yeah,” Lex stumbled back a bit honestly scared of the huffing maybe human visages in black.

“I thought it would be a dude,” Lilly said, “Liam! Come quick Jacob has a girlfriend!” he heard her yell out.

“No I don’t. We are just… um… muuuuuum,” he flushed and looked up to break his gaze with the floor.

“So…” Liam excitedly jumped into the conversation. He saw a shadowy figure in front of him. He wore the back pack he had packed the things he needed.

“I have to go dad.” He interrupted. Lex took the phone from him.

“Hi, I will force him to call back in a bit. Something just came up,” she cut the line before they pleaded to stay. Back to back she was terrified, “Jacob,” she stuffed the phone in one of her pockets. He reached for her hand as the circle which they were the centre grew narrower and narrower, “worp.”

A Taser or dart of some sort flung towards him, sticking him in the neck. He froze, “I can’t,” he said in short sharp convulsions barely on his feet. The hooded characters just watched in a sinister silence. She squeezed his hand, closed her eyes, took a breath, prepared for the worst and thought of death. I want to live. She felt him brush her hand with his thumb. I love you. He was recovering. The thought shocked her eyes open but she saw nothing but a blank… I love Jacob.

She ripped her hand away from his… intending to kill she charged. “Lex?!” he turned to see her as she viciously landed on one of the hooded figures kicking the figure of its feet and triggering the rest into attack.

The one on the right, head right for her aimed to choke the life out of her. She moved swiftly, hopping onto his back and snapping his neck in seconds. She hopped off him as the body fell to the ground limp with a thud and turned to ash, “that’s new,” she whispered with a smirk on her face.

Jacob was battling off the other three. He threw one of them across the room and smashed the TV, “ahh man,” he complained, the others tried to overpower him with silly muscle antics. He thought strength, and superman punched one of them into the next century, speed, and flashed across the room smashing the glass sending another plummeting to the earth far below.

She robbed, the first to attack her of a knife. He rose again to fight. In a few eye flutters she had him in some kind of submission hold and slit his throat before he had the chance to suffocate. She stood and faced her other opponents. He too turned to ash, “they must be killed,” she barked.

Jacob froze by the shattered glass. He looked at his hands. “I didn’t…” mean to, “did I?!”

The hooded figure resurrected from the TV and smashed a fist across her face, she tumbled to the floor.

He heard one stumble toward him and without thought he moved to the side in the final moment, tipping the bloody, injured, psychotic hooded figure over the edge into a deathly fall and disintegration.

Bounced back up as quickly as she humanly could and wiped away the blood from her lip. He tried to literary kick her head off she dodged but was caught in a second kick to her chest that wiped the breath out of her. With a swift tackle, she set him off balance and just as he got back up she had recovered enough for a final effort. Hopping to a totally luchador move, spinning about then pinning him to the floor in a choke hold.

He turned back, “Lex,” she looked at him and he at her, “Alexandra,” he couldn’t see her in her eyes. She charged. He dodged, “snap out of it,” he ordered. She kicked and flipped him off his feet. “I won’t fight you,” he was beginning to think speech was useless. She smashed a fist into his face, “you do not punch like a girl,” he coughed and spat bloody mouthed.

Speed, the flashed before her and grabbed her arms, “Stop, we got them all. I’m on your side,” she fought him still, “Lex!” she was still not there. He pinned her to a wall, “snap out of it,” her mind just read attack, “please,” he was losing hope. He let her go.

Her frantic mind took the chance and pounced on him he stumbled backwards, tripped on something and landed on the couch. She swiftly sat over him and had her hands round his throat, she mumbled, “kill,” a tear stained her eye.

He reached for her cheek as his breath escaped him slowly. He wiped the tear away, “I…” he grouched out, love you. Did them, do now, “Lex,” she let go. He gasped.

“Jacob,” she sounded a bit confused. Relief. Concern!

“Are you okay,” he asked. She just looked at him, “what happened?” he asked. She leaned in and lay her lips on his forehead. He closed his eyes and savoured her presence.

She tucked herself into his neck, “can you worp?”

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