HANS: Alliance Series Book Four

HANS: Chapter 21

Hans finishes his bowl of soup. Then his second, eating the rest of what I brought. But when I started to stand up to go wash his bowl, he waved me to keep sitting.

So I did.

And after finishing my second whiskey drink, I let myself sink back into his couch.

The piece of furniture isn’t much to look at, but it’s incredibly comfortable. Not a cheap hand-me-down at all.

I turn my body so my side is against the back of the couch, then lift my feet onto the seat between us.

I’ll just stay until the end of the show. Then I’ll go home and let Hans rest.

As the host of the documentary talks about the victim traveling to Europe, I think about the movie Hans had been watching and wonder what language it was.

And then my lids start to lower.

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