Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 17

“Hade!” I call out, and my best friend finally notices me. The club is already packed, and it wasn’t easy to make my way up to the stage. Especially since his brother decided to shadow me the whole time. “Don’t you need this?”

“I love you.” He snatches his pick from my fingers, leans in, and kisses my cheek. “So happy you made it on time. Good thing I called Hunter⁠—”

“About that.” I grab his ear and pull him closer. “Next time you make a decision for me, I’ll block you.”

“Ouch, Pip!” Hayden yelps, moving away from me and rubbing his ear. “What’s the matter with you?”

“She wasn’t happy you forced her to spend time with me.” Hunter’s voice reminds me of his presence, and I shiver uncomfortably. “You should’ve given her a heads-up I was coming to pick her up.”

“You fucking live together six days a week. Couldn’t you survive one car ride?” Hade huffs, taking a step back and glaring at me. “See you after the show.”

I roll my eyes and find the booth Hayden booked for us. Once I’ve sat down, I meet Hunter’s gaze. He stops near the table, looking down at me with his hands hidden in his pockets.

“Do you want something to drink?” he asks.

“Cuba libre,” I tell him. Hunter nods and wanders to the bar. My eyes zero in on his ass, but this time, instead of ogling him as usual, I decide to examine the club.

It’s better this way.

Looking around, I catch someone’s gaze on me. It’s Nick Davis, our college’s quarterback. He’s a senior this year, and we’ve talked a couple times, but it’s never been anything more than small talk. I smile at him, and he smiles back, instantly heading in my direction.

“Hey.” He stops by the table, puts his hands on the surface, and bends down to me. “You’re Piper, right?”

“Hey, Nick. And yes, I’m Piper. Glad you remember me.”

“Someone as beautiful as you are is hard to forget.” Cheesy, but I’ll take it. “I haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been?”

“I’m taking a year off, so…” I shrug. “What about you? Are you going to win the championship this year?”

“It’d be a dream come true to win the championship in my final year.” He grins, and I see a dimple on his cheek. “Are you here alone?”

“I’m here with Hade’s brother. He asked me to keep him company.”

“And are you going to babysit Hade’s brother all night?”

“Just during the show,” I murmur, and he licks his lips.

“I’ll find you after then. I’d love to get to know you better, Piper.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.”

“Your drink.” Hunter’s dry voice breaks the spell, and I jerk in my seat when he sets a glass in front of me. He slides into the booth and peers at Nick. “Can I help you?”

“Um, I was just…I was talking to Piper.” Nick gapes at Hunter in total bewilderment. Then he squeals like a girl. “Oh shit. Are you Hunter Hale?”

Didn’t I tell him I was here with Hayden’s brother?

“Yeah, that’s me. Who are you?”

“Oh, I’m Nick. I play football too—American football though. I go to school with Hade and Piper.” He extends his hand to Hunter, smiling. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

“You too.” Hunter puts his glass on the table and shakes Nick’s hand. “How long have you and Piper known each other?”

“We don’t really know each other. Yet.” Nick steps back and winks at me. “I’ll find you after the show, Piper. Bye, Hunter.”

“Bye.” His jaw twitches.

In your face, Mr. Hale.

I pick up my drink and take a sip, enjoying the taste of Coke and rum on my tongue. It’s delicious, and I close my eyes, feeling Hunter’s gaze on me. I know he’s watching, and goosebumps scatter over my skin. It feels amazing.

“Do you like your cocktail?” I snap my eyes open and look at Hunter. He’s no longer sitting across from me. He’s moved closer. Much closer. His knee is an inch away from mine.

“Yes, it’s good. Thanks.” I take another sip, not showing him how his closeness affects me. “What’s your poison?”

“Just Sprite.”

“No whiskey?” I know it’s his favorite; I’ve seen him drink it several times.

“I never drink when I drive.”

“Okay.” I hear a familiar sound from the stage. It’s Bo’s drums, and it means one thing: the show is starting. “I hope you’re ready to hear your brother play. He’s really talented.”

“I know he is,” Hunter answers, eyeing the stage with curiosity. “His baritone is different, and I like it. It reminds me of Dan Reynolds’s voice, from Imagine Dragons, but it’s still unique. In a year or two, he’ll be playing much bigger stages than this, all around the world. I believe in him.”

I bite the inside of my cheek in annoyance. He’s not allowed to be this nice. He’s not allowed to act as if he knows anything about my best friend. He’s an asshole.

For the next forty minutes, I sing along with Hade, yell with the crowd, and clap like crazy. My hands hurt, and Hunter starts making fun of me. He says he never expected me to be a groupie. I can’t say he’s much better—he looks mesmerized, and I swear I saw him dance a few times. The atmosphere of the club and the sounds of my favorite music have made me forget how things have been the last two months. It made everything better.

After my second cocktail, I decide to go to the bathroom, and on my way back I stumble into Nick with his friends. He catches my hand, pulls me into his side, and gazes at me with a gentle smile playing on his lips.

“Never thought the girl of my dreams would literally fall into my arms.” Another cheesy line makes me cringe. Maybe I don’t want to see him after the show. I’ll be perfectly fine with my friends.

“I’m very clumsy.” I put my hand on his chest in case I need to push him away.

“Or a little drunk,” he purrs. “Have you been drinking?”

“Not really. Why?”

“Just want to know what I should order you later. Cosmopolitan? Margarita?”

“Nothing. You shouldn’t bother.” Nick bends down and takes my chin between his fingers. “Nick?”

“I like you, Piper, and this feels like a great opportunity to get to know each other. To spend some time together. To drink. Dance. Laugh. Anything. Whatever you want, I’m in.”

“Good to know.” I step back, and his hand drops from my face. “But I’ll need to find Hade and the guys from the band after the show.”

“I’ll find you, Piper. Don’t worry. I have my eye on you,” he assures me.

“See you.” I hope not.

The second my eyes land on Hunter, I know he saw everything. He’s standing near our booth with his arms crossed. His jaw is hard, and a deep frown has replaced his smile.

Rounding him, I slide into my seat, not paying him any attention. He follows me and sits down as well. I focus on the stage, refusing to acknowledge him. I’m here for my friends, to enjoy a night out and my favorite songs. Hunter Hale’s lectures aren’t something I’m interested in.

“That guy seems handsy.” His deep voice indicates how close he’s moved yet again.

He is, but I’m not going to admit that. “He likes me.”

“He also likes touching you without your consent.”

I curse under my breath and turn to face him. “Why do you care?”

“You’re my employee. I want you to be safe.” Fuck you sideways, Mr. Hale. Playing the employee card again?

“And I want you to find someone to take care of your needs so you won’t be interfering with things that don’t concern you,” I bite out, pinching my brows together. “Get back on fucking Tinder, Hunter, and leave me alone.”

Sabotage is playing my favorite song, “Survivor,” but I don’t care. I’m angry and disappointed, and this version of me never makes the right decisions.

“Fuck Tinder,” Hunter mutters. He inches even closer and cups my face with his palms, forcing me to look at him. My eyes widen when he cuts the distance between us and presses his lips to mine. Just like that, Hunter fucking Hale is kissing me…but why am I kissing him back?

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