GTO: Soldiers Of Hades MC, #3

GTO: Chapter 9

Just as the sun peeked over the eastern horizon, Luisa opened her eyes slowly. They hadn’t slept much but instead, they’d explored the sexual aspect of their relationship. Each time they came together, it was indeed better than the first which didn’t seem possible to her but it was.

She studied the man beside her in the dawning light and smiled softly. Thinking back, she realized he had shown her highs she never would have known with any other man. He told her last night that it wasn’t always possible to reach those same highs with just anyone, only the right partner and she knew then she’d lucked out in finding him. Well, he had found her but now, she felt like it was the best thing to ever happen to her.

Her eyes traveled over the plane and angles of his face. She couldn’t help but think he was a very good-bein looking man. Not like many of the men where she lived. Oh yes, there were some handsome Latinos, but they were all taken or they were off limits in other ways. But there was so much more to this man than just his looks. He had kindness in him. Warmth like she never thought any man could have. He showed her gentleness, comfort, and pleasure.

For the first time in her life, she was away from the stifling influence of her family and she was free. Free to be who she really was, free from reprisal for thinking for herself and free from her brothers who would hold her down under their own thumb, especially Arturo.

Then she realized she might actually be able to walk away from her old life and begin a new life away from the others. GTO had promised her this, but she was too afraid to believe it. Dare she hope for this? She wanted to so badly. And he had told her it would be so. Then she looked up at his face again, and found he was looking back at her.

“I feel good today… like I have never lived before. That is thanks to you GT…” she paused. “Um…O?”

He smiled back. “Gannon Torin O’Dell.”

Her smile widened. “So it is your… how they say, initials?”

Nodding, he laughed. “So Lightning, Spirit and Whiskey would never guess that.”

“So, you are Irish?”

His smile faded slightly. “Yeah, what about it?”

She ran her fingers over his jaw up to his mouth and rubbing his bottom lip she whispered, “I like the Irish. They are hot headed and hot blooded.”

He grinned. “And we are very good lovers.”

She laughed out loud. “Oh yeah, there is that too.” She lowered the sheet from his chest and grazed her fingertips softly over the tattoo she’d spotted last night. “What does this mean?” She studied it and saw now that it covered a scar. Remembering how he had grabbed her hand last night when she had tried to touch that particular tattoo. She felt more than curious now.

GTO froze as he allowed her to etch her fingers over the scar. “It is to cover the scar but it is also… so I never forget, as if I could.”

Luisa caressed his tat and just listened, afraid he might not tell her the whole story if she spoke.

“It is a double sword,” he went on. “The symbol of my family really, only I had it done in a tribal style.”

“W-what caused the scar, Gannon?” she asked in almost a whisper.

He let out a sigh. “The cartel.”

Gasping, she sat up.

“No.” He caught her hand. “Not your family, Sweet Luisa. Another one. In Boston.”

She waited for him to continue as she laced their fingers together.

“I grew up in the Irish Mob,” he admitted.

Their eyes met.

He nodded. “So I know about that mentality, that way of life, Luisa. Though, my family weren’t as cruel. They could be when you crossed them. But otherwise, they had a set of moral rules they lived by.”

“S-so, what happened?” she asked as she squeezed his hand.

He gazed up at the ceiling. “We were hit one day.”

“Hit? Like an attack?”

He slowly nodded. “The Brazios Cartel thought if they showed their strength, they could just walk in and take over our territory but the faction I belonged to went after them. Then in retaliation, they killed my younger brother and my girlfriend.” He paused and let out a heavy breath.

“Oh, Gannon…” Tears filled her eyes. “I-I am sorry.”

“It has been a few years so…I forget it some days, then some days, I just can’t. I was shot and knifed. The bullet grazed my head and you see where the knife got me, a 7 inch scar, but I was out cold when my family members were killed and a few of our other members. My father was the leader of our group and when his youngest son died and his oldest son was hurt, he went on the warpath and wiped out the cartel for a while. It was truly bloody and I will admit I was there too, with blood on my hands. It wasn’t something I wanted, but it was my duty at the time. Now though, my father is still there watching and waiting for them to try to come back. I just couldn’t be a part of it anymore. I got on my bike and rode away.” He fell silent.

Luisa knew this was all he would say about it and so, she leaned closer and kissed him good morning. Then she closed her eyes and leaned closer with her head resting on his chest. “I am grateful you told me. I know it must be hard.”

He gave a slight nod. “You are the first person in this MC life I’ve lived that I have ever told. Not even Whiskey, Spirit, or Lightning knows about it, really. They know something made me a nomad, before I joined them, but I never shared all of it with them.”

Luisa stilled. She felt overwhelmed by such trust coming from a man like him. She wanted to leave the subject alone though for now. “I suppose we have to get up now?”

“Yeah we do, the guys will have more questions for you.”

“I don’t know how much more I can tell them.”

“They all know this is hard for you, it is your family after all—” GTO argued then was interrupted as she moved away from him.

She turned her back and moved to get out of bed.

He frowned when he saw her back. There were several old scars there and he hadn’t noticed them before. “What the fuck happened to your back?” he growled.

“Nothing.” She gritted between her teeth as she reached for her bra and tank top.

“The hell you say.” He reached for her.

She scooted away and finished getting dressed.

He watched her comb her fingers through her hair to straighten it to a smooth flair. Finally, he growled as he pushed the covers off and swung his legs off the bed. “There’s a shower in the bathroom, if you want to take one,” he stated quietly then got his clothes on as well.

He strode almost past her but stopped when he got to her and pulled her into his embrace. He hugged her close for a moment. “I don’t know what you went through before we met, but you will never know that kind of pain again.”

She felt tears well in her eyes but she wouldn’t let them fall. She hugged him back and stepped away. “I will shower then we will get this done.”

He cocked his head at her. “I have a few minutes, so come on. I want you wet again.” He tugged her to the bathroom. Then when he got her there, he took her clothes off again.

Feeling bold, she did the same to him. She licked her lips in anticipation. “I have never done this before…Showered with a man.”

“I am honored to be the man that shows you everything. It in fact, makes me feel like…” He shook his head and set her into the shower.

Luisa closed her eyes and let the water run over her body.

GTO soaped up his hands and began running them over her skin.

Closing her eyes, she leaned back against him. “Oh mio, signore… I’ll give you a lifetime to finish that.”

“I’ll take it.” He kissed the shell of her ear.

The shower seemed to be running full tilt, the glass doors were coated with steam, and his hands was all over her beautiful curves. Blood rushed through his shaft. Within moments, he was again hard enough to drill nails. He grabbed the handle and opened the door. Her back was too him, her head hung under the water, her palms were resting against the tile. He placed his hands on her small waist, then slowly glided them down to her hips. He squeezed her gently. Then he moved his leg between hers getting her to spread a bit for him.

He grabbed the bottle of bath wash and poured some of it into his hands. Rubbing his palms together to get them soapy, he wrapped an arm around her torso until he could palm her breasts, using the slickness of his hand to massage her nipples. When she moaned, he slipped the other hand between her legs and rubbed around her bud. She spread her legs a bit wider and pushed downward against his hand. Slowly, he stroked two fingers inside her. His soapy hand allowing him to glide easily in and out of her. He cleaned around her sweet folds. He loved the panting sounds she made.

Leaning forward, GTO sucked on her shoulder, she shuddered beneath his touch but tilted her head away, so he could get the best angle to feast on her. The water pounded against their bodies heightening the pleasure channeling back and forth between them. He continued to press against her clit until he felt her body shudder, she moaned and flexed trying to take more of his finger inside of her. He felt the heat of her passion as it coated his fingers. He withdrew and held her against his chest as her body continued to tremble against him. She turned her head slightly and he captured her lips. Her mouth was moist from the water but the inside of her mouth was warm and he immersed himself in her.

She bent forward slightly away from him, so she was perfectly positioned. Holding onto her hips he pulled her back onto his cock, his ass clenched as he surged upward into her. She was wet as her muscles tightened around him. “Damn, you feel so good,” he groaned.

She placed her hands on the tiled wall as she boldly pumped herself back and forth on his cock.

“I cannot believe what a natural you are, sweet Luisa.” He held onto her waist helping her with each thrust. He went deeper and deeper as her cries grew louder in the shower stall.

The water fell, steam built up around them. Their movements became faster. He squeezed her waist tighter as he moved her faster on him. His legs trembled as he surged as far into her as he could go and could hold back no longer. With one final thrust… he detonated inside her.

She let out a scream as she came, “Gannon!”

He smiled as he breathlessly held onto her… Hearing his real name on her lips as he made her come. This made him feel supreme.

Breathless, Luisa leaned forward like a rag doll, spent with sated pleasure.

Yeah, he was pleased by this. This woman was his and no one would take her from him.

They both had to catch their breaths and then he rinsed her off.

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