Glamoured (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 6)

Glamoured: Chapter 54

Len loved me into a coma. I lost track of the number of orgasms I had long before we were even out of the shower stall, and then through the rest of the hours our child slept, we fucked so many times that it had to break some sort of record.

When pure exhaustion dragged us under, I went to sleep thinking about the fact that I’d never been happier or more content, and… how in the heck did Len’s cum taste like a candy bar? Not only that, but it had given me a boost of energy, that had me ready to run a marathon. A sex marathon apparently. Sexathon.

Tabitha woke me the next morning. Opening my eyes to her coos was one of the nicest alarms I’d ever had. She sat on Len’s chest while he chatted quietly with her.

“Good morning, little one,” he murmured, bouncing her as she waved her hands. Her face was bright, eyes shining purple in the low light of the bedroom, curls springing up everywhere. The picture of health and beauty and power; our baby was going to be one powerful fae when she grew into herself.

“Daddy,” she chanted back, repeating it over and over. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.”

Len’s smile was the sweetest damn thing I’d ever seen. Since they were both so wrapped up in each other, I remained quiet and just watched, breathing in this flawless moment. A moment that was almost stolen from me through my own damn choices.

Mera and Shadow had arrived at Clarity right when I’d needed them to, circumventing the fate I’d been trying to create. Their actions sent me down a new path, and now I had the sort of happiness I didn’t know existed.

My power thrummed, and when my skin started to glow, golden and mellow, I alerted Len and Tabitha to my state of being awake.

No need for a nightlight when I was around.

Len rolled toward me, depositing Tabby between us, so we were both touching her. As she lay on my chest, giving me a hug, he leaned across and kissed me thoroughly, the faint hint of sugar caressing my tongue.

“Morning, love,” he said when we pulled apart. “Waking up to this little one calling out for her mommy was the second-best part of my morning.” He leaned in closer and whispered, “The first was waking next to you.”

I love you, I mouthed to him, before turning to focus on Tabitha. “You called for Mommy,” I said, my teary vision blurring as I reached out and hugged her tiny body.

“Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,” she said, as if I’d reminded her.

She babbled and hugged me, and I held her until she wiggled for me to let go. “I can’t believe it,” I admitted hoarsely. “That this is the day and life I’m waking up to. I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I’m thankful. So fu—freaking thankful.”

Curbing the cursing was never going to happen, and I wondered if Tabitha, Aurora, or Damon would be the first to drop the f-bomb.

“This is our life for eternity,” Len told me, leaning back against the cushions.

“Eternity sounds like a plan,” I said with my own happy sigh. “And day one starts with a visit to the Capital. Time to deal with Fredrick and company. Then we head to the Library of Knowledge.”

No way would we forget our promise to see Mera and have that family dinner. That pack was the second most important part of my world, after Len and Tabby.

Len tensed as his brow furrowed. “Mother has called a meeting of the royal houses. It’s time for those fuckers to be punished.”

“Will Fredrick have been held in lockup, or whatever you use here?”

He nodded. “Yes, they’ll be holding him in power bands so he can’t use energy to escape. I suspect that Petre of the Ochre Sands had something to do with this as well. I’m curious if he shows his face today. If he doesn’t, the Silver Lands will be knocking on his door.”

I wasn’t worried. Not now that my power was unlocked. Even if they fought us, we had more than enough strength to take them on. It wasn’t just me either, with Len a stronger, jewel infused prince now.

We stayed in bed for another half an hour, the three of us cuddled together like we’d been a family for years. It was a natural bond, and I had no doubt that it would only grow with time.

Queen Glendriel broke the moment when she sent a message to Len, via a small butterfly-shaped piece of blue paper. It zipped under the door and flapped into the room to land on his lap. He opened it quickly and read out loud. “Meeting is soon at the Capital. Will we see you there?”

His energy caressed my skin as he replied on the same paper. Yes. Give us a few minutes to get Tabby ready.

The little butterfly zipped off again, and we all hauled ass out of bed. “You shower and get ready first,” Len said to me. “I’ll get Tabby changed and dressed, and we can feed her as we walk.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan,” I replied, nodding rapidly. “Let’s do this.”

After kissing them both on the cheek, I raced toward the bathroom and was done with my shower, teeth, and other morning necessities in about ten minutes. This new version of me was part shifter, with the normal needs of my kind.

The air dried me in the room, so I padded naked to the mirror and applied light makeup—all the items that had been in the guest room were now here in Len’s. I had no idea if it was Glendriel or my mate who had moved it all, but either way I already felt like this was my home.

Once my hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, I raced out naked, and found Len and Tabitha already dressed. He’d used magic to clean himself up, but I preferred the “shifter way.”

“Be dressed in a second,” I said brightly as I hurried past.

Len shot me a broad smile. “Don’t hurry on my behalf,” he called after me. “This is my new favorite look of yours.”

Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but laugh. “Right, but are you cool if it’s everyone else’s favorite look of mine?”

His rumbling growl followed me into the closet. All the answer I needed.

My unlocked Fae energy allowed me to move much quicker and turn lights on without touching them. It was nice to feel like I could blend the two worlds seamlessly. I could be a fae Origin god and also a shifter who preferred the old-fashioned way.

Pulling on a bra, underwear, and jeans, I found a white shirt hanging among dozens of other shirts, which I slipped on, followed by a black leather jacket. The jacket matched the black leather boots I pulled on over my socks a second later. When I entered the bedroom, Len was by the door with Tabby, and she was munching away on some fae fruit.

“She was too hungry to wait,” he explained. I loved that she already had Daddy wrapped around her little finger. He catered to her wants and needs, spoiling her whenever he could. After living in stasis for ten years, she deserved every second of his time and attention.

“She’s still building her strength,” I said, pressing my hand to her back when I was closer. “And growing so quickly. I swear she’s bigger and has more teeth than when we put her to bed last night.”

Tomorrow when she woke, she’d probably be a full toddler.

“Fae do age quickly in the first few months,” Len said, watching her closely too. “But it’ll slow as she reaches her full development. We live for near eternity, so the emotional and mental maturity will take longer, even if physically she appears older.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I told him. “Whatever speed she wants to move at is fine by me. I spent too many years terrified she was dying. As long as she’s alive, she can grow and mature at whatever speed works for her.”

He kissed me, a swift press of lips, and I rose on instinct, ready to be closer to him. There was no time for anything more than a brief touch before we had to leave. When we were outside of the silver palace, across the bridge, and off to the start of the Silver Lands, Len used his power to transport us to the Capital.

Tabitha didn’t even blink, or make any sound as we traveled, focused on eating her piece of fruit. I’d thought I was adapting well, but she made it look literally effortless.

When we landed, the crowded platform went silent. The sort of silence that felt almost magical in its completeness. The fae all turned to us, and then, in the sort of synchronicity that I’d never experienced, they bowed. This low, deep bow that had them bent almost in half, their arms and hands remaining at their sides.

Turning to Len, I blinked rapidly as confusion filled me. “What’s happening?” I breathed, feeling weirdly frantic but also content.

“The Great Queen has returned,” he said simply, and then he placed Tabitha in my arms and took a step back.

Still staring at him with what was no doubt an expression of complete shock, he then bowed to me as well, and I had no fucking idea how I was supposed to react. It wasn’t like this used to happen to me before I fled from Faerie. Back then, they’d all mostly taken my role for granted, and I’d never had much reason to interact with the regular fae. I’d just hand out the stones and disperse energy, and they went about their business.

This was different. As they’d bowed, I saw their expressions: grief, happiness, relief, terror. The fair folk were feeling a lot of feelings about my return, and it seemed that maybe for the first time they truly understood what they’d lost when I disappeared.

“We already feel the new strength,” Queen Glendriel said, as she walked toward me through the silent, bowing fae. I hadn’t noticed her until now, the other fae stealing my attention, but when I turned her way I noted how regal she looked today, her silver cloak longer and adorned in jewels, the silver and reven crown across her brow even grander.

Glendriel meant business, and I was here for this kind of queen energy.

Len was the only one who rose from the bow when his mother approached, shooting me that proud as hell smile that had butterflies dancing in my stomach. “We realize how much we took you for granted before,” Glendriel continued. “Now that you, and the power of this world, has returned, we remember how it was. We won’t make the same mistakes again.”

I appreciated the gesture, but I wasn’t here to be worshipped. “Rise,” I called, since they appeared to be ready to stay bowed all day. “Thank you for that greeting.”

I switched to Faerie after that, the knowledge of our language mine once more. “We have much to do to rebuild Faerie to its previous strength, but rest assured, we have already taken the right steps. The energy is pure that fills our land, and I will be distributing more power to the royal houses. As soon as we deal with those in our midst who do not want to play by the rules. Power is not to be hoarded or corrupted for personal gain. It’s to be shared for the greater good.”

During my speech, most had risen, their gazes locked on me. Not just me, but also Tabitha, who was an obvious miracle since my kind couldn’t normally have offspring.

“Together,” I continued, “Faerie will be stronger than ever.”

A cheer rang out, and I sighed as Len’s strength and energy settled in behind me. Falling back against him, I released another long breath. We stayed like that until the cheers died off, and then it was time to enter the building.

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