Giles' Keeper

Chapter 21

Today is the day. Ophelia was early to wake me up. That was the plan anyways. Yet last night I couldn’t sleep a wink. Everything in my being was wide awake, energized; I finally gave up tossing and turning in bed to sit by the window. The moon was brilliant. The silver rays graced the gardens, practically glittering under its beauty. Through my exploration of the Kingdom, I can see how every inch is breathtaking. And at night? It’s nothing short of a masterpiece.

“Breath in my lady,” Ophelia mutters as Cora giggles.

“Not a worry, I’ll help!” I’m robbed of breath as the corset is pulled taut, I squeak out my shock as it’s tightened.

“This gown is stunning on you my lady, the sleeves are so romantic,” Ophelia smiles with a shy blush, adjusting the off the shoulder royal sleeves. The sleeves open wide, the lace adorned by delicate pink flowers that accent the soft pink gown.

“I feel so exposed,” I admit shyly, I’ve never openly shown so much of my shoulders. It feels naughty.

“Nay! Yer natural beauty is radiant in the gown,” she grins, throwing a wink out. “Giles will be mad with lust for his Queen,” she teases lightly. My cheeks go bright red at her words, fighting the bubble of excited nerves as they bubble up in a form of a giggle.

“Tis tradition, a mark is part of the coronation, this dress was made for you and it,” Cora announces casually with a sweet smile. Glad I was warned on that one. I felt faint when Giles had brought it up, suddenly worried for the unknown. Cora has saved my sanity in so many ways.

“You look nothing less of a Queen, my lady,” Ophelia assures me with a warm smile as she fluffs the gown tenderly.

“Did anyone see the moon last night? Didn’t it look breathtaking?” I sigh as I glance out towards the window, watching the sky, glittering once more. Only in the daytime. The night time magic doesn’t seem any short with today; it’s like a glitter is raining from the heavens. They weren’t kidding when they talked about magic here. Cora glances outside and grins.

“They’re here!” She dances around the room, gliding to a stop at the window with a dreamy sigh.

“They?” I question as Jezebel squeals jumping up to stand by her sister in law,

“Tis the truth! I’ve waited years to see this, tis such a blessing!”

They!?” I question again as the pair giggle amongst one another, pointing up at the growing streams of glitters and ever brightening sky. It does look like the grounds are rained down on by glitter and pure magic.

“The dragon’s of the sky! They descend upon us for this magical union; their grace is a blessing on your union!” Cora sings, dancing with Jezebel in their glee singing of the joyous news.

“The dragon’s of the sky?” I question Ophelia who smiles gently, nodding as she watches them glide about.

“The sun and moon dragons have graced us for your coronation, it’s a rare event to see them within the kingdom,” she explains with a smile.

“But who are they?” I question again watching as Cora turns with a dreamy sigh.

“Only the most mystical, amazing dragon’s of the era; Oberon and Honey are-”

Wow,” Jezebel comments with a laugh, “if ye fawn over them any harder, I’ll werry you’ll grow faint,” Cora flushes and rolls her eyes as she fans her features.

“You are not helping my nerves any here,” I state watching Cora shake her head with a flush.

Hush!” She hisses while hiding her smile. “Honey, the sun dragon and her twin brother Oberon are our elders. Dragon’s of the sky are wise souls, reborn from past souls to new bodies with new minds to add experiences to their wisdom,” Cora explains pointing towards the sky. There are two wise, widely loved, elders set to be at my coronation?

“Wait- why are they here for our coronation?” I question feeling my heart race at the growing shadows in the skies, the energy of the kingdom erupts into bright joyful cheers. The sight of the twin shadows is cause for celebration; even inside the walls you can feel the growing delight.

“Isn’t it obvious?!” She laughs, arms spread wide. “This is the dawn of a bright era; we’ve returned, stronger and thriving from the past war. It’s a fresh start, with new lineage to come,” she giggled, turning to Ophelia with a beaming smile. “Isn’t this such a blessing?”

“Tis the best blessing for the union, no better blessing,” Ophelia smiles at Cora before nodding at me with tears in her eyes. “Your union to our coming King is blessed by the dragons of the skies, you are welcomed by them,” she announces with warmth and awe in her tone.

“Are union’s not always blessed by them?” I glance between them all as Jezebel laughs a loud sound with a wry grin.

“Nay, not all of us are destined to make royal babies to continue the throne,” she teases relentlessly, making me blush at the mere thought.

“You all are royal and will have royal children,” I point out with a faint smile, shaking my head at their actions. I feel like such a nervous ball of excitement.

“Yet not nearly as royal as your’s shall be,” Cora sang, the sound filled with air and laughter. I find that hard to believe. I shake my head at them all as Ophelia smiles widely, motioning towards the door.

“The ceremony will begin soon, are you ready to go find your life partner?” She questions with a knowing smile.

“I think so?” I question, swallowing down the ball of excitement. Jezebel laughs softly with a cheeky smile.

“You only think so?” She teases lightly with a wink as she links arms with Cora, who laughs along with her.

“I’m sure Giles will remedy any possible confusion shortly,” Cora answers cheekily making my blush deepen as Ophelia knocks on the door a guard opens the door, standing to the side with his head facing forward. Jezebel and Cora exit my quarters first, Ophelia waiting for me to step out to follow at my left side. The castle has been extravagantly decorated, fresh flowers adorn every table. A large feast will fill our bellies after the ceremony, the kingdom has been a jitter of enthusiasm.

This is so much more than even a dream I could have imagined. My chest fills with a warmth that makes my core clench, smiling knowing Giles is with me is comforting. It takes time to adjust to the idea of sharing my mind with someone, much less a stranger of sorts. Yet he’s never felt like a stranger. Ophelia halts me at the bottom of a staircase, I watch Jezebel and Cora slip past us into the banquet hall.

“Up this way my lady,” she gestures up the narrow steps tucked into the wall of the hallway. The staircase flickers by the small candles, shadows cast feel almost haunting.

“Where does this lead?” I question her as I gather my gown in my hands.

“To the balcony where you will be introduced formally,” she answers honestly with a small smile. This is really happening. I nod mutely as I step up, the warmth and chatter of the castle dissipates within the walls of the stairs. The tight space is new to me, to be fair, so is the balcony. I was only introduced to the banquet hall a few short days ago.

The top opens up to a long corridor to my left, the right is two large red wood doors, intricately carved details adorn the surface. There are so many surprises yet to be seen. It looks well kept even if it’s only used on special occasions. I glance down the corridor that’s lined by windows and the odd door every so often. What could this corridor possibly hold? My curious thoughts are stolen at the sound of music.

“The dawn of a new era is upon us with guidance from our gracious King Giles,” the announcer starts, his voice booming, interrupted by delighted cheers at the announcement of their King. “By his side our Queen Nesta will stand; they will join together in a strong, faithful union and life pairing. Leading us through our new era and new dawn on our horizon!” The cheers grow stronger before the doors are swung open.

This is real. The bright room is filled with so many people cheering happily as I step forward in a stunned and numb action. The sea of faces is a shock to my system as everything is surreal. I freeze, almost ready to bolt as a large sturdy hand clasp mine, I turn to see Giles standing, facing the crowd with a sure warm smile. He raises his other hand waving at the crowd in a smooth elegant wave.

Slowly Giles turns his warm gaze to mine, smiling down at me, his eyes filled with heated passion as his eyes trail down my form burning me with his gaze. ‘You are the most beautiful woman in this world,’ his voice is heavy with arousal as he turns to me. The feeling of his passion courses through my mind before it burns the blood in my veins.

‘As you are the most handsome man.’ There’s something so intimate about using the link, whispering silently to him. The secretive nature sends a thrill through my body, his eyes glitter, darkening with emotion as he cups my cheek leaning in to kiss me in a slow bone melting kiss that leaves me breathless. Electric sparks dance over my skin searing his heat into my body as he pulls me closer.

Cheers start all over, a flush burns my cheeks and neck at the excitement over our kiss, I hear his laughter in my mind making my belly clench with want. Whistles sound off as trumpets sound as if this is the dawn of the new era. In the distance I recognize a soft purring growl in the air. Is that the dragon’s of the sky? It reminds me of Giles dragons, nowhere near as endearing to my heart.

He pulls away his eyes a storm, the electric bolts of teal glowing as his dragon steps forward, teeth sharpening to points. It always shocks me how his body can transform, his dragon another being connected to his soul. I only got a glimpse of his dragon on that fateful night, yet I know he must be breathtaking. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to see his dragon?

“You are my life partner,” he states with a smile, his fangs resting on his full lower lip, making a sight that makes my core clench.

“As you are mine,” I respond, short of breath, his eyes lower to my throat, pausing on the intricate necklace I was given at breakfast. The double layered pendant necklace stole my breath this morning, the dainty gold chain broken up by small glittering stones of sapphire and diamonds I think.

“I will cherish every moment I am granted with you my sweet; I will beg the gods for an eternity of loving you,” he promises, leaning in for another kiss. His words bring tears to my eyes, everything fades around us and before I know it he bites me, fangs sinking into my flesh as a hot knife would melt through butter. A shockwave of pain spears through my awareness, my mind exploding with a rush of awareness of him.

The painful eruption of our joining snaps away as ever growing waves our connection strengthens. The distant feeling of his being in my awareness melts away as our eyes meet, the room disappears in waves before it grows ultra clear as if I’ve awoken for the first time in my life. “My Queen,” he murmurs warmly, his voice crisp, making my flesh pebble aware of his everything.

“My King,” I breathe as he kisses me in a longing kiss, turning to face the cheering kingdom as glittering dust launches into the air in celebration, flower petals mixing in a beautiful shower of adoration.

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