Gilded captive heart

Chapter 6

Nova stretched, her body languid as she enjoyed the comfort of the unfamiliar mattress beneath her. The surreal haze of sleep began to lift, and as her eyes fluttered open, her surroundings danced into view. This was not her apartment, not her room. Panic gripped her momentarily as she sat up, her heart racing as she took in the foreign environment.

A mixture of curiosity and trepidation filled her as hushed voices approached the door. Instinctively, Nova backed up against the bedpost, her eyes fixed on the entrance. When the door finally swung open, one of the three brothers peeked his head inside. His words broke the silence, "Oh, you're awake." Her shock and surprise were mirrored in her gaze as she took in the sight of the striking and unfamiliar figure before her.

Tentatively, Nova took a slow step toward him, her curiosity battling with her natural instinct to be cautious. However, as the brother entered and shut the door behind him, her apprehension took over. She watched him with guarded uncertainty, her mind racing to grasp the situation.

As he spoke, questions flooded her thoughts. Who were these beings? What were they doing here? And most importantly, how had she ended up in this unfamiliar place? His words penetrated the fog of her confusion, "How are you feeling? Are you hungry? Do you need anything? I know the journey was long, and you slept through most of it."

Nova stared at him, her guard firmly in place. She whispered to herself, the words tumbling out in a rush, "No, she doesn't need anything. What is she doing here? Who are you? Where am I?" Her voice was a mixture of fear and bewilderment.

The brother provided some semblance of answers, introducing himself as Eryndor and mentioning the planet Aurium. His words, however, only deepened her confusion. Her eyes widened as he explained their purpose: "We brought you here so you can be our mate, our queen, and rule by our side."

Nova's shock was palpable. The implications of his words struck her like a bolt of lightning. "Mate? Me?" She stammered, her voice incredulous. "You kidnapped me? Brought me light years away from my home so I can be your mate?" Her voice quivered with a mixture of fear, anger, and disbelief. "I don't even know you guys. I don't even know what species you guys are from."

As her mind whirred, trying to process the enormity of the situation, the reality of her predicament began to settle in. Her life had taken an unexpected and bewildering turn, plunging her into a world she had never imagined. The three brothers stood before her, the embodiment of the extraordinary and the unknown, and as their eyes met, Nova's heart raced with a torrent of emotions—fear, curiosity, and an inexplicable pull toward the uncharted territory that now lay before her.

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