Gentleman ( The Boyfriend Shop )

Chapter ix. The Scream

It was just another day at work for Arin. She’d been working there for a few days only, but she’d already mastered the art of bartending - be nice, smile and most importantly, don’t spill drinks on the customers ! It wasn’t hard for the naturally friendly and neat girl, even after a day she’d managed to work equally as well as other more experienced coworkers. The ironic part was that her past finally came to use.

But, besides having helped her fit into her new job, her past also came down haunting. Not only was she loved by every her coworker for not being a burden and not needing any kind of guidance that’d require their effort, she seemed to have earned herself a regular customer, a fan.


From her very first day at work, he’d been visiting. Later on she found out he was a regular and would most probably drop by every evening, what he’d told her the evening he found her working there.

She could still remember the shock from when she first saw him enter the bar. He hadn’t changed one bit, he walked as if he owned the place and everyone seemed to be going with it, clearing his way. That signature perverted smirk was still on his lips, his eyes peering hungrily at every female that crossed his path, as long as she had a tiny waist but curves where she ‘ needed them ’

But, there was nothing compared to the look when he saw her, his Arin. She actually shuddered, he never failed to make her feel uncomfortable in her own skin. Maybe ten years before, when she’d been nothing but a teen, his arrogance would make her fall for him even more, after all, every inexperienced young girl wants a bad boy that’s good only to her. But, that wasn’t Daniel. Even though she used to think he was just like that, she’d been dead wrong. He wasn’t good to anyone. He wasn’t good.

Though, he was a good lesson and now she knew what a true man was. A true man possessed confidence, but not arrogance. A true man was a gentleman, polite and respectful to everyone and at all times, not only to pretty women and not only until he got what he wanted from her. A true man was Dennis. Not Daniel.

“ Well well well, is that you Kitten ? “ he mused slyly as he approached the counter where Arin was wiping some glasses. She gulped, but tried not to show him he’d had an effect on her. It was what he wanted, she knew it, so she’d try not to give him the satisfaction.

“ You won’t talk to me ? Really, after everything we’ve been through ? “ he chuckled, shaking his head in fake disappointment.

“ What do you want ? I don’t have time for talking, I’m working now, would you mind leaving me to it then ? “ she explained in a confident tone that she didn’t even know she possessed and rolled her eyes, showing her annoyance out loud.

He raised his brow, obviously surprised by the sharpness of her words. She’d never been so strict with him, she’d never talked back to him and he had to admit, he liked it !

“ Alright, not now. But how about after work ? I’ll buy you a drink, “ he offered, suddenly his voice got a bit softer, as if her attitude had really had an effect on him.

Encouraged by that, she shook her head a no. That little victory against him was enough to make her want to win fully against him and chase him out of her life forever. “ Sorry. Busy, “ she replied simply.

He’d given up that night, but the fact Arin thought of it as a major victory had soon proven wrong. Every other evening had he proposed the same, the tone of his voice different each evening ; at first he was sweet and gentle, he’d even told her he’d changed, but with every her deny he turned more pushy and strict, showing just how much he hadn’t changed.

On that ominous evening, though, he was as odd as ever. From the moment he’d walked into the bar, Arin knew he wasn’t at his senses ; by the way he stumbled across the dance floor and the way he slurred nonsense, she recognized it was the drunk Daniel. And she knew drunk Daniel well - even more sinister and even more violent. A shiver ran down her spine as she recalled every hit she’d received every time he was in such a state. Maybe the thoughts were making her paranoid, but she could swear he’d been glancing at her every now and then ...

But, she decided to ignore it while she was in the bar, she had her coworkers that she knew wouldn’t allow anything bad happening to her. And indeed, even before the ending of her shift, Daniel and his gang of friends had left the bar, so Arin didn’t feel worried about going home alone.

A fatal mistake she was making.

After a few minutes of walking towards her flat that wasn’t far from her work place - thus she was walking to work and back every day - she heard footsteps behind her. They weren’t precise and even, it was more like the person wasn’t secure on his feet. As they called out her name, her eyes widened in realization of who it was. Her worst nightmare. The person that’d been haunting her for ten years and continued to do so despite her breaking up with him.

“ Arin ! Kitten ! “ he whined, drunk desperation in his voice, “ Why won’t you come back to me ? You know I love you, right ?? “

Arin didn’t turn around nor did she answer, she just continued walking home in a rushed pace, holding her breath in fear. He was the scariest in that state, he was unpredictable and capable of everything so her only goal was to run away from him as soon as possible.

“ Kitten, why aren’t you answering me ? You know I hate that ! “ he continued, also picking up his pace to catch up to her. Although he was visibly drunk and stumbling, he wasn’t slow and was soon able to catch up to her and grab her by her forearm, forcing a loud painful groan from her. “ You also know how much I hate when you’re acting hard to get. You’ve been torturing me enough these past couple of days, now it’s time to make it up to me. “

Arin still couldn’t answer, only whimper in pain. The fear was paralyzing. Every time he’d done the exact same to her ran through her mind and she couldn’t stop the tears. She started crying and begging him to let her go. But he wasn’t, he started dragging her by the hand towards an alley that she knew well better than assume it had a way out.

Just like her. She was crying and begging him to let go, desperately trying to free herself from his strong grip. But without any luck, even with alcohol, and from what she smelled he had some weed in his system too, he was still ten times stronger than her.

Her heart was racing inside her chest. Unlike her old self, the old Arin that’d been controlled by him like a puppet, the new Arin was fighting back. She’d been his mannequin enough, she’d had enough of being used when and for what he wanted !

But, was her will power enough ? Even with all her will to fight back, she just couldn’t win against his strength. He’d managed to push her against the building wall and started to undress her, her bare back against the cold rough wall. She shivered under his touch, but it only seemed to be arousing him more.

“ You’ve changed Kitten. You didn’t use to fight me, “ he noted, “ But I like it, you know. You were so boring back then. I could have you when and the way I wanted, it just wasn’t fun. That’s why I cheated. But now, look at you, we’ll have so much fun now. “

His every word was laced with lust. It was so repelling to Arin : the sound of his voice, his lips and tracing her skin hungrily, it was just so repulsing.

He seemed to have noticed how disgusted she was by him so he cupped her chin roughly and forced her into another slobbery kiss. “ You’ve been screwing with someone, weren’t you ? “ he smirked in realization, “ And now suddenly I’m not good enough for you, after ten years ? You cheated on me, you little cunt ! “ - his hand went flying down on her cheek, leaving a pink mark where it landed - “ But don’t worry, I’ll remind you right now. “

Arin cried out louder, she knew exactly what was coming up next ; slapping, degrading insults, mental and physical abuse that she’d forgotten how to take.

After yet another wet kiss, he started leaving a trail of butterfly kisses on her neck, his hands roaming her body freely without her given permission. She’d given up hope, there was nothing that could save her now.

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