Gentleman ( The Boyfriend Shop )

Chapter iv. Rollercoaster Love

With Dennis days were passing by quickly. But Arin didn’t mind. Every second spent with him could easily be mistaken for one brief moment in heaven and she’d rather have that than a whole eternity in the mediocre reality.

They didn’t get out of the house a lot. She still wasn’t fully comfortable with the outside world, still not fully used to it all and out of habit, she was simply just staying inside. But, unlike every other day, she didn’t have to clean and cook all day long. Instead, she was spending time in paradise with Dennis ; they played board games, something she hadn’t played ever since her early childhood with her father, they baked cupcakes together and cleaned up together afterwards.

It was needless to say she was enjoying every moment spent with him, but on the inside, she could feel herself growing more anxious whenever he wasn’t distracting her. She couldn’t continue living in fear, locked up in her new home - it was a wonderful home, indeed, but it reminded her too much of the home where she’d been locked up unwillingly. She wished she could finally shake off the fear and start living confidently, in charge of herself and her own life.

“ Hey ~ “ Dennis hummed to catch her attention when he saw she’d wandered off. “ What are you thinking about ? “

“ What would you say about me getting a job ? “ she asked out of the blue. She was used to asking for permission for everything she did and, although he was always telling her to relax with him, she just couldn’t shake off the habit.

“ I’d say it’s nice and I’d be proud of you, “ he replied. He knew she wanted to be independent, be her own boss instead of being bossed around. He wouldn’t try to stop her, but would support her every step of the way instead of keeping her a prisoner. “ But, I want to help you too ! Can I find a job as well ? “

She chuckled. “ You can, but you don’t have to. “

“ I will ! “ he exclaimed with an enthusiastic grin. The newly adopted puppy obviously didn’t know the perks of being employed and was looking forward to it, innocently just wanting to help out his homegiver. Though, both of them had no experience in that field ; Arin was never allowed to get a job. Daniel would always say he was in charge of the ‘ important stuff ’ - finances as the most important stuff. He’d always say she was unable to think straight when it came to money, after all she was just a girl and that wasn’t female’s job ! She’d just spend it recklessly in the things she didn’t actually need. It was just a good cover for him taking all the money she might get, be it from her parents who would occasionally send her something despite her ’ not wanting to hear about them ’ or from her friends who knew her situation and would sneak her some cash that the submissive woman couldn’t hide away from her man for too long. In the end, he was the one who spent her money recklessly on the things he didn’t actually need - alcohol for example.

“ … But, let’s think about that some other time, shall we ? “ Dennis continued, contaminating grin still gracing his features. “ I’ve heard there’s carnival in town and I was hoping you’d go with me. “

She took a moment to think about it. Did she actually want to go out, among people with him, the robot ? They hadn’t actually gotten out much together so it’d be weird - for wouldn’t people be able to tell he was a robot and they’d give them weird looks ? She was anxious about it all already and wouldn’t that just make it worse for her ?

Yet, looking at him for the past few days, she herself, the one who was already familiar with the fact, couldn’t tell he was a robot. Thus, she decided to accept. She wanted to go out and have fun for the first time in forever, going with him was merely an advantage !

“ Sure ! Sounds fun ! “ she answered simply after having taken a deep breath to actually be able to say it out loud and not appear nervous, the trait her voice still managed to showcase anyway. She thought Dennis wouldn’t notice - she hoped he wouldn’t notice - but she was wrong, he could read body language well, one of his many virtues that made him so perfect for Arin, a woman that was so used to hiding her emotions.

“ We don’t have to if you don’t want to ~ But, I’m just saying it might be fun. I promise to help you find that job after, you’ll have plenty of time to work. Besides, if you work, you won’t be able to hang out with me very often so why not use the time now ? “ he explained, using his best puppy dog eyes on her so she’d give in.

And she did, not only because of the pleading eyes - which had an effect of her too - but because that was a good point and she did want to spend as much time with him as possible while she could. She might not be able to admit it out loud, ever, but she was starting to grow attached to the robot in a way. Like she would to a puppy or to a child, but not exactly that ! She couldn’t actually explain it and maybe she didn’t need to just yet …

“ When are we going ? “ she asked, her eyes trailing around to find the clock, for she needed some time to take a shower and get ready considering how self conscious she was. She needed to look her best to go among the people after such a long time, she needed to make a good impression so she didn’t get any complexes later on.

“ Whenever you’re ready. “

She nodded in a child - like excitement and ran off into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her in the most endearing way that made Dennis chuckle.

He didn’t need any special getting ready, like every other typical real life man he could easily get dressed in a matter of a few minutes, which he did, finishing off with a few drops of cologne.

Arin was quick to get ready too. Mostly because she hadn’t done anything special to herself, for it was only a carnival and she didn’t need to look like a model ready for a runway, yet she still looked equally as mesmerizing to Dennis.

At the fair, Arin kept close to Dennis, her eyes nervously scanning around. He noticed she was feeling uneasy so he offered her his hand to hold that she, despite over thinking it, accepted in the end. His hand had a comforting effect on her and that was exactly what she needed at that moment. She did relax soon enough and even more so when she realized no one was actually noticing she was holding hands with a robot. No one was giving them dirty looks, no one was mumbling behind their backs … The atmosphere was pretty chill actually, children running around with cotton candy in their hands. In fact, they were just like a part of that crowd, just a couple that came to enjoy their afternoon on a fair.

“ Want some cotton candy ? “ Dennis asked casually, nudging her gently towards the stand with a huge line of children in front of it. It’d be a great start of their date ! She nodded. Every child she’d seen had one so she wanted one too !

Soon enough she got it, a pink one for her and blue one for him that they ended up sharing in the end ! The rest of the date went like that as well, them enjoying each other’s company and talking about the most random things.

As they were passing by a win - a - toy type of a game, Dennis gave her a small smirk. “ If I win, you’re going to the rollercoaster with me ! “

Arin ’s eyes widened. She was terrified of roller coasters ! “ No way ! I’m not going there ! “ she shook her head vigorously, making Dennis chuckle.

“ Okay then. I’ll win it for you anyway ! “ he clicked his tongue eagerly, skipping to the man in charge of the game like an excited puppy he was. Arin chuckled and followed, she wanted to see if he’d actually manage to win one. She knew those games were usually a scam set up just for the owners to earn money, but the fact Dennis wasn’t a human could possibly make it interesting - there was no set outcome !

After a few tries, though, he managed to win a medium sized teddy bear. Arin burst out laughing, cheering him on together with the man who handed her the bear. She didn’t think he’d actually make it, but it was a pleasant surprise and a very cute gesture.

“ I’ll call it Freckles, “ she hummed with a wide grin as they continued walking, the bear safe in her hold.

“ What ? “ he laughed, “ How is that even personalized in any way ? “

“ Shut up, I just like it ! “ she argued, a childish frown on her lips. “ I wonder how you’d call your own ! “

“ I don’t collect stuffed toys ! “ he laughed further, but stopped to look at her more thoroughly. She was acting funny, looking around with determined eyes, truly like a stubborn child.

“ You wanted something as a thanks for that bear right ? “

“ What ? No, I - “ he started, trying to explain it was a joke and he didn’t actually want anything back. The roller coaster idea wasn’t even serious ! He’d done it to be cute and cheesy, although he’d never admit it.

“ Hold Freckles, I’ll win you one too ! “ she said as she shoved the teddy bear into his arms and pulled him towards a prize machine with different farm animals as the prize. She put in a token and tried to grab a cow, but failed. And even a few more tries she just couldn’t win a prize for him ! But, she was determined, she couldn’t just give up.

“ You can stop now, you know, “ he chuckled, “ You’ve proven your point ! “

“ Shut up, “ he mumbled and put in her second from the last token, but this time aimed for a pig that was much closer and was a much better target. That one she managed to win ; she actually wondered why hadn’t she gone for it from the very beginning !

Both of them burst out cheering as the pig rolled out of the machine. Arin took the pig and handed it to him, exchanging their stuffed toys again, Arin holding her Freckles and Dennis his pig.

“ Now name it ! “ she ordered with a small smirk, leaving Dennis dumbfounded. He’d never actually named a stuffed toy. He’d never actually had his own stuffed toy ! She noticed he’d gone silent, she’d probably caught him off guard so she’d try to fix it. She pinched his cheek gently as she teased : “ I suggest Dennis ! “

He chuckled, but pouted playfully. “ You seriously consider me a pig ? “

She nodded playfully, a teasing grin pointing out she was joking. “ We’ve eaten cotton candy already and now we’re going to eat some junk food. So pig like ! “

“ Huh ? “ he furrowed his brows. He couldn’t process where did she get that from.

“ I have one token left and what’s better way to use it than on food ? Unless you don’t want to, in which case I’ll eat everything myself ! “ she mused slyly with a small shrug, twirling the token in her hand to try and tempt him.

“ I bet you can’t eat the whole mega - sized fries ! “

“ Oh it’s on ! “

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