Ganersam Volume 1

Chapter 3

The guild lady led us to the back area of the guild.

“You wanted to be an adventurer, right? Any particular job or role you prefer?”

The guild lady asked me as she led us back.

“Does mages exist?”

“Yes, they did. You’re interested in that?”

“They’re the ranged magic users, right?”

“Yes, you are correct.”

“I’ll go with that then.”

I prefer to stay away from battles. That’s the way I’ve been playing games. Even back on earth I always preferred magic users compared to swords and the like. They allow me to stay at a safe distance.

They tend to have a low defense rating, though, so I need to be careful against enemies with ranged attacks. It depends on the game, but sometimes magic can’t deal as much damage as a physical weapons either.

Besides, I could learn to use swords back on Earth. This world, on the other hand, had magic, so I will try magic.

“Is it possible to change roles after I progressed?”

I asked, just to make sure I have an option. Some games don’t provide this option, so your only way out is a reset.

“Of course, all you need to do is learn the new skill.”

The lady replied. She then knocked on a door before entering a small room and calling to one of the people chilling inside. A young man soon came out.

“Amnesia Clansmen?”

He asked the lady.

“Only one though, the girl isn’t one.”

The lady whispered to the man, trying to cover up her words. Some of it spilled out though, and we could hear it. The man looked at us and nodded.

“It’s fine. Magic is for everyone, even non-Amnesia Clansmen.”


That’s a lot of damage.

But why did they assume Emma isn’t one just from her stats? Were stats the only thing that matters when classifying someone as an Amnesia Clansmen?

The young man then approached us.

“Magic users, eh? Great choice. Follow me.”

We followed the young man outside through the rear door.

“I hope you don’t mind a bit of walking.”

“No, we don’t. Do you mind if I ask about our destination?”

“The forest just outside the western walls. It’s where we teach magic.”

“I see.”

We walk through different parts of the city. While we were walking, our teacher suddenly stopped and waved at an oncoming carriage.

For some reason, this carriage did not have horses, and it resembles early motor cars.

It’s probably magic doing its things, although the carriage does let out strange engine-like noises.

Our teacher approached the driver, and after having a quick talk, signaled us to come onboard. The carriage drove us through the city.

“While we’re on our way, let me teach you the basics. In order to learn a spell, all you need to do is pay attention to another person using the spell. Unlike other weapons like swords and polearms where you need to learn its movements and techniques manually, you’ll automatically be able to control magic. You must upgrade the spells after learning them, though, or else you won’t be able to deal damage. You just need to be careful and make sure you don’t run out of energy.”

The man said as we drove toward the walls. He paused for a while, before letting out a chuckle.

“Oh, what am I talking about? You Amnesia Clansmen always had the upper hand when you learned magic. You people could even skip low-level magic no problem.”


“Magic is divided into several different levels based on the damage they dealt. Low-level magic is basic magic that people with low levels could learn. You have high stats, though. Those high stats would allow you to ignore your low level, and allow you to learn medium-level directly.”

“So medium-level deals more damage?”

“Yes. Low-level magic most of the time doesn’t deal any damage at all, so I suggest you learn medium-level directly. It still could be useful in some situations, though, so it’s not a bad idea learning them later.”

“Sounds good.”

We continued our way to the nearby forest.

“Here we are, this is the training ground. Oh, look! That’s a random wolf. It would be a shame if something happened to it, Lightning Cut!”

With those quick words, a flash of lightning pierced through its target. The surprised wolf attempts to dodge, but it was far too late. The strong lightning slices the wolf into two, and it now rests silently on the ground.

“Now you try. Use Lightning Cut on that other wolf over there.”

He pointed towards a shaking wolf in the distance. The wolf took a step back fearing its life, although, for some reason, it didn’t run away.

I put my right hand in the front, aiming toward the wolf. I take in a breath, and let it out.

Concentrating, I let out those words.

“Lightning Cut!”

I could feel something flowing inside my body. It’s probably my mana, or whatever it’s called in this world. I felt a slightly hot feeling on my palm, and lightning came out from it.

The wolf attempted to dodge, which it succeeded, and it fled into the forest. Why would it wait for me to fire my spell though?

“Lightning Cut!”

I attempted to strike it again, which it once again dodged. The wolf disappeared into the forest, howling on its way.

“That wolf is smart.”

Our teacher gave his comments.


“Yes. It knows you would lose concentration on your second spell, so it waited to dodge your first one before running off.”

I guess that’s true. I feel less accurate on my second spell compared to the first one. Dodging the spell is a risky move, but since you still face the direction of the user, it’s probably safer compared to running away.

“Don’t worry about it, though. You’ll eventually get the hang of it.”

We then continued our training. Our teacher taught us several different spells.

He said that normally new adventurers will learn together, but for us mysterious and powerful Amnesia Clansmen, we get a special private class.

Turns out my high stats aren’t exactly special compared to those Earthlings who came before me.

Looking at the monsters that were spawning around us, I’m glad I chose my role. They may not be too dangerous, but they looked a bit scary.

“Lightning Cut!”

I continue practicing the spell our teacher told me. This time, it’s a cow that got sliced up by my lightning.

“As expected from the mysterious Amnesia Clan, your performance is exceptional. You dealt quite the amount of damage, despite not upgrading your spells yet.”

Seriously though, who names the things around here? Can’t you pick a cooler clan name?

“Anyway, that’s it for today. You could use the inn in the guild, the first week is free... Should I prepare two rooms?”

Seemingly forgotten about Emma, our teacher immediately offers an extra room. Emma stood up from the rock she was sitting on and forced a smile on her face.

“There’s no need. I’ve been with Willy before.”

I’m pretty sure she meant been around William.

So I don’t think you’re supposed to say it that way.

Besides, we’ve only been together for roughly a day.

Also, since when had she started calling me Willy?

“I see. Very well then, let’s head back.”

We walked back to Alpha. Based on what the teacher told us, Alpha is the farthest city from The Hell’s Gate, the place where the demons are invading. There are other nations south of Alpha, but other than small-scale defense forces, they don’t have their own military and relied on this country for the war against the demons.

Alpha then becomes the city where they train new knights and adventurers. It’s like a zoo, but instead of breeding animals to protect them or for education purposes, Alpha breeds monsters to be killed by adventurers, in order to help raise their levels.

After getting stronger, said knights will go to the north to fight the demons, while adventurers get to choose what they would do. Some of them ended up fighting the demons anyway because of the high pay.

“Can I ask something?”

I whispered to Emma.


Her excited voice is completely gone. She’s probably bored from not being able to participate in the action.

“Why are your stats that terrible?”

“Hey! Are you mocking me!?”

I held her outstretched hand as she was getting ready to smack me.

“No, no! I don’t mean it that way!”

She let out a sigh before continuing.

“I’m an angel, specifically a guide angel. My job is to guide souls to the afterlife. I always had terrible stats, that’s why I’m a guide angel in the first place.”

So it’s not from her being limited as a human?

She stared into the sky.

“I’m never allowed to fight in wars. Life is boring in that room. I thought going down here would change that. I sure am naive.”

She let out a small depressing chuckle.

I really didn’t expect that turn of events. We walked back to the city in silence.

“Rest easy you two, tomorrow we’ll go out on a trial mission, so make sure to prepare for tomorrow.”

“Yes, thank you, Sir. Good afternoon.”

After parting ways with our teacher, we went up to the third floor. We were lent a larger room since there were two of us. We still share the same bed though. The room is pretty decent, it even had its own personal shower.

“It’s interesting seeing how magic is used in daily life.”

I said as I take a look at the shower.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not magic.”


I looked at Emma who shrugged her shoulders.

“Now that I think about it, are you sure it’s fine to sleep in the same room with a young man?”

I asked as I lazily lay on the bed.

“I do background studies before sending people off, so I concluded that you wouldn’t have the wits to do anything weird.”

The way she said it with such a monotone voice hurts me, although it doesn’t feel like she was teasing me. But she was right though, despite often joking about it, I probably wouldn’t touch a girl, even if there’s a chance.

On a side note, she was nothing like the cheerful angel she was when we first met.

She seemed to be the type that has easy mood swings. I need to be careful around her, as I don’t want to mess with the Gods for angering one of their angels.

Without hesitation, Emma dropped onto the bed beside me.

“Just saying, despite I trust you won’t do anything to me, I still have defense mechanisms active against harassments, so don’t you dare do any weird things to me.”

“Nah, don’t worry, I won’t do anything.”

I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if I did touch her, though.

I shook my head, trying to throw those thoughts away. It’s not like I wanted to speedrun going to hell.

I took a little glance at her. Her back is facing me, but she still seemed beautiful even from behind. Questions pop up in my head, regarding who she really was.

‘She’s an angel...’

I thought to myself. How did I end up here? Is this all just a dream?

I spent an entire day here with her, but it doesn’t feel real. Is this really another world, or is it all just a long, happy dream?

I thought those questions won’t get me anywhere, so I decided to just go and sleep.

I glanced one more time at her.

“Well, as a young male I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to do anything...”

I jokingly said.

“Oh, so you’ve chosen hell.”

“I’m sorry.”

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